39,326 Topics

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A while ago I created a PHP application that looks at xml files. I have now been tasked with converting this to Python or Django or Turbo gears(anything as long as it's Python something). I am new at Python and while I have played with Django a bit I have …

Member Avatar for newbie26

im working on a password verification(php) form when the user wants to change his/her password. new password will be typed twice for confirmation. if the passwords didn't match, a message box will appear (javascript). it already worked but my problem is when that message box appears, all the other fields …

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Member Avatar for zacharysr

I know the title sounds like an easy thing to do. But its not. I want to check that my user's message has 2 -'s in it. Then replace the first - with <s> then the second one with </s> and i dont know how to check for to dashe's …

Member Avatar for jeremym001
Member Avatar for Wolxhound90

Hey guys, I have some code which returns the column names, but not the actual data. Here is the code I have: $success = mysql_query($final) or die(mysql_error()); echo "<table><tr>"; foreach($_POST['fields'] as $f){ echo "<th>".$f."</th>"; } echo "</tr>"; $i=0; while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($success)){ echo "<tr>"; foreach($row as $r){ echo "<td>".$r."</td>"; $i++; } …

Member Avatar for Wolxhound90
Member Avatar for paruhang

hi everybody, iam new to this website and php as well. i get public and private key from recaptcha i have problem in captcha where to post, can anybody help me. i'll be greatful BEFORE PUTTING RECAPTCHA IN COMMENTS.PHP it worsk on page <html> <body bgcolor="000000" text="ffffff" > <center> <form …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for johndohmen1963

hi hope someone can help me i have //get the current date $dateend = date("Y-m-d");// current date //datebegin is current date -99 years $datepast = strtotime(date("Y-m-d", strtotime($dateend)) . " -99 year"); $datebegin = date('Y-m-d', $datepast); // Connect to server and select databse mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password")or die("cannot connect"); mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("cannot select …

Member Avatar for johndohmen1963
Member Avatar for newprimitive

Hello, my problem is related to uploading images (i keep info data in database and images in filesystem). I plan to generate image path from image ID, that's why i need to get the ID of the last inserted image. For example: image with ID 123456789 has this path /images/123/456/789 …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for lwaterfo

I have a code where I am inserting a new record into a database. I need a way of redirecting the user if they have already entered their information into the database. Here is my php code...how would I modify this to check for an existing record based on their …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for CarterLangley

Hi all, I have a table with quite a bit of columns in it. Nothing stored there yet, but will be soon. What I need to do is populate a drop down list with the first name and last name of the people in the table and also the unique …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for hankmeyer

Hello, I currently have a script that Uploads an image, resizes and saves successfully. I am having trubble understanding how I would rename the uploaded image according to the other image names in the directory. For example there are 3 images in the directory (Image1.png, Image2.gif and Image3.jpg) How would …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for stangn99

Hi All....this looks like a nice place to ask questions :) I'll start off by saying that I'm a total noob. I have a DIV with a static height set. Some dynamic content is being loaded into the DIV via PHP. My problem is, when I click on a link …

Member Avatar for aditya19897
Member Avatar for Mko_

So, I have this following snippet of code: if (isset($_POST['type1'])) { mysql_query("UPDATE table SET status = 1 WHERE id = '". $_GET['repid']."'", $c2) or die(mysql_error()); } if (isset($_POST['type2'])) { mysql_query("UPDATE table SET status = 1 WHERE id = '". $_GET['repid']."'", $c2) or die(mysql_error()); } if (isset($_POST['type3'])) { mysql_query("UPDATE table SET …

Member Avatar for fobos
Member Avatar for rotten69

Hey Daniweb lovers, I am using a cake php framework to develop my application. The problem I am facing at the moment is that I am trying to use two different tables (let's call them users and products.) I can select users from the users table. But, I have got …

Member Avatar for rotten69
Member Avatar for vijaysoft1

i want the best secured php class to provide [B]log in[/B] feature in my web with access protection and session timeout , plz help me

Member Avatar for jonhy22
Member Avatar for gogs85

How to some div value export to xml with tag in php code. I search my site and from div value export to external xml file. ?php $some_link = 'http://www.popusti.rs/'; $tagName = 'div'; $attrName = 'class'; $attrValue = 'offer-list-item'; $dom = new DOMDocument; $dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false; @$dom->loadHTMLFile($some_link); $html = getTags( …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for realworldmedia

