39,387 Topics

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Member Avatar for rahul8590

i was just trying the new DBMS , herd it was kinda faster than MySql in some case. the below is the code i have taken (Standard example) and still i am getting error. [code] <?php // create new database (OO interface) $db = new SQLiteDatabase("db.sqlite"); // create table foo …

Member Avatar for jmoli
Member Avatar for woss

Hi all, Can anyone please help me about this problem? I want to upload file from one server to another using some sort of php class or some another PEAR file? For now I have downloaded pear file from pear.php.net. It works great but when I want to send files …

Member Avatar for i-ensan
Member Avatar for julio gomez

Hi, I am using a PHP parser to extract some contents from a RSS feed. The parser used to work just fine, but when I changed my hosting the parser stopped working and now it shows the following error: XML Error: not well-formed (invalid token) at line 11 The XML …

Member Avatar for julio gomez
Member Avatar for alokas88

Hi, I want to display a form in php..i hav this variable called $fields if($fields==1){ I want to print 1 text box} if($fields==2){ I want to print 2 text boxes and so on} The whole thing should be submitted to an action.php page how can i do dat in php??

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for alokas88

Hii, I am working on a php-mysql GUI..MY problem is iam asking the user to input the number of fields he wants on his new table.According to the number inputted dat many number of text boxes should come on the screen .How can i do this ?Is there any way …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for caro88

Can anyone help?? I want to 2 sql command in a php file. The query is run in the search book, i want the query to get info from the loan table, if this table is empty then to display the details in the book table? Please help!!

Member Avatar for liamfriel
Member Avatar for AmieFeetandToes

Hello Everyone! I am working on a search form in PHP for a client's website. So everything works, the search brings results. What I am wanting to accomplish now is to be able to search more than one field, specifically first name and last name. Let's say if a user …

Member Avatar for colweb
Member Avatar for feroz28

I posted the same type of question for my one another jobs related site but still I have not got any solution. Now I have made one more jobs site and having the same issue so still looking for solution. I am using wordpress at [url]http://accounting-jobs-michigan.com[/url]. I am using permalinks …

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Member Avatar for JerieLsky

Hi, im working on some project on php with mysql, and I'm only actually a beginner in programming with php and mysql. I created a table in mysql which contains several records. I have like 10 records in it. Now what I want to do is I only want to …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for Explosivo22

I have a web page that has a folder on it say "folder1" that contains powerpoint files(.ppt). What i want to do is make a search box for someone to be able to enter say a specific name of a file and then when they hit submit it will search …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for adsegzy

Hello friends, I have a html form saved as join.html as below [code] <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="check.php"> Name: <label> <input name="name" type="text" id="name" /> </label> <p>Email: <label> <input name="email" type="text" id="email" /> </label> </p> <p> <label> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit" /> </label> </p> </form> [/code] and a php file …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for juan83

Hi, Im new in this programming world. Here is my problem: I need to display result of which I need to show location and gred using colors. For example for total staff the color will be blue and green color for available post. Below is my coding but it will …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for ElegantElephant

Is it possible to use PHP and a mysql query combined to allow a whole database backup file to be downloaded? For example, I'm currently backup up my database by using the export tool in phpmyadmin, but what if I wanted to add a button or link on my site …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for jvestby

Hello Today is the first of february and I noticed a bug in my coding. I use the php date function to give me todays date in an european style: 010210 I then insert this date to a mysql table. The problem is that the date after being inserted is …

Member Avatar for njm5785
Member Avatar for mission_PHP

I have been working on this for 2 days now. I have a form with a text box that allows 180 characters, if a user types in something with no spaces it wrecks my site since there is no space for the text to wrap in the table cell when …

Member Avatar for mission_PHP
Member Avatar for Tigermes

Guys, Appreciate if anybody can help me. I have a send_mail.php on my site that works great. The point is that I want a copy of all sending emails to be redirected also in one of my postbox. I need this to track what is going on, and what kind …

