39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for ilyas_varol

Hi, I want to create a php code to see that on screen but there is a problem about `:` how can I characterize it on php code? Thanks

Member Avatar for Justin81

All, I've recently installed Apache version 2.2, MySql version 5.1, and PHP version 5.2.13 and am using Windows as my OS. I've gotten PHP to work on the Apache server, and MySql is working properly on its own. However, when I try to connect to a mysql database, I get …

Member Avatar for Justin81
Member Avatar for aosoro

Hi I am trying to print out the output from linux command in php. from the command line i am able to view the output, but when i run it from a browser there is no out put. anyone who can assist? [CODE] $ex1="ssh myname@server tail -10 /mnt/data/stat/status-rx.log"; $output1=`$ex1`; echo …

Member Avatar for omol
Member Avatar for gunbuster363

This page use javascript to be the login button, I don't know how to deal with it. <ul class="list all"><li class="item item-1 item-odd"><a class="thumbnail" href="http://www.xanga.com" title="Xanga.com - The Blogging Community"><img src="http://s.xanga.com/images/mainlogo.gif" alt="Xanga.com - The Blogging Community" /></a><div class="details"><div class="itembody"><a href="http://www.xanga.com/register.aspx"><strong>What is Xanga?</strong> Xanga is a community where you can start …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for Kadafiz

[CODE] <select name="item2" id="item2" onchange="getPrice(this.id)" /> <option value="">Select medicine</option> <?php $sql = "SELECT ItemID, ItemName, Price FROM itemavail ORDER BY ItemName"; $rs = mysql_query($sql); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($rs)) { echo "<option value=\"".$row['Price']."\">".$row['ItemName']."</option> \n "; } ?> </select>[/CODE] this is selection menu to get item name. Here i need to get Item …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for racertim

I have thousands of pieces of HTML code that I want to take a screen shot of and save as an image. I'm no programming genius, but I think I can make this happen. I have a dedicated Linux server running Ubuntu with PHP5. I've found tons of links about …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for ianmcd78

Hi, I currently have a 1 page site where i am trying to store a session variable and then call it into various other pages that are included when different links are chosen. I currently have the code passing the variable to the first included page but it does not …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for rahulrulez

Hey guys.. I'm doing my engineering and this time, I've to develop a website as a mini project. I'm thinking to build a project on Image and File hosting and sharing system using PHP and MySQL. What basic things do I need to learn and can I get any 'sample' …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for idane

One of my pages has a big table that displays info from a database but the data runs down the page so if i were to view data at the bottom i would have to scroll down then I wouldn't be able to see the titles of the data from …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for start_game316

Here is the problem. I have an HTML page that includes some javascripts. These scripts modify the HTML contents. Some PHP scripts are already in the same file. I want to pass some variables from Javascript to PHP script. If I use get or post, all changes made by javascript …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for Muazam
Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for IT LIMITS

Please help I want to submit my contact form to my email. This is my project and I have to submit it today Here is the code that I used for ****HTML file**** <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <html> <head> <title>Salus Management Consultants</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for phaedrusGhost

Hi all, In a secured php document I have a file uploader that was only for PDFs but they want xlsx, xls, ,docx, txt, rtf and ppt file extensions. To filter the files coming in I have this: [code] $allowedExtensions = array("txt","csv","htm","html","xml", "css","doc","xls","rtf","ppt","pdf","xlsx","docx"); foreach ($_FILES as $file) { if ($file['tmp_name'] …

Member Avatar for phaedrusGhost
Member Avatar for bwallace

I've had this problem before but have forgotten what caused it. I have field on my site that lets visitors sign up for our mailing list. After they enter their email address, they receive a confirmation email (to which they have to respond to be added) and I get an …

Member Avatar for Wraithmanilian
Member Avatar for justinmyoung

Hi, I'm trying to add pagination to the Wordpress plugin, FV Community News. You can see it functioning (without pagination and in its early stages - released it yesterday) here - [URL="http://www.siiimple.com/news"]http://www.siiimple.com/news[/URL]. I looked back in the php that would likely involve alterations, and here is the section I believe …

Member Avatar for coolizard
Member Avatar for DILO3D

hi i have to do the following work.can anyone help me??? In PHP i have to get some links from user and i have to open all that link in a single click as in a new tab or new window. Can anyone suggest any good way to do this?

