39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for flamer_x86

I'm newbie in MSSQL, I would like to ask what web server should i use? Should i install IIS in my PC? I appreciate your suggestions... Thanks.. Mar....

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Member Avatar for ayooshkasmth

Hi, I am trying to print different messages based on what is selected. The selections are stored in a database as $perm, and the options are low, intermediate and high. I am using switch, however i only get the first case printed: [CODE] $low = "Low"; $int = "Intermediate"; $high …

Member Avatar for ayooshkasmth
Member Avatar for Dante2

Hi I have some homework that I need to get done here. Our instructions are to manipulate an array and add, replace, sort, and change an array as asked. I have gotten pretty much everything done up the the point where my teacher wants me to ADD a Finch to …

Member Avatar for Dante2
Member Avatar for AlmostRambo

I've been looking at this too long and just cannot figure out what's wrong here :( [code] <?php $config['name'] = 'admin'; $config['password'] = 'xxxxxxxx'; $config['email'] = 'admin@rltz.com'; $config['db_user'] = 'ephrils'; $config['db_pass'] = 'xxxxxxxx'; $config['db_data'] = 'addv2'; $config['db_host'] = 'addv22.rltz.com'; $con = mysql_connect('addv22.rltz.com','ephrils','xxxxxxxx'); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . …

Member Avatar for Arrorn
Member Avatar for drostydw

Hey y'all. I hope someone can shed some light on what I am needing to do. Just a little guidance should be good... What I have is an app where an employee slides their id badge and a form captures the long string of data from the magnetic strip on …

Member Avatar for drostydw
Member Avatar for Meg_Spence

<?php echo "<table>"<table cellpadding='4' cellspacing='3' border='1'>; $query = mysql_query("SELECT orderID, entrytime, advertiser, contactname, contactemail, billingadress, billingcity, billingstate, billingzip, accountexecutive, aeemail, aextphone, accountnumber, contactphone, contactfax, nrirep, nriemail, clientwebsite, clickthroughurl, adelements, campaignreports, additionalinfo, assignedto, workpath, status, submittedby, rev, lastupdate, approved FROM Mickeymouse"); while(list($orderID, $entrytime, $advertiser, $contactname, $contactemail, $billingadress, $billingcity, $billingstate, $billingzip, $accountexecutive, …

Member Avatar for nevvermind
Member Avatar for Jothe

any one with an idea of how to embed a player such as VLC on my page. or else how can people play music that is within my server..any resources such as sites or books on how to do this will be highly appreciated..

Member Avatar for Daiva
Member Avatar for ello

Hey guys, Just wondered if someone could tell me how to make this echoed DIV dissapear. Here's my code with an explination: [CODE] <?php session_start(); if (isset($_GET['beginCount'])) { $_SESSION['countView'] = true; } if ($_SESSION['countView']) { $_SESSION['count']++; } if (($_SESSION['count'] % 5 == 0) && ($_SESSION['countView'])) { echo '<a href="http://google.com" title="x" …

Member Avatar for ello
Member Avatar for syd919

Hello I am trying to learn php, I have been looking up information on google, I understand a few things but i need help, I want to get input form an html form and save it to a text file here a snippet of some code I have tried: [code=php]<!DOCTYPE …

Member Avatar for Nyight
Member Avatar for chuckwilliams11

Hi any help would be great... I am moving one site from one host to another and on the current host not getting any errors:...on the new host constantly getting....in_array(): Wrong datatype for second argument in here is the code that is coming up with an error and the full …

Member Avatar for Nyight
Member Avatar for InfernalEternal

Hi there. I have a page that lists the records of a table. On this page I want to be able to edit/update two attributes of these records by using checkboxes - e.g., being able to update multiple records at once. I thought the smartest way to achieve this would …

Member Avatar for Nyight
Member Avatar for mpc123

Hi , hope you can help i have this code [code=php] <?php mysql_connect("localhost","x","x"); mysql_select_db("x"); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM x") or die(mysql_error()); echo "<table class = feature >"; echo "<tr> <th></th> <th></th> <th></th> </tr>"; while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $result )) { echo "<tr><td>"; echo $row['Date']; echo "</td><td>"; echo $row['Title']; echo "</td><td>"; …

Member Avatar for mpc123
Member Avatar for andydeans

hi, i get this error on one of my pages, however if i move the session start code to check if user is logged in down a few lines below some query code for searching the site it works fine. why would moving the session start down a bit on …

Member Avatar for andydeans
Member Avatar for Charles1718

Hi, i'm new about PHP, and i try to insert the PHP Upload script in the php mail, but somehow i don't get it to work! :) [B]this actually goes to header:[/B] [CODE]<?php if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $errors = array(); $allowed_filetypes = array('.pdf','.zip','.rar'); $max_filesize = 52428800; $upload_path = './uploads_SS/'; $filename = $_FILES['userfile']['name']; …

