39,388 Topics
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Iam new in this web development.Please,suggest me a best book for php. | |
Hi all, I need a big help..I was struggling about 3 /more days with this code..It is not giving me the result I want.It is not that difficult thing.What I want is to display the values in database(name,description,image) according to the id selected. And then it can be edited if … | |
I am absolutely newbie to Ajax and I need to have this fixed by tomorrow as I have a project to complete so anyone who could help me, I would be really greatful! This is what I have cooked up so far index.php [code=php]<html> <body> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- //Browser … | |
hi all, i am planning to keep live support for my website for that i had some code..it works fine but the problem is the chat is not confidential.. means if i am admin and if some one is chatting with me and if another person clicks on live help … | |
Hi all.. I'm trying to do a pagination using simple php script... I set the maximum post to be displayed to be 5.. but my problem is, each post that being displayed,has skipped 1 post before it.. For example,let say that i got 5 post in total,instead of displaying post … | |
Can anybody suggest me what is wrong in this code. I am trying to populate data from table to list field. Its showing error "Parse error: parse error in C:\wamp\www\matr\index.php " [CODE] </div><div style="padding: 3px 0px;"> <select name="countryofresidence" style="width: 140px;"><option value="">Doesn't Matter</option> <?PHP $sqlCountry = "SELECT * FROM countries order … | |
This will count number of page views in a session. Simple, to add on the page just add the code on the top of the page and make sure it is before any html. | |
Hi ... I'm trying to make a drop down list box populated from a mysql table. It all looks OK on the screen, but there is an error that I cant seem to fix. The error is: Notice: Undefined index: xxx in C:\Documents and Settings\GSW\My Documents\xxx\test.php on line 29 and … | |
Hey guys, can anyone point out where I'm going wrong with this? It counts the sessions fine, but the IF statement doesn't seem to be working as it should. [CODE] <?php session_start(); ($_SESSION['count']) ? $_SESSION['count']++ : $_SESSION['count'] = 1; if (!(count) % 5) { echo "test"; } ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML … | |
Hi, I have a PHP script that generates an image based on a font and text string to display custom fonts on my site. Overall the code works fine but there are a few little bugs; The image is clearly not high enough to display the full font correctly, part … | |
[CODE]Array ( [idx] => 1 [0] => Array ( [quantity] => 1 [product_id] => 2 [parent_id] => 2 [category_id] => 1 [description] => Adult:0; Senior:1; Child:2 ) )[/CODE] how can display "description" | |
Hi everyone, please help me out on this if you can. I have a site where a user can select multiple checkbox values, banana, apple, orange, strawberry and raspberry. I would like the name of the Juice to be displayed if the fruit is contained in it. For example..if strawberry … | |
I'm new to Classes. For a project to improve my skills I'm stuck. This project is a registration in which: [LIST=1] [*]form data is validated [*]some variable from the form are encrypted [*]some variables from the form are hashed [/LIST] It is getting the Class for hashing to load and … | |
hi ,,, i am using fckeditor filemangar to ckeditor for uploading image file. it's working fine for me... i search in google for this but not understand.... my problem is that when i using my own path in \ckeditor\filemanager\connectors\php\confi.php it's not working... any help appre..... thnx | |
This is the part which searches and add the result to the 'pass' variable. At one stage I was getting a resource id number and found to get around that, but when I do this I get nothing on the pass variable [code] $result = mysql_query("SELECT `Pass` FROM `wiki` WHERE … | |
Hi, I have a $.ajax call in my jquery function. I want to access the value returned from the server(php) to be accessed in jquery function. Hoe to do this?? [code] setTimeout(function(){ $.ajax({ url: 'ajax-validation.php', data: 'email=' + $('#email').val(), dataType:'text', type: 'post', success: function (resp) { if(resp=="Email is available")/*This does … | |
Ok so I am able to create a user login system with data such as user ID, Username and a password. Here's the scenario - I add a field into the SQL table called 'Firstname' How do I retrieve the 'Firstname' of every user which relates to their user ID … ![]() | |
Hello, I'm following this script [url]http://evolt.org/PHP-Login-System-with-Admin-Features?from=2450&comments_per_page=50[/url] and it uses username to sign up. I was wondering if anyone can help me out in figuring out what to change in order for the user to input the username to email sign in. I know how to change the main.php where you … | |
Hello, I am trying to Build a Form where the use clicks on check boxes and radio buttons. I want each to have a cash value to them and calculate the final price once the User clicks submit. I've read around the web and have tried changing the value in … | |
Good day! Can I run PHP(in WAMP) scripts without internet connection? Replies are really appreciated. | |
I've been trying to use the Eclipse IDE for php codes. I thought all I had to was to install some plug-in for it and that'll do. But it seems every time I need support for some new language I need to download a full >60MB Package for it. Is … | |
Hi, How To change My Url to user friendly using php and mysql ! any Example : i have this url for show user profile: view source print? 1 [url]http://mydomain.com/showuser.php?id=30[/url] //<- this link show user with id 30 change to friendly Url : view source print? 1 [url]http://mydomain.com/user/john[/url] //<- this … | |
Hi guys, My first post here after reading some very helpful responses over the last few months. I'm having trouble passing radio button values to a results page and wondered if anyone would be able to spot anything wrong with the following code? Any ideas are very much appreciated as … | |
Hey again! :D I'm just wanting to know how I can stop other people included any type of file that's on my domain? All the php include files I use shall be CHMOD'd to 644 and/or 604 depending on the file, but I'm wanting to know how I can perhaps … | |
Hi, I am having a pretty difficult time getting files to upload to my server that have a Single Quote in the file name. Example: myfile's.pdf I need to strip the file name of the quote before it uploads to the server. I currently am using SWFUpload and this is … | |
A week ago phpmyadmin was working fine but now whenever I try and access phpmyadmin, (in xampp localhost) it displays 2 error messages and nothing more. They are as follows: [CODE]phpMyAdmin tried to connect to the MySQL server, and the server rejected the connection. You should check the host, username … | |
[CODE] <?php $x=$_POST[T1]; .... .... .... ?> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function submitform() { document.comm.submit(); } </script> </head> <form method="POST" action="" name="comm"> <p><input type="text" name="T1" size="20"> <a href="javascript: submitform()"> Submit</a></p> </form>[/CODE] What i need is on clicking the submit link, the current popup or page should be closed. But it must … | |
I haven't found this in my search, but it is not something that is easily defined ...also I am not sure whether this is PHP or more Javascript, so my apologies if I have posted in the wrong place. Anyway, I have this PHP form: [code] <?php $app = $this->globals('khxc_display.app'); … | |
Title should be 'PHP not working in Opera' Hey guys, I have some code which validates fine with the w3c validator, but still refuses to work in opera... Wondered if anyone could maybe tell wny this code works in every browser but opera? I'm stumped. [CODE] <?php if($_GET['act'] == "generate_quotes") … | |
I am frustrated to no end. I absolutely cannot find the solution to paginating a search result that pulls info from two tables. Everything seems fine at the start. I get a page with the correct number of results (2) and the correct number of page links on the bottom … |
The End.