Member Avatar for samarudge
Member Avatar for DarkBerzerkâ„¢

This Script add small im.. i guess i dont have to explain all know the back to top icon :D Script Contain 3 Files: I)JS - Back To Top Code.txt (the code u gonna add in each page) II)scrolltopcontrol.js (the javascript file) III) up.png (the image that u c)

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for debow

I have an issue where my button call to php does not work correctly but if I run the sql manually it works just fine. Can someone please suggest what may be wrong. My file buttons.php has the following code, there are 9 other form call's but I cleaned it …

Member Avatar for debow
Member Avatar for Mukt@R

there have any example php code to read a image file n convert it to its hexadecimal equivalent?

Member Avatar for mcbothra99

I am trying to run one of the two files on my site using if file exist and readfile functions. When I give the file path in readfile() it runs properly. But when I use same file path into if file exist() it says "file does not exist". ================= It …

Member Avatar for DarkBerzerkâ„¢
Member Avatar for rahul95

i like to start a new project in PHP that helps community. suggest me some new projects. i wish to get new ideas from Dani's.

Member Avatar for omol
Member Avatar for LRNPHP

Hi everyone. Could someone assist me with a problem I have. I want to display images in a folder.(image/). I have my MySQL table with my images location.(images/test.jpg) etc. I also have a legend_id where I specified id's (id_1, id_2, id_3) This is linked to cars. If I search according …

Member Avatar for LRNPHP
Member Avatar for niths

hi all, i am having a page wer we can browse some images and can upload that images.so now instead of browsing if i drag and drop the image and click the upload button i should get the image uploaded. so hw can i do that can any one please... …

Member Avatar for omol
Member Avatar for sparkles_links

I have a stress that I will really appreciate fast response. I have a form as below and I need the action script in php. [CODE]<?php $msg = "Message from Platform Form\n"; $msg .= "Aspirant's Background:\t$_POST[aspirant_background]\n"; $msg .= "Aspirant's choice:\t$_POST[aspirant_choice]\n"; $msg .= "Aspirant's Offer:\t$_POST[aspirant_offer]\n"; $msg .= "Aspirant's email:\t$_POST[aspirant_email]\n"; [B][COLOR="Red"]$msg .= …

Member Avatar for sparkles_links
Member Avatar for k2k

[code] <form id="History" method="post" action="./php_lib/getHistoryProcess.php"> <button name="clearTableButton" type="submit" value="table2">Table 2 Orders</button> </form> [/code] the code above will process through the getHistoryProcess.php and return the result in the same page (the white blank page). I would really like the result pop up like ***** href=" " target="blank" style***** in other words, …

Member Avatar for k2k
Member Avatar for niths

hi all, i need to implement drag and drop option in my site for images. so how can i do that can any one let me know please....

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for NOOR JAMALI
Member Avatar for Mukt@R

its a C# code . plz convert this code to PHP. [CODE]string hex_code; if ((FileUpload1.PostedFile != null) && (FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentLength > 0)) { FileStream fls = new FileStream(FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); byte[] blob = new byte[fls.Length]; fls.Read(blob, 0, System.Convert.ToInt32(fls.Length)); hex_code = ByteArrayToString(blob);[/CODE]

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for cristi08

Why the checkbox is not working? it echoing "interest Array" [code] $_POST['interest'] ; foreach($_POST as $field => $Value) { echo "$field,$Value<br>"; }[/code]

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for tleisher

Hi, I have two websites. I have an RSS feed from one that I want to host on the other, just the headlines and links back to the second website... Right now I'm using SimpleXML and fopen/fclose to bring in the XML documents. But for some reason it's not working... …

Member Avatar for Vivekkrgupta

The End.