39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for vindyauwu

I can't insert data to database through this code.Data alredy exist part is working but after that data not insert to the database. This is the PHP code. <?php error_reporting(E_ERROR|E_WARNING); session_start(); if(isset($_POST['add'])){ $no=$_POST['txtno']; $refer=$_POST['txtrefer']; $amount=$_POST['txtamount']; $state=$_POST['txtstate']; $dblink = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die('Not able to connect to server : ' …

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Member Avatar for memccool

Ok so I have a script that I am writing and I have encounted a problem. I can not get the information from a dropbox to submit into mysql data base here is my script. <form action="work.php" method="post"> <table> <tr> <td>Email:</td> <td><input type="text" name="Email" tabindex="1" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Messgae:</td> …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for vizz

How to create template and database for following structure in wordpress? **index.php** main wrapper width 90% 5%-5% margin left and right left column 65% of main wrapper(article) right column 35% of main wrapper(only image) **about.php** main wrapper width 90% 5%-5% margin left and right left column 35% of main wrapper(only …

Member Avatar for vizz
Member Avatar for nova37

hello i want to add search functionality to my website . my task is to get input from user then check it if its domain like google.com then (do work 1).... else if keyword like news etc then search database so i made search.php mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `title` …

Member Avatar for gabrielcastillo
Member Avatar for beingdeep

I have win 7 in my pc .. it was working well a few days ago .. bt now, when i am trying to start my apache server "[apache] Starting apache service..." only this thing is comming out .. and nothng happening .. i uninstalled skype.. bt still not working …

Member Avatar for rotten69
Member Avatar for koveras vehcna

I have a heat map application on OpenLayers (using XAMPP 1.8.0 and MySQL) where user enters two date and time intervals and selects whether he/she would like to view all the data between those two datetimes or view them based on hourly/daily/weekly/monthly intervals. However, when I type in two date …

Member Avatar for koveras vehcna
Member Avatar for LastMitch

Hi I want to find out is there a way to check syntax errors on PHP. I went to this site http://php.net/manual/en/function.php-check-syntax.php but I didn't quite understand the example in there. Is there a software that I can check the errors. I used EasyPHP, WAMPP. I appreciate any links or …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for devianleong

<?php include('./config.php'); //protect SQL injection $username = $_POST['username']; $password = $_POST['password']; $username = stripslashes($username); $username = mysql_real_escape_string($username); $password = mysql_real_escape_string($password); $password=hash('sha256',$password); //SQL query that sent login info to database $result = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM admin WHERE Login ='$username' AND Password ='$password'",$con); $check = mysql_num_rows ($result); @session_start(); if ($check == …

Member Avatar for phorce
Member Avatar for Taios

Hey there guys. I'm gettign what should be a trivial php error but I cannot for the life of me find it! Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '{' in /home/sites/blah.co.uk/public_html/paypal_ipn_test/ipn.php on line 14 My code of ipn.php is: <?php // tell PHP to log errors to ipn_errors.log in this directory …

Member Avatar for Taios
Member Avatar for mevoohafez

I tried to insert data using the following code, but I really I don't know how can I get result and what is the problem in my code, I tried to build firstly my form then I write the insert query and send it to a new form , any …

Member Avatar for Squidge
Member Avatar for vijayram

hai, everybody, I have multiple checkbox fileds. how to add images in each fields this is my templete my plan type field is 10 types. user select plan type 1 add image1 plantype2 ->addimage2.png <div><span class="field-label">plantype: <img width="20"src="images/layout/image1.png " /> <?php echo str_replace(',','<br/>',$meetnewpeople['plantype']) ?></span></div></br> $this->widgetSchema['plantype'] = new sfWidgetFormChoice(array('multiple' => true,'expanded'=>true, …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for ceinoris

Hello i can not figure out how to take images from my database to jQuery gallery. User uploaded images in the data base. Images are sorted by date. And how I can do, what all imges goe's in the jQuery gallery, besause now i can get all imges in one …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for daisy.m.consolacion

can you help me with my code, kindly give me or take a look at my codes in embedding a captcha pls...thanks...asap! <?php $submit = $_POST['register']; //form data $first = strip_tags($_POST['first']); $middle = strip_tags($_POST['middle']); $last = strip_tags($_POST['last']); $username = strip_tags($_POST['username']); $password = strip_tags($_POST['password']); $repeatpassword = strip_tags($_POST['repeatpassword']); $email = strip_tags($_POST['email']); $street …

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Member Avatar for papadarl
Member Avatar for PHPuss

