39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for grouchotron

I'm attempting to write a script that logs into a web site, navigates through some links, stores some data to a text file, and logs out. I was able to log on with ease, using WWW::Mechanize. However I'm having trouble navigating through the actual website, because instead of just a …

Member Avatar for AdventDeo

[CODE].... <table id="tbl"> <div id="xtra" style="display:none; visibility:hidden"> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </div> <div id="dname" style="display:none; visibility:hidden"> <input name="Name[]" type="text" size="35"> </div> </table> .... <input type="button" name="Add" value="More Company" onclick="return AddRow();"> .... //the following javascript function is saved in another .js file which is then called from the main php file when the …

Member Avatar for AdventDeo
Member Avatar for noescape

Hi. in open source package moodle i came across "global $CFG" line of code in setup.php in config it is used as [CODE] $CFG->dbtype = 'mysql'; $CFG->dbhost = 'localhost'; ............ [/CODE] $CFG is global object but there is no class. it is behaving like an array. how there can be …

Member Avatar for noescape
Member Avatar for szkoda

I'm creating a movie rental site and need to set the availibility of each movie. If its available, the user needs to be able to rent it, if it isnt they need to be told so. In the admin section the availibility of the movie needs to be set. Now …

Member Avatar for FlashCreations
Member Avatar for nats01282

Hi all, Im new to php with mysql, i have connected sucessfuly to my database, But how do i go about creating a register script and login script? I already have 10 page website created by me in html/php But now i want to add a members area i have …

Member Avatar for FlashCreations
Member Avatar for benk1

Hi Guys I've got a MySQL product database on a website, and I wrote a php script that searches the database and returns the results in an html table with no problems at all. My problem comes when trying to display x results (I've been trying 5) per page. I've …

Member Avatar for benk1
Member Avatar for metalstorm

hi all, ive downloaded the DHTML window script from here : [url]http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex8/dhtmlwindow/index.htm[/url] and have it running on my site. i also have a DTHML / ajax chat running on the site which is currently on the main page in an iframe. im trying to put this iframe inside the DHTML …

Member Avatar for metalstorm
Member Avatar for takeshi

Hi.Im trying to create a program that would simply [B]count of votes[/B] and [B]save in database[/B] after voting of the students,[B]results of all votes[/B], and [B]displaying people that have voted[/B].. here's my html. [CODE]<h2><center>Select Candidates</h2> <p><table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=5> <tr> <th>President:</th> <tr></tr> <td>1.Name presidents&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="radio" name="pre1">&nbsp;&nbsp;<th><a href="">View Profile</th></a></td> <tr></tr> <td>2.Name presidents&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input …

Member Avatar for FlashCreations
Member Avatar for szkoda

Im trying to create an if statement based on the value in my database. [CODE] <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>E Movies :: Rent A Movie</title> <link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> </head> <body> <div id="container"> <div id="header"> </div> <div id="menu"> …

Member Avatar for szkoda
Member Avatar for bharanidharanit

I would like to add captcha to my registration system. I searched google and i get some. There are more number of scripts in that which are little bit complex to go on. I simply took my needs from that. Now My registration page is generating captcha, but i dont …

Member Avatar for bharanidharanit
Member Avatar for rouse

Can someone show me how to do the following? I have a variable named $day. If the value of $day is between 1 and 9 and it is represented by a single digit like “1”, I would like to set $day to 01. How would I do this?

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for whitestream6

I created code for my TV guide web site, as mentioned in a previous thread ([url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread247517.html[/url]). I solved the problem, in the code below. This is the new code, which works well: [CODE] <? //connect to mysql //change user and password to your mySQL name and password mysql_connect("localhost","root","PASSWORD"); //select which …

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Member Avatar for shedii

I want to start 3 forums, but not at same time. One next week, another after one more week & third one in May so I was thinking to start with phpbb/smf and then in May buy vbulletin license in bulk when my third forum would be ready. But I …

Member Avatar for mackone
Member Avatar for xiodus

hi ummmm i dont know exactly where to post this but im trying to put a active calender on desktop dont mind if its online or whatever as long as the calender updates daily . . . any help???????:-/

