39,388 Topics
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Hi Please take a look at the code section. Does anyone know how to: a) Return JSON from the prepared procedure call instead of me using a while loop and a concatenated string? b) Given the MySQL query returns these columns: ID, DepartmentName how do I access these in my … | |
Hi, I have problem with evaluating XPath with query. When I use this in xpath_tester script: [B]URL: [url]http://www.seznam.cz[/url][/B] [B]XPath: //*[@id='gadget-6']/div/div/h3/span[1][/B] Works fine, but this: [B]URL: [url]http://www.seznam.cz[/url][/B] [B]XPath: //*[@id='gadget-1']/div/div/div/div/table/tbody/tr[1]/td/div/div/strong/a[/B] Result: "ERROR 2: No result!", because there are no items in $nodeList I'm 100% sure XPath is OK. (using XPath checker extension … | |
Hi all, I am trying to display some data from text file with an array. [CODE]$filename = "comments.txt"; $filepointer = fopen($filename,"r"); $myarray = file ($filename); for ($mycount = 0; $mycount < count($myarray); $mycount++ ) { $aline = $myarray[$mycount]; print $aline ." \n"; } fclose ($filepointer); If (if else statement-checks search … | |
I am trying to install XML_RSS extension but it seem that something is not working. I was looking over the documentation and it says that I should run some commands in the command line. this one confused me totally. Could anyone help me get this done? Thanks | |
On days when my site gets a lot of traffic, I get this error message... Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: User OH_admin already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections in D:\Inetpub\vhosts\ourhometown.ca\httpdocs\includes\all.oh.front.inc.php on line 3 User OH_admin already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections Can someone point me in the direction in how … | |
Hello, I intend to execute a shell script from PHP using shell_exec() in a simple file as follows: [CODE] <?php $result = shell_exec('sh /var/www/script.sh'); echo "<p>$res</p>; ?> [/CODE] This fails to produce any sort of output! I have manually executed the script from the shell of the PHP web-server and … | |
I am trying out the sample code on: [url]http://www.php.net/manual/en/pdf.examples-basic.php[/url] I get an error that Class PDFLib is not found. Where can I get this class? There seems to be a lot of resources on the web and they just confuse me. | |
helooo.....i'm developing a login page currently...and i'm getting tis particular error...i have look it up on the net, changes were made....but still can't find a solution to this problem...i would be grateful if you guys could help me.. [CODE] <?php $host="localhost"; // Host name $username=""; // Mysql username $password=""; // … | |
Im in final year year of BSCS in fact in final semester I have my php project,it is a Learning Management System. It contains online examination,course registration,gpa estimator, e libaray,forum etc. Im not that much expert in PHP but I know all the general concepts. The problem is that i … ![]() | |
Hi Frendz, How to create family tree chart using php/javascript/jquery? I googled that but :(. If any one know the link then help me.. | |
I intend to maximize the use of space on my web page, so I have decided to use Spry Tabbed Panels. However, problem is that Whenever I submit data on one panel to a mysql database, the second panel submits itself too. I want to deal with the data on … | |
hi i have the following issue. i'd much appreciate someone helping me out here. i'm trying to let a drop-down list (which will be placed, and vary on many pages) with the contents of an array. how can i get that done? plus, once a certain element has been selected, … | |
I have this error appearing Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /websites/123reg/LinuxPackage21/th/er/ag/theragereport.co.uk/public_html/feed/feed_view.php on line 148 from this code [CODE]$sql3="SELECT view FROM $tbl_name2 WHERE id='40'"; $result3=mysql_query($sql3); $rows=mysql_fetch_array($sql3); $view=$rows['view']; // if have no counter value set counter = 1 if(empty($view)){ $view=1; $sql4="INSERT INTO $tbl_name(view) VALUES('$view') WHERE … | |
Im building a shopping cart for every product that is clicked, i append them to $_SESSION['product_id] and put comma so if producct 1 is clicked, the value of the $_SESSION['product_id] is 1 then if producct 2 is clicked, the value of the $_SESSION['product_id] becomes 1,2 and then I explode the … | |
Is it possible to write a program that you can put on a webpage where a person fills out a form, and once they submit the form, it gets automatically sent to an external site? For example, I want someone to visit my webpage to review a company. After they … | |
