39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for joseph.akinadewo

Can someone help me with this php script for form processing. I use the script for processing my contact form, but I could not received a reply from my contacts. instead whosever contact me, the system returns back to me the followings thereby making it impossible for me to actually …

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Member Avatar for jessa_lee

I've got a basic subscription list signup for a website, and a basic form to input the text for sending an email to the subscribers... but I need to know what steps I need to take to create an HTML email, place a different main topic in the newsletter each …

Member Avatar for smartedesigners
Member Avatar for gws75

Hi, I am using openinviter for email contacts importer for my own cms local & online, & on loging in openinviter with few of email id's of some domains it login successfully. But for few other valid email id's & passwords, login always failed with msg "Login failed. Please check …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for jilkin

PHP how do I - in a password protected dir stop anyone typeing anything after the "/" or if they try to change the address at all they will simply be directed to the login page with message? Hope somone can help am stuck.

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Member Avatar for subratabanerjee

My concept is to load contents of a div on other div in html. In short I want to learn how the new Facebook inbox works, when we click on a message on the right, the contents and fetched from the database and loaded in the center column. I know …

Member Avatar for subratabanerjee
Member Avatar for phphelp123

<?php $host="localhost"; // Host name $db_username="root"; // Mysql username $db_password=""; // Mysql password $db_name="shop"; // Database name $tbl_name="users"; // Table name // Connect to server and select databse. mysql_connect("$host", "$db_username", "$db_password")or die("cannot connect"); mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("cannot select DB"); // username and password sent from form $username=@$_POST['username']; $psswd=@$_POST['password']; $password = md5(trim($psswd)); // …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for 68thorby68

I have been reading lots about the use of cookies and session id's but keep thinking i'm missing something. I currently set cookies when users login and add things like the users database id or email so I can retrieve their details when needed, and for forms, but I don't …

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Member Avatar for dbalas

Hi! I have a problem with .pdf upload size... In input form i have set it like so: <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="1000000000"> in php.ini ; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files. upload_max_filesize = 150M but i can not upload the file of 1MB... I have looked at my error log …

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Member Avatar for dbalas

Hi! I have a problem... I need to make simple upload script which for me as a novice php programmer isnt so simple aat aall! So if someone could point me to a good tutorial or solve my problem, it would be great! Ok, this is what i have now. …

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Member Avatar for Riu 2009

hi everyone :) i have two tables (learningmaterial & evaluations) in mysql DB and i want to display all the learning material (from learningmaterial table ) and evaluations (if any) from evaluations table.. here is my code and i just want to ask how will i insert another select query …

Member Avatar for Riu 2009
Member Avatar for molla.getachew

Hi, I have file into which I am getting feedbacks from users. But when the file is open, users can not give feedback because it does not write into it. Worse of all, Plus it gives Warning erros on users browser. So the code has to check if the file …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for vizz

How to add **Facebook like button** , **twitter share button** and **google plus button** on website?

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Member Avatar for vizz

How to get computer name and computer username using php? Computer name and server name are same or they are different?

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Member Avatar for missy_mi

HI, i am new at this programming stuff. so, i really dont know much about programming especially when it come to converting pages to pdf. so, i need to understand one thing, this..fpdf,mpdf,wkhtmltopdf and others..do they convert php page..because they said "convert HTML to PDF"..so i am confuse..i did try …

Member Avatar for missy_mi
Member Avatar for ditty

Can anybody help me to get the code for google check out payment confirmation. After the payment using google checkout i want to update the order details with the payment status. may i know the post values to the website

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for abhi10kumar

How I can create Pop-up Login window on a particular page. If user login successfully, the back page will refresh.

Member Avatar for jalpesh_007
Member Avatar for Tristan2036

This is for an ecommerce site. This is supposed to display a complete list of categories with their ids next to it. The names should be like this Animals : Pet Supplies : Dog Supplies : Dog Bowls, Feeders & Waterers 41 The problem is that each parent category with …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for vishalonne

Hi I just wan to to pass the value of Input Type File html tag to a 2nd PHP page where I will insert the image in mysql but I am always getting a notice and isset() is not getting the $_FILE('IMAGE'). Here is the notice - `Notice: Undefined index: …

