39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for Undefined123

Hi, I'm developing a social service and I have a question about how user info should be loaded. Let's assume a user clicks on an image, and I show him all of the comments. I need to know which comments the user liked. I was thinking that instead of loading …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for PF2G

Hi, I have a list of news that i'm getting from the DataBase: do{ $content.='<div id="square_news">'; $content.='<div id="news_banner">'; $content.='<img src="'.$SelectAllNews['ImagemNoticia'].'" />'; $content.='</div>'; $content.='<div id="square_news_title">'; $content.='<div class="news_title_h2"> '; $content.='<h2>'; $content.='<a href="news.php?news='.$SelectAllNews['IdNoticia'].'">'.$SelectAllNews['TituloNoticia'].'</a>'; $content.='</h2>'; $content.='</div>'; /************SHARE FACEBOOK************/ $title=urlencode($news['TituloNoticia']); $url=urlencode('http://mywebsite.com/news.php?news='.$news['IdNoticia']); $summary=urlencode(strip_tags($news['TextoNoticia'])); $image=urlencode('http://mywebsite.com/'.$news['ImagemSmallNoticia']); ?> <a href="http://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?s=100&p%5Btitle%5D=<?php echo $title ?>&p%5Bsummary%5D=<?php echo $summary ?>.&p%5Burl%5D=<?php echo $url ?>&p%5Bimages%5D%5B0%5D=<?php …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for nadiam

Hi, so im doing my final year project for college and im thinking off adding a function whereby if it has reached the end of the month the system will send an automated email to a user as a reminder. is that possible? i mean coz im just using xampp, …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for davidjennings

Hi I am having a problem with the user ID being set, resulting in not deleting the chosen record. This is the data being passed in the url from view.php - delete.php http://localhost/crud/delete.php?91 . I have put in an if statement to check if the UserID is set and it …

Member Avatar for davidjennings
Member Avatar for adebayo.sas

1. Please how can select Assigned Court so that the Assigned Judge and his Court Location should be auto selected...What I was able to do is just for Assigned court and Assigned Judge..Please I need help to capture the three. This can be found on the Second ICON after login...Add …

Member Avatar for adebayo.sas
Member Avatar for adebayo.sas

1. Please how can select Assigned Court so that the Assigned Judge and his Court Location should be auto selected...What I was able to do is just for Assigned court and Assigned Judge..Please I need help to capture the three. This can be found on the Second ICON after login...Add …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for TIM_M_91

OK so I have already created many pages with my paging all working correctly however I have just created a new paging page that allows the user to use a search criteria. With the paging and search when you click on page 2 it dosen't load and dosen't display any …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Iikeloa

Hi <form action="check.php" method="POST"> <input type="text" name="keywords" /><br /> <input type="submit" value="Save The Keywords" /> </form> I need the keywords to be links for example : when the member put : php,mysql it should turn like this in the database : <a href="#">php</a> <a href="#">mysql</a> so when I query the …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Gaetane

This started out as `I love PHP traits! I'm going to use them everywhere! ^_^` and now it has turned into a `Thought Exercise / Learning Experience >_<`. Consider the following example: trait TheErrorOfYourWays{ public function booboo(){ echo 'You had a booboo :('; } } trait SpectacularStuff1 { use TheErrorOfYourWays; …

Member Avatar for Gaetane
Member Avatar for MaddTechwf

I'm writing my first Wordpress plugin and I'm trying to reference the root directory of my plugin. I'm trying to save a PDF file to a folder in my plugin folder. I did some googling and found getcwd() which returned my server path but it took me into the wp-admin …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for mrhankey

hi, i need a way to allow my users to replace placeholders with data from my recordset in mysql. situation is: 1. the create a letter and have keywords defined from my recordset columns such as {Name}, {DOB}, {Email} and so on. 2. currently i can generate the ltter but …

Member Avatar for mrhankey
Member Avatar for mrhankey

Hi does any of you guys know a free way to sync outlook contacts, emails, tasks etc with my php mysql web application? Thanks

Member Avatar for danishbacker

can any one tell me how to change the maximum file upload size? upload_max_filesize i got `ini_set('max_upload_filesize', 8388608);` for setting it to 8M but i need to know where to change it, I mean where is the php.ini file is located in my remote folder! i also tried to edit …

Member Avatar for sftranna
Member Avatar for griselndria

Hello everybody. I need some help because i am new on php, I have this code below and i want smth to know: When a user create new account member on the code below,i want that this row of accont member will be added on database. give me sm help. …