if I use session in a web app can I be assured that every guest who visits the site has a unique session id? and for example I use a rand() to generate and store a $_SESSION['customer_id'] can I be assured that every set of rand() is also unique? say … | |
I have some pages in a database and I want to write a program that takes the web addresses from this database, get all the rss feeds and then returns the results in another table. Can anyone gives me some ideas about how to do this? ![]() | |
I am trying to start a daemon on a server with Ajax PHP and JQuery. The following code executes without any errors an opens all the html files in separate browser windows like it's supposed to. I receive the alert message . However, the daemon never starts. Can anyone see … | |
i've already searched but i got more confused when new codes appears in my sight again (cuz im just a newbie) So, what I want to is, when the user successfully uploads the image(upload.php), it will be viewed before continuing into the next step (view.php). [B]index.php[/B] [CODE=php] <html> <body bgcolor="black" … | |
hi, does anyone would help me fixing my code, i got a problem in my search bar, when i want to click the add to cart button of the product searched or the items there's nothing happened, all i want is to add the product search in my cart. hope … | |
can someone explain me where is problem in this code it need to send this data to database table called anketa [CODE]<html> <head><title>Anketa</title></head> <body> <form action="insert.php" method="post"> Mesna zajednica <select name="mesto"> <option value="donji_grad">Donji Grad</option> <option value="karadjordjev_dud">Karadjordjev Dud</option> <option value="plavinac">Plavinac</option> <option value="seone">Seone</option> <option value="ladna_voda">Ladna Voda</option> <option value="lestar">Lestar</option> <option value="zlatno_brdo">Zlatno Brdo</option> <option … | |
Hi, My products (records) are selected with a number of pages. Then I use navigationbuttons like first | next | previous | last, to the next or the previous. like [CODE]<a href="<?php printf("%s?pageNum_Recordset1=%d%s", $currentPage, 0, $queryString_Recordset1); ?>"> <input name="faktura_datum" type="text" id="faktura_datum" value="<? echo $date; ?>" /> First</a></strong></span></span> | <a href="<?php … | |
Hello.. I would like to know if this is possible. Which I assume YES it is possible. Since I add column (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP), so I want to pulling the data from mysql table out to html php table filtered by the current time on the machine (computer system). … | |
I really dunno wats wrong here. the firts query works but the second does not . please help... There a these connected files: save.php [CODE]<?php include_once("classes/jewelry/item.class.php"); $inum = $_POST['ItemNo']; $i=new item(); $i->ItemNo = $inum; $i->ItemName= $_POST['ItemName']; $i->CapitalPrice=$_POST['CapitalPrice']; $i->SalePrice=$_POST['SalePrice']; $i->Category=$_POST['Category']; $i->Description=$_POST['Description']; $i->save(); include_once("classes/jewelry/stock.class.php"); $j=new stock(); $j->ItemNo = $inum; $j->NumStored= $_POST['Nload']; $j->NumSold= … | |
hi, i've been trying to solve this but no luck. This is my code [CODE]$replace1 =str_replace('hreflang=\"'.$arr['variantslang1hid'].'\" lang=\"'.$arr['variantslang1hid'].'\"','hreflang=\"'.$arr['variantslang1'].'\" lang=\"'.$arr['variantslang1'].'\"',$replace1);[/CODE] it should replace but no. i'm not escaping "" properly. how can i solve this? help much appreciated! | |
I'm trying to make a prepared statement to query a customer database and set their user session variables. When I try to run it I get this error. Fatal error: Call to a member function bind_param() on a non-object in C:\wamp\www\HW2\user_login.php on line 57 Can someone help me with why … | |
Hello there, can anyone can help me with my problem, i want to update a record, but im getting an error. this is my code [CODE]<?php // connect to the database include('connect-db.php'); // check if the form has been submitted. If it has, process the form and save it to … | |
I have problem that i want to replace a posed value of form with the correct name but not getting the proper text I am only getting the form values i.e. [B]pbs[/B] and [B]gs[/B] <?php include "connect.php"; $school=$_POST['school']; if ($idevice =="pbs") { $tb_school = "Public School"; } else { $tb_device … | |
Hello Guys, I really need your ideas on this one... Ok, I'm only familiar with php and simple html coding. I'm designing simple book loan database. Consist of two sql tables (a very simple one) table 1 book_in table 2 book_out Ok.. Let say, every book is determined by a … | |
In the address bar, i am getting the clean URL. I want to parsed it out.please help me out. [url]http://example.com/folder/test.php?stuid=xx44[/url] |
The End.