Member Avatar for vishalonne
Member Avatar for np complete

As C++ has nice read me's like, `C / C++ FAQ's and Practice problems`, `C++ Books`, `"Flushing" the input stream` , how about some read mes's in PHP forum. Its a widely used language like C++, so it would be nice to have some read me's. What do others think …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for MB.ShadowFox

Hi all, I'm pretty new here but I do have "some" knowledge of sql and PhP, I'll start by telling you what I have and then ask what I need. What I have: I have a database which holds multiple tables, the one in question is called storage.sql The table …

Member Avatar for MB.ShadowFox
Member Avatar for cigoL..:)

Hi guys! I'm currently making an integration of 2 different web apps. I would to ask if is it possible to restrict adding duplicate data in your table. for Example i have two different tables from two different databases. App1_Invoice (from Web App 1 database) e.g. transno name amount App2_Invoice …

Member Avatar for cigoL..:)
Member Avatar for hueylouis

Can anyone assist me. I keep getting and error stating that the Column count doesnt match row 1. I have counted all of my fields and referenced all of them but still no dice. $con=mysql_connect($host, $username, $pass); if(!$con) { die("Could Not Connect: ".mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db($db); $CustLName=$_POST['CustLName']; $CustFName=$_POST['CustFName']; $CBR=$_POST['CBR']; $AcctNum=$_POST['AcctNum']; $CustCode=$_POST['CustCode']; …

Member Avatar for doubleN
Member Avatar for PwNmeNami

Error Preview : http://botiman.phc.my/komen.php Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: Couldn't connect to server in /home/u763744738/public_html/komen.php on line 163 Warning: file_get_contents(https://api.facebook.com/method/stream.addComment?post_id=100000744171962_491171407584327&comment=apapun+statusnya%3F+jempol+iwan+slalu+mampir+di+status+Awang+Ashraf%0A%0A%5B+Jam+%3A+6%3A24+pm+%5D%5B+Minggu+%5D%5B+Tgl+%3A+4%2F11%2F2012+%5D&access_token=AAAFppwP1iJYBAKZAmaHhSyydzDuZBh7B00nIO6YxfrwnutzQycNdso1lnW2raRcGR5c8iDc2hNNZCgssXJ8d6lYPWfjFOAnB62VzGk5MNnoLtmXXzvr) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: operation failed in /home/u763744738/public_html/komen.php on line 163 Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: Couldn't connect to server in /home/u763744738/public_html/komen.php on line 163 Source Code Is <?php ##############config#################### $bot['like'] = true; …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for scholarwithfire

Hello guys, im writing a calendar booking system and i want to populate a combobox where it will only show the time that has not been reserved based on the data inside database. The problem is, i'm using javascript to return the date when user clicked on the calendar and …

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Member Avatar for Khav

Hello guys , I am getting crazy with this html thing , i just don't know why its not working as expected. Basically i need to display php variable in html Let see the code.... Suppose i have this <?php for($x = 0;$x <count($_FILES['image']['name']);$x++) { $url = something; } //The …

Member Avatar for adam.adamski.96155
Member Avatar for tapuwa2002

How do you ping an ip addresses in php. and give the the results as if you are on cmd program in windows <?php system(‘ping -c’); // Ping IP address. echo “pinged”; ?>

Member Avatar for Lucaci Andrew
Member Avatar for andyy121

i have wrote some html and php my form doesnt work so fine i cant find my error if somebody doesnt mind here is the code.

Member Avatar for ehpratah
Member Avatar for Albert Pinto

Hi People, got a small issue. I have 3 select boxes, I mean dropdown list country dropdown list... then a state and then a town... I'm fetching data from database and loading it in the first dropdown list (country) On change of country, states get loaded and on change of …

Member Avatar for Albert Pinto
Member Avatar for vizz

For following code I am receiving error, **Notice: Undefined index: page** Code is running perfectly but there is only one error of notice. I have marked line as *//this is error part* for which I am getting error (line number 19 or 20) <?php /*Place code to connect to your …

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Member Avatar for Djmann1013

This is the code I am having trouble with: <?php mysql_connect('localhost', 'username', 'password') or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db('database') or die(mysql_error()); $posts = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `wp_DevBlogposts` ORDER BY `wp_DevBlogposts`.`post_date` DESC LIMIT 2") or die(mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($posts)){ $post_name = $row['post_title']; // Post Name/Title $post_content = $row['post_content']; // Post Content $url = $row['guid']; …

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The End.