39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for bsewell

Hi, I'm trying to write a program using mysqli, so I have created a login page. I've tried looking for how to get an Insert statement ran using MySQLi, object orientated style. So it looks like my query isn't working but I don't know why so I wondered if someone …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for xbat

Here is my code.. I'm not sure if there is easyier way of doing this or not.. but pretty much what im looking to do is display the user invoice from a session variable.. the session variable would be MM_Username. $colname_curinvoice = "-1"; if (isset($_SESSION['MM_Username'])) { $colname_curinvoice = $_SESSION['MM_Username']; } …

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Member Avatar for somedude3488

I recently applied for a PHP programming job and they required me to do a coding challenge. One of the challenges involved simulating the card game war which I found intriguing. I "over-engineered" it as they requested, but I still don't think it was good enough for them. Is there …

Member Avatar for masterdeveloper
Member Avatar for zoreli

Hi After learning jquery for about a month, I make an attempt to make username & password authentication form. Howver, i get stuck 2 days now, and i will soon start bumping my head against the wall. What I am trying to do is if user enter the wrong username …

Member Avatar for zoreli
Member Avatar for iamthwee

Wanted to say a quick thank you to all those who helped me with my php questions. But I failed on the technical side, so didn't get the job. I'd post up the questions but it's pretty straight forward. I just too long I guess. ta

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for mrclark

I am not to sure where to put this post but this seemed like the best place. I am currently writing scripts for page redirects, however, I can not get my .htaccess redirects working first. I need to take from my root, and redirect to a subscript: http://www.example.com -> /index.php …

Member Avatar for Squidge
Member Avatar for Sanchixx

I am makeing a comment system, i have a string where i remove html code: `$area = stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($area));` But i replace text sometimes by code, but it doesn't work because of the code above: $txtSmileys = array (':-)', ':-('); $imgSmileys = array ('<img src="smiley.jpg" />', '<img src="smiley-sad.jpg" />'); $text = …

Member Avatar for Sanchixx
Member Avatar for garima.nanda.50

Hi friends, I want to built a website in php but i am totaly confused. plz do help me..want it to be perfect..!!

Member Avatar for JameB
Member Avatar for weirdCreature7

I have the following codes, I wanted to show a message box when the value in month (in the textbox) is less than the value of $month (date("n")), when the next button is clicked. When I run my code, the next button disappears! Please help me to solve my problem. …

Member Avatar for hr.Ziggurat
Member Avatar for branding4you

this is weird, I have form and on this form three file uploads and submit button, when i change the button to image (so it looks better than this old thing on my website) it does not upload the files The button however works 100%, am i missing something here? …

Member Avatar for ab_omid
Member Avatar for ali3011

this is my code which working,and every image is posted with it's original name but i want it to have little one.. i want it to overwrite the uploaded image <?php error_reporting(0); $change=""; $abc=""; define ("MAX_SIZE","400"); function getExtension($str) { $i = strrpos($str,"."); if (!$i) { return ""; } $l = …

Member Avatar for ali3011
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hello, I am trying to replace the default submit button with custom submit button how? This is the default submit button: <input type="submit" value="Submit" /> This code only place the image: <input type="image" src="images/button-kirim.jpg" alt="Submit details" /> How to place the custom submit button and still make it work like …

Member Avatar for simasj
Member Avatar for eXceed69

Hello I installed XAMMP for learning php on my local drive when it was completed. I run a simple programming but I receive error 404 what would be my issue with XAMMP, the installation is successful Any recommendation, I want to switch

Member Avatar for ziyad ahmad
Member Avatar for opawix

what is the simplest way i could encrypt my php code from advanced php programmer?

Member Avatar for simasj
Member Avatar for Raakesh399
Member Avatar for ps1992

so i have this mini project to make i'am thinking of making a website just like grooveshark basically what i want in my website would be :- A LIBRARY OF SONGS PLAYER ON WHICH ONE CAN LISTEN DIFFERENT SONGS USER CAN CREATE HIS PROFILE AND CAN MAKE HIS OWN PLAYLIST …

Member Avatar for ps1992
Member Avatar for DaveyMoyes

How do i add variables from $var1=urlencode(''.$var1.''); on page one.php and use the values from the above variables on page two.php $var1 = $criteria['".$var1."']; if($var1=='') $var1 = ''; Page two is included in page one and I am trying to use the same variable value.

