39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for LloydFarrell

Hi, I have been going round in circles for the past few hours and I need some help please with the following header location. [code]header("location: http://www.websitename/members/securecode/index.php");[/code] I have a login script that works great until i get to line 81 ?? the above header location. here is my script - …

Member Avatar for Kadafiz
Member Avatar for PinoyDev

Hi! Good day! I am having problem regarding closing the fancy box with an iframe type after succesfull login..I have this code but the redirect parameter seems not executed after fancy box close event...Anybody help me?Thanks! [code=php] echo "<script>parent.jQuery.fancybox.close();</script>"; header("Location: " . $MM_redirectLoginSuccess ); [/code] Thank you!

Member Avatar for PinoyDev
Member Avatar for rakwel10

Hello, pls help me with my code... I was able to output the database table on my page. It goes for example like this: [B]id | name | etc... ---------------------- [COLOR="Red"][U]01[/U][/COLOR] | john | etc... [COLOR="Red"][U]02[/U][/COLOR] | mike | etc...[/B] The "ID" is a link (a href). Once click, it …

Member Avatar for rakwel10
Member Avatar for rakwel10

How do I do this: on submit of the form, data will be saved in a session array variable. The purpose is to use the submitted data page by page. After that, how do I extract them? thats all.. thanks

Member Avatar for rv1990
Member Avatar for 100110010110100

I have tried parsing a website with curl and then searching it with regular expressions, but I have not been able to perform a regex search. Even if I try parsing news.google.com and then search for any non digit, the code returns that there is no match. If I run …

Member Avatar for 100110010110100
Member Avatar for newbie14

Dear All, I would like to know can php support distributed transaction for mysql database? The problem I have a scenario to update two db which are located in different location?

Member Avatar for newbie14
Member Avatar for Jamesiscrazzy

I found this cool source of a dynamic form but after trying to fitting it to using a table it won't work as intended. A little help? [code=html] <html> <head> <script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript"> //Add more fields dynamically. function addField(area,field) { if(!document.getElementById) return; //Prevent older browsers from getting any further. var …

Member Avatar for Jamesiscrazzy
Member Avatar for vanpersie

Hi I wrote the following simple code to practice php mail. [CODE] <?php $to = 'nobody@example.com'; $subject = 'the subject'; $message = 'hello'; $headers = 'From: webmaster@example.com' . "\r\n" . 'Reply-To: webmaster@example.com' . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); ?> [/CODE] But when running the web …

Member Avatar for vanpersie
Member Avatar for mhaselip

Hi All Please can somebody help me. I am trying to output more than 1 row of data querying a table called tblbanners. The normal while loop isnt outputting more than 1 row. it seems to be just printing only 1 row. not too sure why? would be greatfull if …

Member Avatar for mhaselip
Member Avatar for DealthRune

I need a PHP messaging system where you can send, recieve, and view the messages you sent from one user to another. If you need my SQL code for the database, just ask :)

Member Avatar for lexayo
Member Avatar for mamdouh ramadan

hello every one..... i know that you may laugh at this but it is happening with me... i have a domain called lightc.com and the problem i'm facing that some users ( not all ) just few of them are telling me that they are just asking for lightc.com and …

Member Avatar for mamdouh ramadan
Member Avatar for shaiyatoplist

hello all ok this is my php script [CODE]<body background="backgrounds/1.png"> <?php //SID Check ausfuehren => Datenbankverbindung wird aufgebaut und Sprachauswahl gesetzt include "sid_check.php"; //Zusammensammeln der zur SID gehoerenden UserUID in der Sessions Tabelle $query_UID = "SELECT UserUID FROM MallSessions WHERE sid = '$cook_sid_escaped'"; $result_UID = mssql_query($query_UID); $array_UID = mssql_fetch_array($result_UID); $user_UID …

Member Avatar for Rhamises
Member Avatar for Krishna_Php

I have problem in using pf_script_with_get($SCRIPT_NAME).....For using this function i made a file funtions.php and included in each file where this function is used. the code of funtions.php is <?php function pf_script_with_get($script) { $page = $script; $page = $page . "?"; foreach($_GET as $key => $val) { $page = $page …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for abs0lut01

I know how to select the members who did not post for every topic. I need to send an email every 24 hours to the members who did not post for every topic. Could you please help me?

