39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for richprich

When user post a comment, i strip all the html tags in the comment before insert into my database because i do not want them to post external links(SPAM) in the comment. But i only want to strip external links, i want to display my own website URL as normal …

Member Avatar for richprich
Member Avatar for silvertooth07

Hello, I'm having a problem using the jTable plugin. I'm fairly new to using jquery. Here is my problem: I have an database name reg and has fields (fname, lname.....avatar). What i want is to show the contents of the database using jTable. Now, I don't know how to display …

Member Avatar for lastgame2007

Hi, can anyone give me a idea on how, to create a AUTO GENERATED ID, example is. SCHOOLNAME001 something like this, how may i be able to create this kind? in which the 1 will autoincrement after every new students will be enrolled...

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for MattD00

I have text being loaded onto the page from a MySQL database. When the text is clicked, using JavaScript the element is replaced with a textbox displaying the text. I want to be able to use a MySQL update query to change what is in the textbox and so it …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for gopi17

okay...seem to be experiencing some problem here....in my pc, the web application is running perfectly....but when i run it from my handheld, its showing error... this is my code <?php session_start(); //starting session $host="localhost"; // Host name $username=""; // Mysql username $password=""; // Mysql password $db_name="test"; // Database name $tbl_name="test3"; …

Member Avatar for Echo89
Member Avatar for iamjin04

<html> <body> <form method="Post" action="commentsample.php"> <center><textarea name="comments" rows=2 cols=60></textarea></center> <center><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Cloud"></center> </form> <?php $con = mysql_connect("localhost","root"); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("comentss", $con); if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ $comment=$_POST['comments']; $q="insert into table2 (comment) values ('$comment')"; mysql_query($q); } $q="select comment from table2"; $result=mysql_query($q); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)){ //this is what i …

Member Avatar for gopi17
Member Avatar for fpaquin

When I try to call the Google Calendar in PHP it gives me Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'apiServiceException' with message 'Error calling POST https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/calendars/primary/events?key=ABQIAAAAsxHZhPGSukLbZlUcR7gZFhTVSiE46oDPbAIEWnLSRISr9hykzRT26WAMhnP0hQe-Tk5dj5M8wQHwFQ: (401) Invalid Credentials I looked at my developper key and it is the same. Is it suppose to be the developper key or something else?

Member Avatar for DavidAntaramian
Member Avatar for LastMitch

I'm new to this forum but I do read posts as a non-member and I learn a lot from reading other posts from other member. I'm having problem understand how to write the code correctly. I can't seen to figure out the international shipping cost but for domestic it works. …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for beastpanda

Hi all, I am new to php and I have a problem that I am looking into it for 1 day and can't understand it please help. here is my html code : <html> <head> <title> Calculation Form </title> </head> <body> <form action=calculate.php method="POST"> value one: <input type="text" name"val1" size=10 …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for joban.ali

Hi Guyz, Would like to thank you in advance for the help and support, The problem I am facing is I have a redirection script which opens the page within an iframe rather than displaying the whole page. [CODE]header("Location: http://www.domain.com/registration.php?par=$parcel&err=$error_msg&succ=$success_msg");[/CODE] I have a simple login form within an iframe when …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for swebdizajn

Dear friends, I started a project which now needs a way to implement the other site. In fact, you should also publish the same content on the site PHP website partner. What are the odds to bring and what should I use? I tried the function (include), but this is …

Member Avatar for swebdizajn
Member Avatar for adityamadhira

Hi I am new to php. How to implement credit card payment for a site (no 3rd party tool) and how insert them in database? validations for credit card numbers and check 3 digit number of the card. Thanks

Member Avatar for phoenix_2000
Member Avatar for rajeevphp2011

any one please explain me how to use cakephp framework or any MVC base framework . i have knowledge of php and WordPress

Member Avatar for rajeevphp2011
Member Avatar for fistfullofbeer

I am working on a personal project and am trying to figure out if Python 3 or PHP would work better. I prefer Python because I am trying to hone my skills at it and at the same time I really do like its syntax and ease to learn. I …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for 21122012

When user clicks on the calendar image, date can be chosen. If the text field changes, the date will be compared with $today with Javascript. If the date is earlier than today, a mesage will be shown. I did these codes and the message could not be shown when I …

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for rkayd

I am making a photo album. I have the basics set up without using any javascript but now I would like to be able to get the size of the browser window for at least two different instances. If I can get it for the thumbnail page I should be …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for ak47carbon

i want to refresh images on index.php while all images selecting from database kndly help me tell me whats the solution