Oracle : Apache 2.0 Handler PHP Version 4.4.9 Windows XP I have problem to connect with Oracle 11g. Log apache : PHP Warning: Unknown(): Unable to load dynamic library 'C:\\Program Files\\Apache Group\\Apache2\\php\\extensions\\php_oracle.dll' - The specified module could not be found.\r\n in Unknown on li when I open phpinfo : …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for LRNPHP

Hi There, I'm busy developing a PHP / MySQL billing system for our company but can't seem to get the following working for me. I need to have 1 page that will display the extensions billing period / month for local, national and international calls and it needs to be …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for decade

Hi Everyone I have a problem regarding PHP Array here is the code: $array_of_arrays = array( array[0] = value1, value2, value3; array[1] = value4, value5, value6; array[2] = value7, value8, value8; ); Well i want to skip array[0] in loop. i just want to start the process of loop from …

Member Avatar for blocblue
Member Avatar for Paul7575

Hi there, Can anyone help? Why is the following code displaying "P1P2P3..." etc, instead of "P1 , P2, P3 ,.." etc. ? Thanks Paul <!--Conect to database--> <?php include "connects/patientconn.php"; ?> <?php $query = "SELECT `Patient I.D.` FROM `patient`"; $result = mysql_query($query); while($patient = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $pt = implode(" , …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for jwales

Hi. I am new in coding and sufferin from some basic issues. I've been trying to write and searching codes for writting into xls file for 3 days but could not find a suitable one. The problem is: ![clss](/attachments/large/3/clss.png "clss") I created a page with textareas and submit/reset button like …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for vizz

How to Bookmark website without informing user(visitor) of website? And How to set as browsers homepage without informing user?

Member Avatar for vizz
Member Avatar for CarterLangley

Hi all, I am retrieving information from a database and need to have that information put onto a new line (<br>) depending on the location of the comma which seperates the different areas of the information. Here is what is being retrieved *2.25 L 75 hp (56 kW) I4 petrol …

Member Avatar for CarterLangley
Member Avatar for rotten69

Hi everyone, I am looking for an editor or plugin for Komodo or Eclipse that provides me with the CakePHP function autocompletion and syntax correction as well. Thank you all.

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Member Avatar for mithunan7

Hello world, I am stumped, someone please help me with some code. I have created a purl, example: www.mydomain.com/purl However, I want people to first go to www.mydomain.com. On the homepage, I want people to enter their phonenumber (which is the purl) in a textbox. I am looking for a …

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Member Avatar for appooti
Member Avatar for er.Mohit

<?php $con = mysql_connect("localhost","ourinter_admin",""); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("ourinter_database", $con); $sql="INSERT INTO donation( firstname, lastname, gender, country, fulladdress, phone, emailaddress, donate, total, creditcard) VALUES ('$_POST[firstname]', '$_POST[lastname]', '$_POST[gender]', '$_POST[country]', '$_POST[fulladdress]', '$_POST[phone]', '$_POST[emailaddress]', '$_POST[donate]', '$_POST[total]', '$_POST[creditcard]' )"; if (!mysql_query($sql,$con)) { die('Error: ' . mysql_error()); } echo …

Member Avatar for Squidge
Member Avatar for weirdCreature7

A newbie here I am having an error with this code. If I logged in with correct username and password the "Sorry please log in" is appearing not the home page :( I am having a hard time to check if the user has log in or not when opening …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Veronika9

Hi guys, I read about this problem but can't figure what should I change. Can you please help? Here's my code: <?php // Title: Contact Form - Dolce Forno GB // Updated: 9/8/2012 // Author: Veronika Horvathova //Validation code if (empty($_POST) === false) { $errors = array(); //variables $name = …

Member Avatar for addme
Member Avatar for shhh

i want to have a space between a div <div class="img"><a href="#"><img src="2.jpg"></a></div> <div class="img"><a href="#"><img src="3.jpg"/></a></div>

Member Avatar for Squidge
Member Avatar for mtho

Hi guys. I want to insert an advert after the first article on my blog. It's not a wordpress or other generic blog. I have an idea on how i should do it but it just doesn't work when i try. I use a do-while loop to call the articles. …

Member Avatar for mtho
Member Avatar for gorybmovie

I keep getting this error message when I try to 'login' to my php member system that I'm creating. Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\xampp\htdocs\acrd\includes\header.php:24) in C:\xampp\htdocs\acrd\login.php on line 21 Here is line 21 header('Location: index.php'); Here is my code. Please help! …

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The End.