39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for dragonflyuk

Okay I don't really know where to ask this, but I'm working in PHP at the moment, because its quick and easy so I'll start here. I've been given the task of converting some old files. I know the files are all images, and we believe most if not all …

Member Avatar for Squidge
Member Avatar for Synestic

Hi! I'm currently developing a website and I'd like to rewrite the URLs with htaccess. I've looked up some tutorials on how to do it, but it doesn't seem to work. This is one of the url's : `products.php?sub=997&id=97084&name=Manual-Control` I'd like the link to become: `products/997/97084/Manual-Control` This is my current …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for PhilEaton

Here is the code I have in contact.php: <?php mail('philovesdogs@gmail.com','sdf','sadfsad'); echo 'Ok'; ?> I put the echo in just to make sure that PHP was working on the page. I uploaded the page to my LAMP server and opened the page. I saw 'ok'. I checked my email however (and …

Member Avatar for PhilEaton
Member Avatar for ska_defender

I have a problem that I'm sure is a piece of cake for you guys to work out. I have a small index.php script here which creates a php file (with text appended from the index.php script) each time the page is visited. The problem is that I can only …

Member Avatar for ska_defender
Member Avatar for stephen_UK

Could somebody suggest the simplest way forward for me to investigate please? Please take a look at this web page which shows a single record of a mysql db http://www.swaag.org/DB_VIEW_Specific%20Record%20Number2.php?swaagrec=591 I would like to be able to create a program where I can select for example records 1 to 100 …

Member Avatar for stephen_UK
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hello, I am trying to create a picture gallery. What's the difference between: http://www.website.com/picture.php#1 and http://www.website.com/picture.php#2 Are they different pages ? On the side there will be a list of thumbnail, and when I click the thumbnail the large picture appears. how to code it?

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for huntsman2

I have been looking for hours on how to do this and haven't found a solution yet, hope someone here can help! Part of my problem is that I'm new to php and web dev, so I don't know what I'm looking for terminology wise. Goal: This is part of …

Member Avatar for huntsman2
Member Avatar for Sanchixx
Member Avatar for kreitje
Member Avatar for Djmann1013

I am having trouble with this code: <?php // Username $username = $_POST['name']; $email = $_POST['email']; // MYSQL $con = mysql_connect('host','username','password') or die(); mysql_select_db('db', $con); $var = md5($email); $result = mysql_query("UPDATE `table` SET `imageEs`='$var' WHERE user_username='{$_SESSION['sessid']}'") or die(mysql_error()); echo "Profile image updated. <a href='http://www.awsomechat.comuv.com/update_profile.php'>Go back.</a>"; ?> I am trying to …

Member Avatar for Djmann1013
Member Avatar for hostmela

I am using AURORAGPT Script When i try to login that time i got warning message (Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/dollar/public_html/index.php:7) in /home/dollar/public_html/members/login.php on line 138) here my login.php 138 code line: header("Location: setcookies.php?".iif(isset($returnTo),"view=$returnTo","view=account&ac=main")."".iif("$id","&id=$id").iif($ptype,"&ptype=$ptype").iif($step,"&step=$step")."".iif(isset($ac),"&ac=$ac")."&sid=$sessid&sid2=$sessid2&siduid=$userid"); Anybody please help me to solved this …

Member Avatar for kreitje
Member Avatar for yash.bhardwaj.3133

we have problem with logout.php page we hav getting error Fatal error: Call to undefined function session_destory() in C:\wamp\www\Project\logout.php on line 4

Member Avatar for kreitje
Member Avatar for ska_defender

Hello I have a php script that resides in a single folder I want to run the same script in each folder wihout manually uploading the php file in each file for example I have mysite.com/folder/script.php and folder has different subfolders so I want to create a php file that …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for Djmann1013

I am having trouble with this code: <?php // Username $username = $_POST['name']; $email = $_POST['email']; $default = "default image"; $size = 40; // MYSQL mysql_connect('host','username','password'); mysql_select_db('database'); $grav_url = "www.gravatar.com/avatar/" . md5( strtolower( trim( $email ) ) ) . "?d=" . urlencode( $default ) . "&s=" . $size; $sql = …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for sabarinadh.ch

I am newbie in php and i have code for retreving data from the website where the $id=id now i want to retreive the data based on the code Select * from users where cat1=cat1 and cat2=cat2 and also show the data according to the id in decrement order. i …

Member Avatar for Squidge
Member Avatar for theakshay

Hi, I am pretty new to Joomla. The company i work uses a joomla 1.5 website which was designed before i joined. Now I'm incharge of managing this website by doing some small changes here and there. Problem : There is a page(not index) containing a few images which are …

Member Avatar for squeak24
Member Avatar for bLuEmEzzy

please help i want to load record in my div id ="msgbox" <div id ="msgbox"> <form action="connection/selectemp.php" method="post"> </form> </div> this is my connection <?php $con = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", ""); if(!$con){ die('Could not connect:' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("intranet", $con); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `tblmsg` INNER JOIN `employee` ON tblmsg.empid …