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for szkoda

Been trying to work this out for hours I have two tables called 'Genres' and 'Films'. Genres contains two columns 'Genre_id' and 'Genre_Name'. Films contains a load of columns, the most important being 'Title', 'Year', Director', 'Genres'. Now im trying to create a page where the user can edit a …

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Member Avatar for Midnite007

What am I needing to do in order to make this work ? Please advise ? I am getting the $song_title from another part of my PHP I am just setting it as something in this example in order to post what I thought should work ? any help would …

Member Avatar for Midnite007
Member Avatar for santral06

hi, I ve form with checkbox in php. <input checked="true" type='checkbox' name="checkbox" /> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="deger" /> as we see , this code send "id=deger"... but I want this : if user uncheck checkbox, then it wont send "id= deger" how can I do this ?

Member Avatar for Alcaro
Member Avatar for Dilbert137

Dear All, I'm developing a project in php but seems to have issue connecting to an Oracle database 10g. I have got some examples on internet but is someone having the same issue or had a previous issue. Have someone a documentation guide to suggest me. Thanks Dilbert137

Member Avatar for rori

i have a website for properties (rent, sell, etc), using php and mysql. i allow the admin to manage existing properties by selecting the property id from a dropdown that lists all properties ids from the database, or by directly entering the property id in a textbox and submitting a …

Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

Hai friends First of all please excuse me if this is a answer less question. I developed a web site using PHP and MySQL and I likes to give email ids to my users along with my sites name. ie " [email]username@mysite.com[/email] ". I likes to develop a mail facility …

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Member Avatar for rcalt2vt

I'm working on a website that creates an object called player that can contain any number of event objects that get added to the player object from an event-driven xml parser. So what I've been trying to do is use an array but that does not working, from my understanding …

Member Avatar for JRM
Member Avatar for Ender330

Maybe someone can help me understand what I need to do. I am trying to set up billing for a website. The processor (ibill.net) says that I need a URL for them to post to. The company who sales the script I am using for my site says they I …

Member Avatar for Ender330
Member Avatar for ronaldpaul

[CODE]<?php //Start session session_start(); //Include database connection details require_once('config.php'); //Array to store validation errors $errmsg_arr = array(); //Validation error flag $errflag = false; //Connect to mysql server $link = mysql_connect('localhost','root',''); if(!$link) { die('Failed to connect to server: ' . mysql_error()); } //Select database $db = mysql_select_db(shop); if(!$db) { die("Unable to …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for nats01282

Hello all. im new to mySQL database so dont know very much so sorry if its a daft question. I have a mySQL database with a company called 5quidhosting but my hosting is with heart internet. Can i get a web page hosted with heart to access the database on …

Member Avatar for nats01282
Member Avatar for tonyeveland

Hello there, I use javascript to preload images as show below. The problem is that every time a page is refreshed, it preloads again. Is there any way to get an image into memory that stays there forever without any more preloading? <script type='text/javascript'> if (document.images) { img001 = new …

Member Avatar for Wraithmanilian
Member Avatar for dskumar_85

hai friend's how to use the bullets in HTML , we use the editor for hmtl is dreamviewer , ya i use the bullets but the aligment change's if i use the bullets'

Member Avatar for nats01282
Member Avatar for wrestle23

hey is there anyone out there wanna help me make a text based mafia game with me we can both be admins in the game we mite make profit in this game according 2 my plans if there is wanyone illing 2 help plz can u pm me i understand …

Member Avatar for Wraithmanilian
Member Avatar for darktangent

Hi, I am reading a csv file and i read it line by line.. but there is a problem. It reads the csv line but put the spaces between each charachter.. and the line gives problem when i use it write in the mysql table.. Here is the out put …

Member Avatar for Wraithmanilian
Member Avatar for mangel.murti

why this function display [B]sharma[/B] not love on browser [CODE] <?php $a='abc'; define("h",sharma); define("h",love); echo h; ?> [/CODE] and second [CODE] why this will show nothing on browers? <?php $a='abc'; bb(); function bb() { echo $a; } ?> [/CODE]

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Member Avatar for MegL

I have a dropdown list at the bottom of my page. It's populating like it's supposed to but when I choose whatever option I want and click submit it doesn't repopulate the content on the page like I want it to. I'm trying to have content of the page change …

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The End.