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for Raakesh399

Can somebody help me to create an appointment scheduler with php/mysql that automatically create appointments.

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for raffy08089

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_DNUMBER in D:\InetPub\vhosts\xdran.com\httpdocs\settings.php on line 7 heres my configuration <? error_reporting(E_ALL ^E_NOTICE ^E_WARNING); $web['connection'] = 'mssql'; $con = mssql_connect("","sa","z09184049210); //$mssql_server = ""; //MSSQL server name or IP //$mssql_username = "sa"; //MSSQL username //$mssql_password = "z09184049210"; //MSSQL password $web['database'] = 'Rancp'; $web['database'] = 'RanGame1'; $web['database'] = …

Member Avatar for esma.ramirez
Member Avatar for Sanchixx
Member Avatar for Sanchixx
Member Avatar for Sanchixx

How can i replace :), :-),O.o or B) in my a file, that is used to display chat content, by an image. Here is my code: <? session_start(); if(isset($_GET['logout'])){ $ip=$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; //Simple exit message $fp = fopen("log.html", 'a'); fwrite($fp, "<div class='msgln'><i>User ". $_SESSION['name'] ." has left the chat session.</i><br></div>"); fwrite($fp, "<!-- …

Member Avatar for Sanchixx
Member Avatar for liezlardo

I have the following code. I wanted to determine if the value inputted in $cellno (from a textbox) are all digits (numbers), and if it's 11 numbers, and if its starting numbers are "09". One correct value example is 09345678910. It is all numbers, has 11 digits, and begins in …

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Member Avatar for ariffin246

Hello, I am clueless on how to separate the value of a HTML TextBox into separate characters before inserting into database. The user will key in certain form of code in the textbox. EG:JYX. The code needs to be separated and assigned to variable for each of the character before …

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Member Avatar for LastMitch

Hi I'm having issue with editing the **Input Type** in **2** different position. I want to edit and add input text in the img. I also want to edit and add input text in the content. What I want to learn is how to add **2** **Input Type** areas in …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Designer_101

Hi everyone, I'm sure this is a simple fix but it may take a minute to understand what I'm trying to achieve. Here is my code, as you can see it's for a shortcode: function verticalnav_func( $atts ) { extract( shortcode_atts( array( 'category' => '0', ), $atts ) ); ?> …

Member Avatar for Designer_101
Member Avatar for mahdiyazdani

Hi everybody i created some pages for news management then i write some codes to put pagination under the fields for each 5 subjects than it tooks to another page for displaying rest of the subjects and everythings is ok but the problem is here i cant display the current …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for debal

Can someone please help me with the latest version of PHPTraid for windows 7. I have downloaded the versions available at cnet and brothersoft but they are giving compatibility issues. Same goes for the version availabe at sourceforge. Also if someone can help me out if i am missing something …

Member Avatar for Squidge
Member Avatar for dragonflyuk

Okay I don't really know where to ask this, but I'm working in PHP at the moment, because its quick and easy so I'll start here. I've been given the task of converting some old files. I know the files are all images, and we believe most if not all …

Member Avatar for Squidge
Member Avatar for Synestic

Hi! I'm currently developing a website and I'd like to rewrite the URLs with htaccess. I've looked up some tutorials on how to do it, but it doesn't seem to work. This is one of the url's : `products.php?sub=997&id=97084&name=Manual-Control` I'd like the link to become: `products/997/97084/Manual-Control` This is my current …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for PhilEaton

Here is the code I have in contact.php: <?php mail('philovesdogs@gmail.com','sdf','sadfsad'); echo 'Ok'; ?> I put the echo in just to make sure that PHP was working on the page. I uploaded the page to my LAMP server and opened the page. I saw 'ok'. I checked my email however (and …

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The End.