39,326 Topics
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HI Guys; How to get the machine address using php | |
I send out a newsletter using a PHP based mailing list manager installed on my server, which uses phpmailer to send. For most users that I send to, they get the newsletter fine, but users who have email accounts with cox.net , windstream.net , roadrunner.com, rr.com , earthlink.net seem to … | |
Just got an entry level web developer position the city. It starts in 2 weeks. I would love some tips on how to effectively prepare. I'm an IT major not computer science, so my classes focused more on systems and databases rather than programming. I had a really good interview … | |
Here is my form.html <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function ajax() { var aj; if(window.XMLHttpRequest) { aj = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else { aj = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } aj.onreadystate = function() { if(aj.ready == 4) { document.getElementById("text").innerHTML = aj.responseText; } }; var param = document.forms["fo"]["text"].value; aj.open("GET", "try.php" , true); aj.send(); } … | |
Hi all, Hoping you can assist. I am probably starring at the darn thing but i cannot see the wood through the trees :) class headScript { public function connection() { try { $dbh = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=xxx", 'xxx', 'xxx'); // Dev return $dbh; } catch(PDOException $e) { echo "Error :- … | |
hi guys, hope this is in the right place? basically im trying to find places to sell php scripts. ive found a couple, but they all want at least 30% of my sales which is ABSOLUTELY PATHETIC!!! id b upset at 10% but im prepared to pay that if the … | |
Can anyone reccommend any good books to learn php and mysql and how to build database driven websites. I have looked at a few but dont want to buy an outdated book! Thanks............ | |
hallo i am a dummy in PHP and i would really love to leran everything thereis about it. i need guidance o how to start and become a professional. i am requesing for anyone to guide me through and be my mentor through the exercise. i am readily available at … | |
Hello, I have got an error when i run this code.My query is updated but when I fetch the query then i got this error **mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in C:\wamp\www\html-contact-form-captcha\update.php on line 44** please check the code is given below:- **** <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC … | |
OK gang! I have another stumper! I want to add a variable to an array from within a function and I will not know the variables original name so how can I find this? For instance: [CODE] function AddVariable($vartoadd) { $varlist[] = $vartoadd; } $domain = http://www.dodatingsiteswork.com; AddVariable($domain); [/CODE] Once … | |
I have 2 table: 1 name is movie and another's name is screen. movie table contains fields like movie_id,movie_name etc. screen table contains fields like movie_id screen_id etc. I am going to add data in my screen table by user. So i want that if user enter the movie_id which … | |
The private messages inbox display nothing.Can't find the error.Can anyone help?????????? <?php session_start(); require("configure.php"); if (isset($_POST['view'])) { $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM messages WHERE to_user = '$to_user' AND deleted = 'no'")or die(mysql_error()); while($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { echo "<table border=1>"; echo "<tr><td>"; echo "Message ID#: "; echo $row2['id']; echo "</td></tr>"; echo … | |
I am a newbie to php. I am simply trying to validate input from a login page. However I am always getting a positive boolean value when username is entered or not. Following is my code for the login page; [ICODE]<form method = "post" action = "entering.php"> LOGIN <br /> … | |
Okay, so I would like to say in advance, thank you for the help. With that said, I am having an extraordinary amount of trouble with some code. So here it is: function school_user_exists($school_user = false, $school_id = false) { if($school_user || $school_id) { $school_user = sanitize($school_user); $school_id = (int)$school_id; … | |
pls someone should pls tell me what is api and how to start writing the program. thanks for ur assistance | |
Hi, I'm trying to write a program using mysqli, so I have created a login page. I've tried looking for how to get an Insert statement ran using MySQLi, object orientated style. So it looks like my query isn't working but I don't know why so I wondered if someone … | |
Here is my code.. I'm not sure if there is easyier way of doing this or not.. but pretty much what im looking to do is display the user invoice from a session variable.. the session variable would be MM_Username. $colname_curinvoice = "-1"; if (isset($_SESSION['MM_Username'])) { $colname_curinvoice = $_SESSION['MM_Username']; } … | |
I recently applied for a PHP programming job and they required me to do a coding challenge. One of the challenges involved simulating the card game war which I found intriguing. I "over-engineered" it as they requested, but I still don't think it was good enough for them. Is there … | |
Hi After learning jquery for about a month, I make an attempt to make username & password authentication form. Howver, i get stuck 2 days now, and i will soon start bumping my head against the wall. What I am trying to do is if user enter the wrong username … | |
| Wanted to say a quick thank you to all those who helped me with my php questions. But I failed on the technical side, so didn't get the job. I'd post up the questions but it's pretty straight forward. I just too long I guess. ta |
I am not to sure where to put this post but this seemed like the best place. I am currently writing scripts for page redirects, however, I can not get my .htaccess redirects working first. I need to take from my root, and redirect to a subscript: http://www.example.com -> /index.php … | |
I am makeing a comment system, i have a string where i remove html code: `$area = stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($area));` But i replace text sometimes by code, but it doesn't work because of the code above: $txtSmileys = array (':-)', ':-('); $imgSmileys = array ('<img src="smiley.jpg" />', '<img src="smiley-sad.jpg" />'); $text = … | |
Hi friends, I want to built a website in php but i am totaly confused. plz do help me..want it to be perfect..!! | |
I have the following codes, I wanted to show a message box when the value in month (in the textbox) is less than the value of $month (date("n")), when the next button is clicked. When I run my code, the next button disappears! Please help me to solve my problem. … | |
this is weird, I have form and on this form three file uploads and submit button, when i change the button to image (so it looks better than this old thing on my website) it does not upload the files The button however works 100%, am i missing something here? … | |
this is my code which working,and every image is posted with it's original name but i want it to have little one.. i want it to overwrite the uploaded image <?php error_reporting(0); $change=""; $abc=""; define ("MAX_SIZE","400"); function getExtension($str) { $i = strrpos($str,"."); if (!$i) { return ""; } $l = … | |
Hello, I am trying to replace the default submit button with custom submit button how? This is the default submit button: <input type="submit" value="Submit" /> This code only place the image: <input type="image" src="images/button-kirim.jpg" alt="Submit details" /> How to place the custom submit button and still make it work like … | |
Hello I installed XAMMP for learning php on my local drive when it was completed. I run a simple programming but I receive error 404 what would be my issue with XAMMP, the installation is successful Any recommendation, I want to switch | |
what is the simplest way i could encrypt my php code from advanced php programmer? | |
The End.