Member Avatar for mmartinho
Member Avatar for adsegzy

Hello friends, I have a membership site where members will submit their data and choose a template to display their information. On this site, I want each member to have his own subdomain (eg membername.mysite.com) whereby anybody that enter the subdomain into the address bar will be directed to the …

Member Avatar for tdhprestatyn
Member Avatar for seularts
Member Avatar for inetsubscriptio

I am breaking my brains for 3 days already on this. I read a lot on different web sites (so please do not have an impression that I am being lazy), I do not understand how to make it using php - in my case I use the name process.php …

Member Avatar for fobos
Member Avatar for sledge4

Here is my query, it works as coded, but it's not exactly what I am looking for output wise. <?php $result = mysql_query("SELECT racesforweek.racetype, racesforweek.racename, dynamicactivehorse.tOwner, left(Entries.RaceID, 4) As Race1, RIGHT(Entries.RaceID, 4) As Race2, Entries.HorseID, entries.Odds, retired.HorseName FROM (dynamicactivehorse INNER JOIN (retired INNER JOIN Entries ON retired.ID = Entries.RealHorseID) ON …

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for Justme24

Hello, is it possible to convert a text string into a image (with GD) and use for the font color an image (texture) and make the background transparent? Thnaks in advance.

Member Avatar for Froger93
Member Avatar for smush

Hi everybody, I'm having some difficulties with mysql_num_rows( ) on line 26. I keep getting a warning that the supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource. What does that even mean!? I get the same warning on line 51. Can somebody fill me in on why this comes …

Member Avatar for Froger93
Member Avatar for rahul8590

How to restrict the size of image thats to be uploaded . I am creating a small social network and have space constraints . So , i dont want to restrict the image size to be confined to certain limit.

Member Avatar for Froger93
Member Avatar for niths

hi all, i am allocating some memory for projects. if any one add a project and if its memory is greater than allocated memory, then the project should not add. so please help me. Thank u. [CODE]<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> window.close(); </script> <?php $id=$_GET['f1']; @session_start(); require_once ("check.php"); createsessions($username,$password,$userid,$projectid,$projectname,$filename,$size,$allocatedmemory,$answer,$usedmemory); $con=mysql_connect("","invensis","invensis"); if(!$con) { …

Member Avatar for pclfw
Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!

[CODE]$dir = opendir ($path); while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir))) { if (strpos($file, '.png',1)) { echo "$file <br />"; } } [/CODE] super short code that lists the .png filenames obviously the $path variable is the path to the directory. how can i list them instead in abc order cause …

Member Avatar for mschroeder
Member Avatar for hmortensen

hi all, I'm new to PHP and Java script, but would like to get som experience with em'. Im trying to make a search for a dropdown list, but it doesnt work? It is based heavily on this code [url]http://www.rgagnon.com/jsdetails/js-0089.html[/url] (wich works fine?) I have testet to see if the …

Member Avatar for hmortensen
Member Avatar for EvilOrange

I'm sure this has been asked before but I searched to no avail. I'm very pleased that Apple include Apache2 and PHP in all their builds but the fact they don't include GD, PDO_mysql and mcrypt (among others) isn't so great. I had this sorted until a recent update by …

Member Avatar for softx

i m a beginner in Php. Please help me to open link in new window. code is [code] <?php require("connect.php"); $album =mysql_query("SELECT * FROM albums"); echo "<table width='22%'>"; while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($album)) { echo " <tr> <td> <img src='images/".$row['cover']."' width='100%' height='100%'> </td> <td> <b>".$row['name']."</b><br> ".$row['description']." </td> </tr> "; } echo …

Member Avatar for colweb
Member Avatar for adsegzy

Hello Fellas, Am designing a sign and there is a page (INVITE FRIENDS) where members can invite there friends. All the member has to do is just to enter the friends name and email into the form and click invite. the form is below; [CODE]<form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="<?php echo …

Member Avatar for karuppasamy
Member Avatar for lifeworks

Hi I wasnt sure where to stick this, so Im asking this crowd I am putting together a website which works on an MVC principle, my own framework, and need some help with the .htaccess file. Specifically, if I want to make a pdf available for download, my url parser …

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The End.