39,388 Topics
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I have this error :Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '$db_field' (T_VARIABLE) in C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyPHP-12.1\www\penet.hi2.ro\cheats.php on line 110 And the code is : <?PHP require ("connect.php"); //$db_handle = mysql_connect($server, $user_name, $password); =>$connect $db_found = mysql_select_db($_mysql_db, $connect); if ($db_found) { $SQL = "SELECT * FROM cheats"; $result = mysql_query($SQL); while ($db_field … | |
hi i have two menus that i use as include in index.php file: topmenu and leftmenu I'm using the same code in oder to show the active header switch (THIS_PAGE): Code for the "Top menu include": <?php define('THIS_PAGE', 'pagename'); $menuitem1 = '<a href="index.php">Home</a>'; $menuitem2 = '<a href="about.php">About</a>'; $menuitem3 = '<a … ![]() | |
i've displayed a table from database using php.and now what i want is to edit records seperately as i've placed an edit and a delete link in front of each record which edits the record from sql.and it is now giving this warning.Please help me to find the error correctly.as … ![]() | |
Hi everyone i dont know how to get the already filled value of radio buttons from sql using html/php here is my code but its giving error <?php include("../includes/config.php"); ?> <?php if ($_SESSION["isadmin"]) { $con=mysql_connect($dbserver,$dbusername,$dbpassword); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db($dbname, $con); $accountid=$_GET["id"]; $result = … | |
The following script is supposed to take in a date formated YYYY-MM-DD and output an image. It is also designed to display an error image if the date inputed is before the start date defined in the script or after the current date. The problem is that it doesn't seem … | |
Hi I have a simple code below that fetches, make, model and year from the database, but for some weird reason I get: Fatal error: Cannot access protected property error, any ideas as to why this might be happening? (i btw have this code on a different server running with … | |
hi guys, please help me out on this issue. i had this code to connect to mysql using php but there is no any message displayed. nothing is displayed on the screen, whether the connection is successful or there is an error. any ideas? i can connect to mysql using … | |
Hi! I recently created a website that has a contact form that sends an email with the PHP Mailer class. I had to use my gmail account because I cannot get my LAMP server's SMTP protocol working... In my mail.php file, I display the password and account quite openly as … | |
I have the following code: $filename = "raw_data.txt"; $fp = @fopen("$filename", 'r'); if ($fp){ $array = explode("(.)", fread($fp, filesize($filename))); } for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($array); $i++){ //name1 name2 name3 name4 } So what I want to do is initialize variables with $name and the current $i value Thanks in advance | |
Hi hope someone can help me How can i update a date field to NULL so that i have 0000-00-00 in the date field i have the following code but it's not working i tried a lot of things but nothing wil work if($_POST['geboortedatum'] == "") { $date = NULL; … | |
<?php $fullname=strip_tags($_POST['fullname']); $username=strip_tags($_POST['username']); $repeatpassword = strip_tags($_POST['repeatpassword']); $date=date("Y-m-d"); $submit=$_POST['submit']; ?> <html> <h1>REGISTER !</h1> <form action='register.php' method='POST'> <table border =25 color=black align=center space=5 > <tr> <td>Full Name:</td> <td><input type='text' name='fullname' value='<?php echo $fullname; ?>'></td> </tr> <tr> <td>User Name :</td> <td><input type='text' name='username' value='<?php echo $username; ?>'></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Password :</td> <td><input type='password' … | |
Hi I want to replace a word from text. I can do it with str_replace or str_ireplace. But I need more advance. for Example. my code is as below <?php $search_word=$_POST['gender']; $subject="Men and Women both r part of the world"; echo str_ireplace($search_word, '<span style="background:#0F0">' . $search_word . '</span>', $subject)."<br/>"; echo … ![]() | |
![]() | Hi, I am generating an automatically email successfully using the code below, where all the email addresses are contained in the variable $to. How do I change the code below to send all of these emails as a bcc so that their email addresses are not disclosed to one another? … |
from what i have research, there are some barcode scanner which is uSB and are keyboard wedge have built in decoders that can read several barcode types and send them via the keyboard so info scanned appears as if it has been typed. Therefore does it means that, if the … | |