Member Avatar for griselndria
Member Avatar for patk570

Hello everyone, I am looking for a banner/slider for both images and text. I want to be able to display 3 articles that are attached to the blog I am making and have them rotate, Here is an image of where the content will go. ![47dd24c076f663f88f6d78c35f640cc9](/attachments/small/3/47dd24c076f663f88f6d78c35f640cc9.PNG "align-left") I would like …

Member Avatar for patk570
Member Avatar for geremyh

I have a webpage using two drop down menus to select the inside color and the outside color of my product. link to site [Click Here](http://bit.ly/1blbbcU) When the inside color is chosen the correct image is displayed but when I choose from the outside color drop down the other image …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for ITHope

so i decided to brush back up on my skills in html and i wanted to create website that has a login page for members and administrators or for new members to sign up i see php is the new thing. I have created the actual homepage and the links …

Member Avatar for baig123
Member Avatar for yavindu

How to disable showing e_notices in xampp.Which coding part I have to change in following code.I want to disable e notices only not all errors. error_reporting ;Default Value: E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT & ~E_DEPRECATED ;Development Value: E_ALL ;Production Value: E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT Thanks

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for GeeksPerHr.com

Hello Everyone This is Nitu from GeeksPerHr.com - we provide dedicated developers to web design companies in US, UK, Canada, Australia. Trial is for just 99 cents per hr :) - yes you read it right - ha ha Look forward to talking to you all guys Regards Nitu http://www.GeeksPerHr.com

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for diafol

Having just found 'traits' - see http://www.daniweb.com/web-development/php/threads/468928/php-trait-method-conflicts-trait-inheritance#post2043565 I was wondering whether they could be used to share a DB connection object across disparate classes, or would the old singleton or dependency injection methods still be the way to go? I'd value any views on this.

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for AAAA23

Hi , Using my search_page.php, I want to know how to search from diffrerent online libraries,databases and websites. How to creat a form to search from Online medical libraries,for example.I use Wordpress as CMS for my website. Any ideas or suggestions are appreciated.

Member Avatar for AAAA23
Member Avatar for dealerit

I'm having an issue mail()ing XML in the ADF format to my CRM tool. In a nutshell, ADF stands for Auto-Lead Data Format ([url]http://www.autojini.com/ADF1_0.pdf[/url]) and is XML based and used by many auto dealer CRMs. The XML will work when sent as an email from Gmail over to the CRM …

Member Avatar for cbenedict
Member Avatar for Tu Dinh

First of all, I'm a newbie to this forum, so sorry if i'm posting the thread to incorrect place. I ve been trying to search for the usage of function **wpsc_category_image()** (WP e-commerce wordpress plug-in), there were some results but unfortunately I still cannot achieve what I expected. I want …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for stanley87

Hi.goog morning, guys.Anybody here know any others dynamic pie chart library(don't want the google api chart) that is open source and free, can give me any recommendation?Thanks. Regards, Stanley

Member Avatar for Lilantha
Member Avatar for Raadha

<?php $con=mysqli_connect("localhost","root","","trial"); if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error(); } if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $day = $_POST['day']; { $result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM cust WHERE DATE(day)= '$day'");} while($row=mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { echo " <br><br><h2> EDIT Record of " . $row['name'] . " for the day " .$row['day'] . "</h2>"; …

Member Avatar for decade
Member Avatar for saadi06

Hi, Can anyone tell me that how can I check through openssl that the given certificate has a valid trust anchor or not. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for authcate
Member Avatar for TIM_M_91

Ok so what I want to do is only execute the folowing code when the user enters a postcode to be within Greenwich according to the Latitude and Longitude of Greenwich how do I do this? As each time the postcode changes both the latitude and longitude changes? $val = …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for topdude155

I can't use PHP. Every time I put it on my website, it either doesn't pop up or shows the code itself. How do I fix this? (Just started using PHP, I'm not good.)

Member Avatar for topdude155
Member Avatar for seanboy50

Hi all, I'm working with a PHP mail form and so far all is working well. It is returning everything from the form except the checkbox results. For them, it just says 'array'. I've searched high and low for a fix but I can't seem to get it working using …

Member Avatar for Lsmjudoka
Member Avatar for chrisschristou

hello dears friends i get a error on my page but i don't know what i do wrong the error code is "Notice: Undefined index: MM_Username in c:\folder\page.php on line <form name="form1" method="POST" action="<?php echo $editFormAction; ?>"> <label for="textfield"></label> <input name="article" type="text" id="article" value="<?php echo $row_N9389['article']; ?>" readonly><br> <label for="price"></label> …

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The End.