39,388 Topics
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how can i get the element of this list? here is my code <select id="itemsTbx" name="originSel" onchange="checkOriginDest()"> <option value="B">Bacolod <option value="C">Cebu <option value="M">Manila <option value="Z">Zamboanga for example i want to get Cebu.. what is the code for that? Please help me... tanx | |
I am running a cron job that runs a PHP script every minute ... however my ISP doesnt like that so I will eventually have to change it to every 5 min ... my problem is this the PHP script is going out to a shoutcast server getting the needed … | |
Hey guys i'm pack for more help again! For a site I'm making I need a shopping cart. It's all working but for some added functionality I would like to be able to update quantity of an item using an input box. For an example see this site: [url]http://www.oonaghnaturals.com/ShoppingCart.php?[/url] I'm … | |
Hi guys I'm looking for a starting point to have a login for a website. The situation is as follows - I have a common product list, with 3 price bands (gold, silver, bronze) When a gold customer logs in, I want to search the db for the products, and … | |
Hello, I want record the visitors ip address and how many time they access my website but the problem that if the visitor behind firewall, so all I'll get a hundreds of visits from the same IP address so I thought about using cookie , first I'll search for my … | |
I want to use 3 DIV tags: 1) As Left Panel 2)Center Panel 3)On different page with contents How to use 1 DIV to open 3 DIV in 2 DIV? Is it possible? | |
Hi If anyone could help with below code as I am new to php [code]<?php $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM hotels ORDER BY city"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo $row['city'] . " " ; echo "<br />"; } ?>[/code] above code list all cities as below newyork newyork newyork newyork … | |
Hey guys! I am a beginner of php. so i don't know that which will be the best as a loop? While ? or For ? Can anyone help me please.... I want to do this...! Just count 1 to 10 and then add it... i mean 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10 nothing much.... … | |
Back again! I now need to check if a variable holds one of multiple values...I.E: [CODE=PHP]if ($cvalue == "Germany" OR "England" OR "latvia" OR "Africa") { echo "Do something" ; }[/CODE] In VB I'd just have used something like: [CODE]in("Germany" OR "England" OR "latvia" OR "Africa")[/CODE] Any help appreciated...digging through … | |
I have been trying to post a value from a radiobutton selection into my database. My datatype in mysql is int. I want value to be 1 or 0. But I believe it takes the value from the radio input type as a string. I need help in posting a … | |
So I'm trying to make a program that counts how many vowels are there in the user's first name. I tried to make the code but its not 100% functional, can someone take a look and tell me where I went wrong? [CODE]<html> <head> <title>Untitled Document</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> … | |
Hi guys, Hope i'm putting this in the right place. Apologies if i'm not! I'm making a website for a sports suppliments supplier. I'm having some trouble with how to layout the database. I have a navigation menu which has all the categories listed. But some of my products are … | |
[B]Ok so I guess there are many threads about undefined indexes.[/B] I am trying to create a form in which a user can upload both textual information and an image. In my site its adding a watch included information and a picture into a database. I have two questions. First … | |
Hi there, I'm struggling to get a simple if statement to work. I am passing a country though to a page from a previous page ( ?country=Poland) and then trying to evaluate it and display a specific bit of text if the country is for example'Germany'. Here's what I have: … | |
If I have a text file and in PHP for example want to read that test file but only a certain part what commands could I use to do this ? Sorry but I am a beginner in PHP and I am lost ... Say for ex I have a … | |
Hi I am developing a web application in PHP, I need help in identifiying if a user has login to view a certain page. For example: If a user just type an address of a page that should ony be accessed by loged in user with out login on, he … | |
Hi I need help I cant find a php editor that has a built in ftp client so i can just click on a file and open it. Ive tried notepad++ with the ftp add on but it doesnt work :/ Any ideas? | |
php code to convert doc file to html like in monster.com they take the CV in word file format and display it in a html format | |
Is there a way I can see what exactly is sent by curl in the post? With the body and headers and all. Thanks. | |
Can someone please hekp me develope a script that will read from a .txt file ( ex: songs.txt ) and strip out all the songs listed in the file minus the duplicates ... as there will be 2 or 3 of each one listed in the .txt file ... example … | |
All I want to do is to design a form to collect info from users and have a php process it but I kept getting this error shouting undefine variable. Please some 1 check my code and tell me what is beyond my glimps [B]The form[/B] [CODE]<form action="process.php" method="post"> Your … | |
Hi all, i have a DOB input that I am trying to output to a textfield called "StarSign" The DOB works great, uploads to the database fine, What I would like to do is from the given DOB - Output the StarSign to a textfield called starsign. i have dob_y … | |
Hallo Could some tell me why am getting the following error message. Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '{' in C:\wamp\www\financialacadem\thank_you.php on line 23 Here are the codes for both the contact.php and the thank_you.php [CODE] <form id="contact" action="thank_you.php" method="post"> <div class="form-row"> <label for="first_name">First Name</label>: <input name="first_name" id="first_name" class="required" size="30" maxlength="50" … | |
posts on my site are usually like this [url]www.mysite.com/detail.php?topic=899[/url] the user post $name, $email, $comment there is an hidden field $hidden After success posting comment i want it to send an email to their email saying blah blah... In the email, i want to include the hidden field so i … | |
I am trying to group a list of event dates by their ending date. So if I have 15 events that end on the same date, I want all of those tr bgcolors to be red, then the next group, lets say 8 events all end on the same date, … | |
I have a database in which my parent_id same for many rows. So I wanted to write a code which groups all similar images in a paragraph. How can I do this. | |
I'd like to know if there is an alternative to "this" and "super" from Java in PHP. Greets, K?! | |
How can I execute a PHP script using command line? example plzz .. | |
Any idea how I can do this? This is what I tried, and it doesn't work: [CODE] $query="SELECT bookingdata.*, users.* FROM bookingdata, users WHERE bookingdata.userid = users.userid"; $sql=mysql_query($query); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { $id=$row['id']; $userid=$row['userid']; $bookingdata=$row['bdate'];......etc. etc. } ?>[/CODE] ![]() | |
Is this the right process to rotate an image ? [code] <?php $original = imagecreatefrompng("myimage.png"); $yellow = imageColorAllocate($original,255,0,0); imagerotate($original,50,$yellow); header("content-type:image/png"); imagepng($rotated); imagedestroy($original); imagedestroy($rotated); ?> [/code] ![]() |
The End.