39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for DarkMonarch

Hey, been awhile. I'm working on a portal for distributors, some type of JIT (just in time) implementation. Now i've been reading alot on DB so i can implement the right database and the right data structure. Now i see, i can do alot more then i'm use to do. …

Member Avatar for madCoder
Member Avatar for andyy121

<form action="index.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> File: <input type="file" name="image"><input type="submit" value="Upload"> </form> <?php //connect to db mysql_connect("localhost","root","")or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db ("databaseimage")or die (mysql_error()); @$file =$_FILES['image']['tmp_name'];//kjo eshte e lidhur me <input type="file" name="image"> if (!isset($file)) echo ("Please select an image"); else { $image= addslashes(file_get_contents ($_FILES['image'] ['tmp_name'])); $image_name = addslashes($_FILES['image']['name']); $image_size = getimagesize ($_FILES['image'] …

Member Avatar for andyy121
Member Avatar for watonca

I'm new to PHP and trying to populate the contents of a flat file to a dropdown box. Clearly haven't a clue what I am doing, but here is what I have tried so far. The first part is there to confirm that I am actually opening the file and …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for fabzster

Hi I managed to get the tutorial from the below link to work. http://www.blueicestudios.com/chained-select-boxes-using-php-mysql-ajax/comment-page-11/#comment-34199 I would love to know how to edit this script so as to get the first dropdown to populate an already existing dropdown without the loader image and without the hiding of any dropdowns. I would …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for Riu 2009

hi php geniuses :) a simple question for u ppl here's my code and i want to upload all files i.e. images, videos, audios, ppt, pdf etc but here ican only upload the images successfully.. when i upload audio file it gives following error. please check my code and suggest …

Member Avatar for Riu 2009
Member Avatar for Riu 2009

hi php geniuses!! just wanted to ask that is this possible to embed ppt slides onto the webpage without converting the ppt into flash or without using skydrive??? please suggest a simple and clear solution.thanks in advance...

Member Avatar for Riu 2009
Member Avatar for AndreRet

I have the following scenario - User clicks on an image to search for a particular brand vehicle. The value of that image must then go the hidden box where I will post the value returned to another form. I just can't seem to get the value returned... My code... …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Eggstraordinary

it seems i can't output my username value from my database. All it gives was also a value of "username". So if i'm echoing my variable $users which is holding the rows of my username from my database, it strangely outputs "Welcome, username". I tried also with my password but …

Member Avatar for Eggstraordinary
Member Avatar for Squit

hello! for the newline we have the fuction nl2br() but what about BOLD text.. underline or italic ?! is there a way to convert that rich text in to HTML? [B]bold[/B] into <b> bold </b>... ??

Member Avatar for SautinSoft
Member Avatar for Rizi004

Hi guys I want when user start game then at the start of the game facebook authentication perform and after the completeion of 1st stage it post on user facebook timeline. How i can do this with PHP what are the steps for doing this. waiting for your reply. Thanks …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for PriteshP23

I want to display message box. I don't know why it is not working. Instead of "Already Registered..!!" message it displays " Duplicate entry 'test' for key 'nom' " . Thanking you in advanced. $query = " SELECT * FROM Humeur_log WHERE prenom = '".$prenom."' AND nom = '".$nom."' AND …

Member Avatar for PriteshP23
Member Avatar for bradly.spicer

Hello, I'm looking into making an account validator for wordpress which runs off a validator for another server. Shown here: http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/User:Oxguy3/Minecraft.net_API It's running in Wordpress and I just wanted to ask for your opinions on how to do this. The idea I had is that the username they signed up …

Member Avatar for bradly.spicer
Member Avatar for branding4you

What am i doing wrong, It works when I hard code it, but when I try get the names from MySql it gives me the finger, cannot access docs OR it sends the mail wth no attachemnts is there a better way or something that I am missing, Look my …

Member Avatar for branding4you
Member Avatar for php_noob

My article title is a bit misleading but since it is my primary concern so I made that my title. Anyway, this is the problem I have form and it generates a list of people that is needed to be scheduled. this is (more-or-less) the code. <?php $strQuery = "your …