Member Avatar for abogadooo
Member Avatar for amras123

[CODE]<?php $online = @fsockopen("", 28000, $errno, $errstr, 1); if($online >= 1) { echo '<b><font color=#00FF00>Online</font></b>'; } else { echo '<b><font color=#FF0000>Offline</font></b>'; } ?></li> <br><li>Login Server: <?php $online = @fsockopen("", 23000, $errno, $errstr, 1); if($online >= 1) { echo '<b><font color=#00FF00>Online</font></b>'; } else { echo '<b><font color=#FF0000>Offline</font></b>'; } ?></li> <br><li>World Server: …

Member Avatar for mbano

i have a simple system,when i logout the system logout but the problem is, when i click back, it turn to main page. please guys help

Member Avatar for EvolutionFallen
Member Avatar for Cool&Awesome

Hi Everyone!:) Searched net up'n down and also related threads but can't figure this one. I have this: RewriteRule ^(\w+)$ index.php?pageid=$1[icode] for the purpose of pretty urls. Now, as long as pageid is a single word, everything's nice, but if there are dashes (kinda-like-this) it simply doesn't work, that is, …

Member Avatar for Cool&Awesome
Member Avatar for Arsench

Hi all, I have a table curs_period where inserting some data to send them via email, this table contains data for 1st email [CODE] Id = Auto increment Name = Madrid Period = 01/11 to 01/12 [/CODE] Then I have another data for 2nd email [CODE] Id = Auto increment …

Member Avatar for Arsench
Member Avatar for bjeffries

Which is the smarter way to do things.. Should I create a thumbnail script that resizes and crops the images so they are uniform when I create and upload a gallery? Or Should I run a script when the page loads that resizes and crops the images so they are …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for shivarkishna
Member Avatar for geo007

hi, i am a teacher. i have a list of students in my MySQL table. How to retrieve their names one by one, and while doing that there will be a text box to put their marks in.

Member Avatar for Nyight
Member Avatar for arthurav

I have a table with content fetched from a html table. I have a modify and delete column. In the modify column I have submit forms which send as hidden input the id of the column. In the delete column I want to have checkboxes that will be linked to …

Member Avatar for arthurav
Member Avatar for nyler01

I need a php script to count the values in ms access database and show them in webpage. The reason is i need to collect the inputted strings in the table so i can count which same text has more search.. please help..

Member Avatar for Kadafiz

heyy... i need to knw how to update many values from one submit. problem is i have 10 fields and every text field has same table field value.assume that my 10 fields have 10 quantity values. i need to update quantity field by all 10 fields. like this ; 10 …

Member Avatar for Huakalero
Member Avatar for ayooshkasmth

Hi, I have a parent and child form, with the child form connected to the parent form by the parent_id. The forms are on different pages, and i am trying to pass the id of the parent form to the child form using session variables. What ive done (with no …

Member Avatar for ayooshkasmth
Member Avatar for 68thorby68

Hi, I have developed a site that allows users to post details for others to view. Within this I have built a secure login process that uses cookies to help the user around the site. However, when using sites like facebook, I notice that I receive emails with links that …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for rsmahaa

If any one convert this code to ASP i ll be very thankfull. bec i donnt know ASP [CODE]<?php session_start(); include("config.php"); $trackid=$_POST['f']; // Find Path of Track $s1="select download_path from trackinfo where trackid='$trackid'"; $r1=mysql_query($s1) or die(mysql_error()); while($array=mysql_fetch_array($r1)) { $path=$array['download_path']; } $ship=$_POST['f1']; // Allow direct file download (hotlinking)? // Empty - …

Member Avatar for a5a2
Member Avatar for pietpiraat

Hello everyone, i have a problem with calculating my ending time in php, here is the situation: i get five values, [LIST] [*]$startdate [*]$startmin [*]$starthour [*]$minute [*]$hour [/LIST] where $minute and $hour are the event duration times, now what i am trying to achieve is with these values set, i …

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Member Avatar for whitestream6

I have two databases, tvguide and episodes1. Both are InnoDB, and I use Phpmyadmin to edit them. I tried creating a foreign key between the "episode" field of episodes1 and tvguide, and this error message came up: Error creating foreign key (check data types) : episode How can I fix …

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Member Avatar for ello

Hey guys, wondering if you could help me with these two bits of code. What I'm trying to do is count how many clicks a link has been clicked, then when it has been clicked x amount of times, it echos 'test' Now the code below does that, but I've …

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The End.