Member Avatar for ak47carbon
Member Avatar for newbie1234

<table> <tr><td>Date</td><td>Job_id</td><td>Active</td>/tr> <?php while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($rs_total)) { ?> <tr> <td><? echo $row["Date"]; ?></td> <td> <?php echo "<a href='work.php?ID=".$row['Job_id']."'>".$row['Job_id']."</a>"; ?></td> <td><? if($row["Active"]==0) echo "Active"; else if ($row["Active"]==2) echo "Completed"; else echo "Not active"; ?></td> </tr> <?php }; ?> </table> in this code i want to transfer the id on pop …

Member Avatar for newbie1234
Member Avatar for turt2live

Simply enough: Call the function, get the returned filename. Function Variables: $file : The input file (source/background) $destination : Where you want the new watermarked image to go $overlay : The overlay image (foreground), this is default set (if not passed in) to "images/watermark.png" $X : X-Position of overlay (default …

Member Avatar for webatz
Member Avatar for momonq1990

Code blocks are created by indenting at least 4 spaces ... and can span multiple lines <script> function del(delUrl) { var r=confirm("Are you sure you want to delete?"); if (r==true) { alert("Deleted record!"); document.location = delUrl; } else { alert("Delete cancel!"); } } </script> <a href='delete.php?id=$sysid' class='view' onClick='del()'> <img src='image/vie.png' …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for ak47carbon
Member Avatar for Avenirer
Member Avatar for andrecj

Hello Guys, I am looking for some help: I have a dynamic table that shows a checkbox, id, title,etc., and date of insertion of an article that I've added before. And then I have a button that I would like to control if the user have clicked the checkbox and …

Member Avatar for Avenirer
Member Avatar for RazorRamon

Ok i have this long bit of code that determines how long ago someone input a post or comment. The only bit of the code that is giving me problems is at the very beginning. When i place a fresh topic or comment it doesn't go into the " just …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for newbie14

Dear All, I pull data from 2 different queries and both have date time data in them. So I need to present as one table but I want to order on time which is available in both queries. So how can I ensure that both data is order well on …

Member Avatar for BenzZz
Member Avatar for gopi17

Heyy, guys...i have developed a php/mysql program...now i would like to run it from a handheld...should convert or do anything...1st time doing this...thank u in advance

Member Avatar for gopi17
Member Avatar for priyadharsinism

Im doing a project based on students information. Im looking for the code to add the student details to alumini form when their period of course is completed(based on their date of completion). The below code is registeration of student information. [CODE]<?php $link = mysql_connect('localhost','root',''); if(!$link) { die('Failed to connect …

Member Avatar for priyadharsinism
Member Avatar for fpaquin

I am writing a site that sends the following: [url]https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin?service=cl&passive=1209600&continue=http://www.google.com/calendar/event?action%3DTEMPLATE%26text%3DEventTitle%26dates%3D20120107T152000Z/20120107T162000Z%26location%3D1%2BNicholas%2BStreet%26details%3Dhttp://dev.uocal.uottawa.ca/en/node/354&followup=http://www.google.com/calendar[/url] to Google to add to the Google calendar. How would I write the URL if I want to add a calendar event every Monday until a specific date to Google calendar. I looked in the Google API and I did …

Member Avatar for fpaquin
Member Avatar for whojstall11

Im trying to write an else statement in php where: if keyword is equal to letter or word it will give me an error message. right now my statement looks like this. [code] mysqli_stmt_close ($query); } else //problem with a query echo "Error: " . mysqli_error($conn); } else { //no …

Member Avatar for whojstall11
Member Avatar for FaisalSarfraz

Hi every one I am trying to upload a file on server but it is not uploading and always giving an error HEre is code. Please help. Its urgent [CODE] <?php session_start(); if(!session_is_registered(username)){ header("location:login.php"); } if($_REQUEST['title'] != '' && $_REQUEST['type']!='' && $_REQUEST['category'] != '' && $_REQUEST['sub']!=''&&$_REQUEST['elm3'] != '') { require("db.php"); …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for gilgil2

Hi, I am having some trouble echoing into a drop down menu. Instead of the bandnames that I would like to appear, $band is appearing. Here is my code: [CODE] <form action="insert.php" method="post"> Band Name <select name="band"> <? $link = mysql_connect(); if (!$link) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); …

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The End.