Member Avatar for adam.adamski.96155
Member Avatar for geneh23

Hey everyone, So I'm starting a new thread because my other thread was solved and I had forgotten it was. Anyway, I am creating a forum stite from scratch as a side project and I have a main forum page that "includes" two tables that get data from three different …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Khav

Greetings, I have two tables named 'copyright' and 'logs'. Table : copyright Field : Copyr_md5 Table : logs Field : md5checksum Problem 1 Say i have a value stored in `$md5check` in php , now i want to check if the value stored in `$md5check` is found in field `Copyr_md5`.If …

Member Avatar for Khav
Member Avatar for <M/>

I have a table that collects data from web inputs and stores them on an html page... the question how do i style this table... I am not sure how to give it borders, style columns (column 1 is red, 2 is blue, 3 is red, so on), or color …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for tonyfonseca

I have the following code to search the stores by name and and order by transaction date by Asc which works perfect. My questions is how to performe a subtraction by row (checkamount-redeposited-replacement-paidcash = balance) and totalize by columns (total checkamount, total redeposited, total replacement, total paidcash and total balance) …

Member Avatar for tonyfonseca
Member Avatar for NoUserNameHere
Member Avatar for Dino000

Hello. I've been through dozen of tutorials about regex, and obviously still don't understand everything. I'm trying to get data (a whole DIV field and its contents) from another website, and display it on my page. It seems to get everything, but the DIV field. This is what I want: …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for jayson.ako

i want to make a crical repot that notifies the admin if the products in inventory is running out lol. need some help :) <?php include ('config.php'); ?> <?php $result=mysql_query("select * from inventory"); $num=mysql_num_rows($result); $qtyleft=['qtyleft']; $name=['name']; if($qtyleft <= 5){ while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)){ echo '<span>'.$name.'</span>'; echo "almost out of stock"; }} …

Member Avatar for jayson.ako_1
Member Avatar for branding4you

I have a page that has to display how many documents the user has given in for him to recieve commission I tried count but it gives me totals, Im new to sql "count" and "group" tabel has three fields: id, user, date, refnum 1 - mike - 2012/01/01 - …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for joshmac

I have a plugins system with update notification. The update notification works, but I made some changes so that the script will execute every hour instead of everytime the page loads. This is handled by the (time() + 3600) being written to a check.cfg file. I wanted to to cut …

Member Avatar for joshmac
Member Avatar for faisal.niaz

I am very much interested to know how to create the custom maps as we see on the following links. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/us-election/9657641/US-election-2012-the-electoral-college-explained.html and http://edition.cnn.com/election/2012/ecalculator#?battleground I would like to know what is the best and robust possibility to create such a kind of customized maps that we can use for other purposes …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for johnjo

I am trying to update a edit profile in mysql. the first bit of code is when the submit button on forum is hit the data in my table users willl change. the secound bit code get the user info from the database it work fine you can select what …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Eggstraordinary

I'm trying to clear a value in a textbox whenever i click the clear button. But i keep on getting a syntax error expected "=" in the line document.getElementByid. Is my code wrong? <?php function clear(){ document.getElementByid('textinput').value=""; } if (isset($_POST['textinput'])){ echo $_POST['textinput']; } if (isset($_POST['clear'])){ clear(); } ?> <form action="index.php" …

Member Avatar for Eggstraordinary
Member Avatar for adishardis

Hi, I'm trying to format an array like this: `[['Apr,2012', 5],['May,2012',10],['Jun,2012',20],['Jul,2012', 13]]` from this: while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $dates[] = date("M,Y", strtotime($row["Datum"])); $data[] = $row["forsta"]; } But I don't know how to combine them in the right format?! Any hints on how to accomplish this? /Adam

Member Avatar for adishardis
Member Avatar for amith_ami

hi guyz, pls help... what does this warning means??? is there any alternative for implode();? Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in /home/tjconsul/public_html/admin/actions/act_addcandidate1.php on line 40

Member Avatar for adam.adamski.96155
Member Avatar for hwoarang69

i spent about 1 to 2 months building a php website on my localhost. i feel like its finish and i would love to put it online for whole world to see it. on this site iam also using xampp database to keep track of user and passwords. note i …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for FakeTales

Hey i have three forms on one page , i am getting them to write the data to seperate text files. If i use on form to post the colour it will write the colour to the text file but if i use the form to select which display i …

Member Avatar for neatric

The End.