Ok so i have been searching but this specific part i cant get, how do i echoinformation from my sql database with php into my div so i keep the same formating <div class="wrapper pad_bot3"> <figure class="left marg_right1"><img src="images/page1_img4.jpg" alt=""></figure> <p class="pad_bot1"><strong class="color2">Chateau Lingfield</strong></p> <p class="pad_bot1"><strong class="color2">3 baths, 6 beds, …

Member Avatar for realworldmedia
Member Avatar for t_thakar

Hi Im trying to create a web based quotation system with php and mysql. I wanted to create something like shopping basket where people store the items and when they click generate quote the system will display the quote of the items and qty selected. Only when the person has …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I wonder what is the best way to prevent injection against user input. There are a lot of examples but one say "magic_quotes_gpc" is good but removed from PHP soon. Therefore, no point of using it. Another says "mysql_real_escape_string and addslashes" just used to clean iptuts. Etc etc. I …

Member Avatar for phplover
Member Avatar for rotten69

Hey people, I am wondering what a good editor is that supports HTML5, CSS3, cakephp and a few other plugins ? I'm using Eclipse for php which supports HTML5... At the same time, I trying Aptana Studio3 which supports CSS3 ... I need one that supports all.. Or even Plugins …

Member Avatar for rotten69
Member Avatar for aecha

Hi.. I need some help from all of you. My link cannot go to the next page when i include index.php?page= in my line.Like the example below.. <td><div align="center"><a href="index.php?page=view_user.php?ref1=<?php echo $row['user_id'];?>">View</a></div></td> If I remove the index.php?page= , the page can link to the page that i want to go. …

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Member Avatar for geneh23

Hey everyone I'm trying to create a blog using php and for a certain page, I am "including" an "init.php" file that doesn't seem to recognize...I have three folders within another folder called "test5" and within that folder I have the folders called: "func" "resources" and "simple". Now in the …

Member Avatar for Shark8000
Member Avatar for dany12

Hello How can you store a theme(css jquery html) in a database and retrieve it using php and jquery ajax Can this be done in json and what advantages are with this tehnology,I am new to json and don't know that is why I am asking any ideas will be …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Venom Rush

Hi there I'm new to soap and I'm using the NuSOAP library. I'm trying to send xml to a soap server and then receive a response. I'm getting nowhere with this and it's beginning to frustrate me. Here is what I was provided with: First Snippet POST /Submit.asmx HTTP/1.1 Host: …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for don't give up

hello please help me first question : how can send email for users if him register in my website"i saved email in database" ,, send one Time a day Automatic .. second question : how can search in database then display for user thanks alot

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for latortuga42

Hi, I have a JavaScript validation function that worked before I changed the sendmail file to a php version (had to becfause of host's linux server). The sendmail code in the php file has some validation checking, but I would prefer to use the validation.js file with the form's onSubmit …

Member Avatar for ddymacek
Member Avatar for nexocentric

I'm having a small problem with a variable in one of my PHP scripts. The variable is `$isSubMenu`. It gets set using a function that runs recursively called createNavigationMenu. However, even though I have set it, the interpreter keeps telling me that the variable is undefined. I really don't know …

Member Avatar for nexocentric
Member Avatar for heshanm

I want to retrieve records in my database in order to manage details. The below error message displayed when i trying to do that. Can anyone help me out? ( ! ) Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in C:\wamp\www\Student registration\manage student details\manageStudentDetailsForm.php on line 250 …

Member Avatar for Venom Rush
Member Avatar for nchy13

we can use $_GET method to pass info via url but it shows the info in url like <a href =profile.php?id=$user>click here</a> and in profile.php?id=$user , we can access username via $username=$_GET['id']; is there any safer method to achieve because i don;t want to show the info passed in url. …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for hptchen

hi guys... i really need reference ASAP what i'm trying to do now is: -creating API from my website so that -other website can read certain content for my website database and put it in their website. i don't know if i explain it correctly, i tried to googling for …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for dschuett

This works: while($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)){ if($isfirst){ $last_id = $row['id']; } $isfirst = 0; $msg_id = $row['id']; $message = nl2br($row['post']); $time = $row['post_time']; $name = $row['firstname']." ".$row['lastname']; if($row['updated']=='1'){ $updated = "- <font style='color:#DB4937;'>CORRECTED</font>"; } else{ $updated=''; } $newPosts .= "<li id='msgblk_$msg_id'><span id='message_$msg_id'>$message</span><p class='time' id='time_$msg_id'>$name - $time $updated</p></li>"; } $newID = $last_id; …

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The End.