Member Avatar for bLuEmEzzy
Member Avatar for Tko_1

hello again, so i have a countdown in which i would like to add a automatically redirect to a specific url when timer hits 0 , as of now timer just goes into the negative.. <script type="text/javascript"> today = new Date(); BigDay = new Date("8,26,2012"); msPerDay = 24 * 60 …

Member Avatar for Tko_1
Member Avatar for nova37

hello i have little roblem with my php code to me its seems to be ok but its not working function bing_backs($url){ // to get backilinks $url = "http://www.bing.com/search?q=link%3A$url"; $total = file_get_contents($url); $match_expression = '/<span class="sb_count" id="count">(.*?)<\\/span><\/div>/im'; // preg_match($match_expression,$total,$matches); preg_match_all($match_expression, $total, $matches); echo $n_clean=$matches[1]; return $n_clean=clean_me($n_clean); } function clean_me($numb){ // …

Member Avatar for nova37
Member Avatar for mlucianpavel1

Hello. I'm trying to make a dropdown script to work and I'm stuck to a point where I feel the answer is simple ,but I simply can't see it . The script should display data from the MySQL Database when I choose the last option but I don't know how …

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Member Avatar for mkarmi

I have changed root directory in xampp ( the documentroot and directory) and restart it, it worked but when I click on admin I got "Object not found! The requested URL was not found on this server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again." …

Member Avatar for mkarmi
Member Avatar for shlokka

hi everyone, i have an irritating issue with the code editor in cpanel... whats started happening is if i click any line of code after around line 100 the code displays 3 lines above, and sits ontop of the code that is actually on those above lines! the further down …

Member Avatar for Squidge
Member Avatar for weirdCreature7

Pls. help me with this code :) the alert box is not appearing and it goes directly to homebody_admin.php I want the homebody_admin.php to appear after I click the ok button on alert box pls help. Your help is highly appreaciated! thanks in advance :) if($password!= mysql_result($result, 0)) { echo …

Member Avatar for weirdCreature7
Member Avatar for CarterLangley

This has got me very confused. Here is the code but it is not doing what it should do!! echo "<span class='vehicle_table_normal'>";$str_bodystyle=str_replace("," ,"<br />",$bodystyle);$str_bodystyle=str_replace("-" ,"&#45; ",$bodystyle);$str_bodystyle=str_replace(" - " ," &#45; ",$bodystyle);echo $str_bodystyle; The first replace is the most important for display purposes at this moment. The next two are because …

Member Avatar for CarterLangley
Member Avatar for Rolo Tomassi

Learning php. Set-up IIS7 on my local Win 7 computer. Accessing data from an Oracle database. Dreamweaver for IDE. Created a simple form.php page, POST action to process.php, pulls data from Oracle. Works fine (for my first php project). But when I edit the process.php file to try other techniques, …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for hr.Ziggurat

Hi. i'm trying to login to an asp login page via php and curl... i wrote this code by google help. i expect see originale login page whith invalid username and password message , but i see only 'Object moved to here.' error. <?php $urlLogin = "http://xxxx/LoginPage.aspx"; $nameUsername='txtUsername'; $namePassword='txtPassword'; $valUsername …

Member Avatar for hr.Ziggurat
Member Avatar for gacoekchip.pokher

hi all, help me please. CREATE TABLE `a_table` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `phone` varchar(20) NOT NULL, `group` varchar(20) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; INSERT INTO `a_table` VALUES (1, '111', 'cd'); INSERT INTO `a_table` VALUES (2, '222', 'cd'); INSERT INTO `a_table` VALUES (3, '333', 'cd'); INSERT …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Form Captcha <script> function checkForm() { if (document.forms.myphpform.elements['yname'].value.length == 0) { alert('Please enter a value for the "Name" field'); return false; } if (document.forms.myphpform.elements['email'].value.length == 0) { alert('Please enter a value for the "Email" field'); return false; } if (document.forms.myphpform.elements['message'].value.length == 0) { alert('Please enter a value for the "Message" …

Member Avatar for davy_yg
Member Avatar for cubalibras

Hello all, I'm having a bizarre problem with the most basic of logins. I'm using a function to pass two parameters, just email and password but it just will not work and I can't understand why. I ran the query in the database and it returned a COUNT value of …

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Member Avatar for rgutierrez1014

I'm using a code snippet from the Invision Power Board forum software on my own site to, sort of, connect the two. I have a "member bar" that I wanna put on every page in my website that has a login link, profile link, etc. I've already done this, the …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for gorybmovie

I am trying to setup a php testing server in Dreamweaver that connects to my webhost at webhostingpad.com. My webhost has php installed on it so I know I don't need to download xampp but I am still clueless as to how to set this up. Please help.

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The End.