Member Avatar for hostobtain
Member Avatar for mrhankey

hi guys, i have a script [CODE]<script>KT_self_url = "pageToRedirect.php";</script> [/CODE] basically it is a script that runs after a flash multi upload. problem is that the script does not refresh the page. so if i set for example [CODE]script>KT_self_url = "members_Detail.php?MemberID=<?php echo($row_WADAmembers['MemberID']); ?>#tabs-11";</script>[/CODE] it hangs with the flash upload on …

Member Avatar for Rhamises
Member Avatar for kentf

On a site I'm building, on the first page there is a "Featured Member Of The Day!" This is set up through a php script to randomly selects a new member business every 24 hours from the MySQL DB... We've got this all working with the MySQL DB and the …

Member Avatar for coolasr
Member Avatar for nobuts

Hello, I've got a script of facebook date but I want to translate the returning day into my language (Monday=>mmday for instance). Could you guy please. [CODE]function fb_date($timestamp){ $difference = time() - $timestamp; $periods = array("second", "minute", "hour"); $ending=" ago"; if($difference<60){ $j=0; $periods[$j].=($difference != 1)?"s":""; $difference=($difference==3 || $difference==4)?"a few ":$difference; …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Jeroen van Zijp

I'm trying to make a Menu manager in PHP + SQL. My goal is to save every menu item and where it should link to in a seperate row. Every row has an internal identifier column called 'menu_id'. I also want to add a function to be able to add …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for sammry

I have a table in which I want to retrieve the table as follow. Login Name Parent User Email ID Mobile No abc abc_parent [email]abc@abc.com[/email] 9999999999 MySql Table as follow in tbl_users user_id parent_user loginname email mobile 321 123 abc_parent [email]abc@abc.com[/email] 9999999999 231 456 abc [email]123@123.com[/email] 8888888888 I am having …

Member Avatar for peter_carlos
Member Avatar for rakwel10

can someone tell me how to do this... I have a page that contains reports and information. For this reason, I thought of putting an rtf generator that converts HTML to RTF. I've googled it, found some codes, but I cant understand... Any one here know how to do it? …

Member Avatar for rakwel10
Member Avatar for tomkrug2

Who can help please, I have no knowledge of the PDFlib and its functions and have a time constraint, dont have the time to sit down and study it. Who can help, I need the following dynamic php page exported to a pdf. Here is the link: [URL="http://www.lifestyle-solutions.biz/jeanadmin/print-program.php?idprgramdet=40"]http://www.lifestyle-solutions.biz/jeanadmin/print-program.php?idprgramdet=40[/URL] Thank you …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for whiteyoh

Hi all, I have a 2 dimentional array. What im trying to do is pull out the relevant bits and slot them under their correct segment, which works for tier one. If totally forgotten how to loop through the 2nd tier of the array. i know it needs to go …

Member Avatar for ddsuresh
Member Avatar for Daniel Liwonde

I am looking for a code(php or javascript) that can enable me to upload files to my site eg images and when i vist my site at that particular posted page i should see the image not a link but the thumb nail like what happens with gmail or face …

Member Avatar for leest35
Member Avatar for Daniel Liwonde

I want to be helped with a php code that can be used to do things automatically when a certain time reaches eg sending an email automatically to all members in my database at 12 pm every day or on monday or locking someones acount when they do not pay …

Member Avatar for IIM
Member Avatar for spawn2004

Hi , everyone, i am new in web design and i have a liitle problem with my registration form.I have one php file which have the html code and the php and anothe with jquery. PHP code is for checking and enter the data in mysql table. The jquery code …

Member Avatar for ddsuresh
Member Avatar for Daniel Liwonde

I am looking for a code that cane enable a a lock image on a locked account eg1 showing a lock on an enllroment account of a certain course when registration time has erapsed to show that students can no longer register for that course then remove the image when …

Member Avatar for ddsuresh
Member Avatar for miss_indie

Sorry for posting again. :| I'm working on this simple evaluation system for our final requirement in this subject. it's working now. my problem is I want to have an error checking ([I]if it's the right term for that[/I]). if they leave one textbox blank? the flow will be, if …

Member Avatar for rajeevbu
Member Avatar for eltonpiko

hi i have a project that will send sms to its subscriber but ive look everywhere and could no get a good answer. my project will be in php and im just wondering is there a software that i can install on a pc and hook a gms modem with …

Member Avatar for eltonpiko
Member Avatar for phorce

Hello When I normally write classes and then use them, I'd use this: [code] $site = new Site(); $site->load('header'); [/code] But I've seen people do this: [code] $site = new Site(); $site->load->header(); [/code] How do they do it? Confused

Member Avatar for kaisarkhan87
Member Avatar for jimobama_tech

I write an upload image script to my local server it works but when i upload online it did not but it display 0 as $_FILE['filenam']['error'] this is the code send me answer please to my email <<snip>> or reply here $target_path='../uploads/'; $_passport_path=$_FILES['passport_file']['name']; $_pp_type=&$_FILES['passport_file']['type']; $_pp_size=&$_FILES['passport_file']['size']; $_maxima_size=30000; if(($_pp_type=='image/jpeg') ||// ($_pp_type=='image/gif') || …

Member Avatar for kaisarkhan87

The End.