39,388 Topics
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Hi, i have a php script on server1 that sends var1 in a url to server2 like [url]http://server2/script.php?var1=test[/url] server2 then posts back to server1 with the url [url]http://server1/callback.php?var1=test&var2=somedata[/url] i then want callback.php to redirect to [url]http://server3/someScript.php?var1=test&var2=somedata[/url] but callback.php dosnt seem to be redirecting to server3 ? If i type the … | |
hi all, im looking to resize an image from the following code, but i keep getting errors when trying to resize the image inline. [code] <a href="read_message.php?messageid=' . $row['message_id'] . '">' . $row['img1'] . '<br>' . $row['datetime'] . '<br>' . $row['message_title'] . '</a><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="1"> (You have mail)</font><br><br> … | |
Hi all, I understand that you cant disable a back button, but i do know I could open a new window, closing the window that instigated it. The following code does open a new window, but i want it to open a new tab. Also, its not closing the window … | |
Hi, I am glad to announce the release of the PHP robot which stores information from daniweb topics to answer questions. You may view my bot at [URL="http://chat.cwarn23.info/"]http://chat.cwarn23.info/[/URL] and it can answer all sorts of questions. In addition you can chat to other people who are online at the time. … ![]() | |
hi can anyone plese let me know how can we accept payment through credit card online? i have seen many credit card payment method on many website and want to have on my website. please help Thanks | |
Hi all, i am developing an application that gets input from user and display the resultset inside 3 tabs(html). i am using mysql database... my problem here is when i try to paginate the result values it display 1st set of values. but when i click the 'next 10 record' … | |
hallo there everyone.. i got an array from my database [CODE]$save=split("[|;]",$listOfItems);[/CODE] and what i want i s after making some changes to the attributes on the array above to export them on an csv or excel format but directly as a message to the browser .. i dont want it … | |
can some wan say me , a script or a php code to make the website to have more language thx :D | |
Hi, I need to secure my password and here are my questions. 1. What is the best method of making a salt? I have seen enough arguments for not using user info but rather random values. 2. How do I know user salt if I used random one? Should I … | |
Hello , I'm just amazed how strong php is , but i don't have an idea where to start , I mastered c++ at a command promp level + kinda average at visual c++ . If some1 could give me some sites or tutorials ? And is code igniter a … | |
hi all, i had a login page. so whenever i come to login page i am moving to the username text box and selecting that and typing username. so how can i directly type username wat i mean is immediately after coming to login page the cursor should be in … | |
Hey guys, I have reached my wits end with this..! This code works on two of the servers that I have tested, but doesn't want to work on the third server that I need it on! It displays fine, but when the form data is posted back itself to be … | |
for some reason, the exact same code without the added "$i[id]" part is working somewhere else on my site, but this is just rediculously NOT working for what i have here: [CODE]function nimg($directory='.') {return count(glob($directory."/item/".$i[id]."/*"));}; [/CODE] i tried this code when there was no item directory made yet and still … | |
I recently just stumbled across a forum where they were talking about [URL="http://winbinder.org/index.php"]WinBinder[/URL] which is a library letting developers easily create windows applications with php code. I had never even thought about using php as a not strictly web programming language. So then I kept reading about this and googling … | |
Hello guys, can anybody advice me how to remove or limit adding links inside posts of a wordpress blog? any php plugin available for this? I have a blog where many contributors are placing too many links with their posts. How can I solve this issue? D! | |
Hi everybody, I'm having trouble with my query on line 19. I'm supposed to search for a name and return the balance and credit limit. I'm not sure why I keep getting a parse error. Thanks in advance! [CODE=php] <?php $find=$_POST['find']; $name=trim($_POST['name']); if (!$name) { echo 'You have not entered … | |
Using PHP's IMAP functions, I want to move 10 messages from the folder "xyz_msg" to the folder "xyz_tmp" Below is the code I use to connect to the email server. [code] <?php $mbox = imap_open ("{imap.gmail.com:993/imap/ssl/novalidate-cert}xyz_tmp", "example@gmail.com", "password") or die("can't connect: " . imap_last_error()); $imap_obj = imap_check($mbox); echo "<pre>"; var_dump($imap_obj); … | |
I'm sure I'm missing something simple but I just can't seem to figure this one out. I have a dynamic XML file that is too big to display all the information on one web page. So I need a way to split the information across multiple pages. I have used … ![]() | |
Hey everyone, This is a thread about a rather complex SWF operation (for me at least is it complex) What is done: I have a main SWF file that loads some other SWF to be displayed in it and also loads 2 JPG's as the background of the buttons. There … ![]() | |
My name is Sami and i am new in this forum but hope to stay a long time around here. I hope you will welcome me in here and share your ideas, experiences, and knowledge to everyone who has got stuck with all kind of computer issues. ps Dont make … | |
I have been trying to connect a database to generate XML File through PHP code, but I still have a problem on this code. Can somebody help me correcting this code? Thanks in advance. <?php @ $db = new mysqli('localhost','622Std1', '622StdDB1', '622stddb1'); if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { echo 'Error: Could not connect … | |
Hi Guys, I have access to mini linux PCs that can serve up webpages using the Boa webserver. They also house an sqlite db file. What I want to do is install the bare-bones of php with only sqlite and PDO functionality, so I can write to and display data … | |
hi all, i have two form in php like this [CODE]<form name="az" method="post" action="add.php"> <select name="category" id="category">; <?PHP echo "<option value=default>birini sec</option>"; @$db=mysql_connect('localhost','uname','pass'); mysql_select_db(db); $sorgucat=mysql_query("select * from category"); while($satircat=mysql_fetch_row($sorgucat)) { echo "<option value=\"$satircat[1]\">$satircat[1]</option>"; } ?> </select> </form>[/CODE] and other is [CODE]<form name="az1" method="post" action="del.php"> <input type="submit" value="del" name="del"> </form>[/CODE] i … | |
Hey guys, I have been moving and testing my scripts on a different web server, but I am not getting the same results on both computers. Here is the code: [CODE] <?php session_start(); //THIS FUNCTION VALIDATES INPUT function VerifyForm(&$values, &$errors) { if (strlen($values['firstname']) == 0) { $errors['firstname'] = 'Please Enter … | |
I have the following script saved as 'index.php':[CODE=php]<?php $implementation = new DOMImplementation(); $doctype = $implementation->createDocumentType('html'); $document = $implementation->createDocument('http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml', 'html', $doctype); $head = $document->createElement('head'); $document->documentElement->appendChild($head); echo $document->saveXML();[/CODE]Now when I run the script, I get nothing at all (i.e. no source XML is being received by the browser). Error reporting is set … | |
Help, I'm a php rookie. I have a functioning form to email script, but I can't seem to get it to display checked checkboxes. I am grateful for help on this! Here's the checkbox (three checkboxes) and submit portion of my html form: [code] <label>Check all that apply: </label> <p><input … | |
Can any1 help!! I am creating a library management and student system, but depending on the 2 set passwords given will open up the next page. Library managers details will be: username: Manager password: books10 and students will be: username:student password:loan so depending on which username and password they enter, … |
The End.