I want to make a php code with my dropdown menu in html. Can you help me? This is my code in html <form method="POST" action="search.php"> <h2 align="center" style="Verdana"> List of Voters Search </h2> <div align="center"> <table> <table border="0"> <tr><td>Select One:</td><td><select name="dropdown1"> <option value="Firstname">Firstname</option> <option value="Voters_Id">Voter's Id</option> <option value="All">All</option> <input … | |
Hello, I am trying to create a form with php that echo data like this: "echo -e “username /npassword” > filename". I created the form and php embedded code but I cant seem to create variables with the text box names. We currently have a automated guest wifi account creation … | |
Got a problem that has completely stumped me... am hoping the combined wisdom of the forum could assist... I have a php script that enables a user to follow and unfollow items on a site... Am doing this with a table that captures basically the user's id and the item … ![]() | |
I'm building a CMS in PHP and this is my first attempt to use ajax to do something cool. It's making my queryies problematic, however. I'm writing in this forum because my PHP forms worked fine before I did the following: On my index page, I have a header with … | |
After lots of home work I came here for support and help. Please see the site[Click Here](http://www.cbsecsnip.in) on home page I have menu Computer Science and sub menu XI which open XICS.php on this page threr are few links. From those links few must work if user already logged in … ![]() | |
Hi I would like to learn PHP. But I can't seam to find the proper IDE so I can learn Build and debug websites. Does anyone know an Express version or free trial that I could download. Thanks in advance. | |
Hi , I want to display PHP Code on my a.php page , I use <code> <?php if($c==1) { echo $c; } ?> </code> in my HTML page , but when I Run this page it Gave me the Value of $c , But I want to print this code … ![]() | |
Hi All, Can any PHP, MySQL expert help me with security considerations while accessing online shared hosting MySQL database(PHPMyadmin) from a local wamp servers PHP page. I even don't know whether it can be possible.Please answer with some recomendations. | |
# hi # how to find the users who are coming from gmail to my site without passing any parameter in url. i am using $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; but not able to find. Please can any one help me. Thanks | |
I am having trouble with this code block: if($row['banned'] == 1) { header( 'Location: http://www.awsomechat.comuv.com/ban/userbanned.php' ); } elseif ($row['banned'] == 2){ header( 'Location: http://www.awsomechat.comuv.com/ban/userbanned.php' ); } Ive also tried this: if($row['banned'] == 1 or $row['banned']== 2) { header( 'Location: http://www.awsomechat.comuv.com/ban/userbanned.php' ); } But none of this works... I am trying … | |
Hi everyone..im new to php and dont know much about my sql as well.actually i have displayed a mysql table from database to my webpage using php.now i've got a seperate list of teachers with thier data(firstname, last name,email, type).what i want is to edit a specific record from the … | |
Hi All, Here you need to understand two points 1)A Book Store App (which is a web application) made on PHP and MySQL is running on local wamp server(in one computer locally) for store's proprietary use, which is running fine. 2)I stucked with implementing online(Internet) version of web app for … | |
Hello, I'm currently working on a project and I need to get the values I need from the API server. I'm really new to working with objects and arrays alltogheter, can I have a little help and perhaps someone can provide a simple example on how I can do this … | |
Ok, following from my previous thread (now resolved) i want to convert and use namespace. **headScript.php**: <?php class headScript { public function connection() { try { $dbh = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=roundth4_rtb2", 'root', ''); // Dev return $dbh; } catch(PDOException $e) { echo "Error :- " . $e->getMessage(); die(); } } public … | |
Hi All, I have a small problem. I want to add time tables for each grade in a school. Therefore in my addTimeTable.php page i have created a form to enter student grade, class and stream. (required only for grade 12 and 13) When a user clicks on "Add" button … ![]() | |
i am working with php and trying something new that if user inputs "a" than all the records of name starting with "a" in employee table should be displayed... $letter=$_POST["letter"]; sql="select * from emp where emp_name='".$letter."'* " //is above query write and the wild character to be used is write … |
The End.