39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for muralibobby2015

i am getting this error but i think there is no error. any one look at this [CODE]$affiliateForm = array( "username"=>array("User Name","text",""), "password"=>array("Password","password",""), "site"=>array("Your Web Site","text","http://"), "email"=>array("Your Email","text","yourname@yoursite.com"), "akey"=>array("","hidden",""), "ptype"=>array("Payment Method","select","check|paypal"), "pemail"=>array("Paypal Email","text",""), "address"=>array("Your Address","textarea","") );[/CODE] i am getting [B]Parse error: parse error, unexpected '=', expecting ')' [/B] on this …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for kissmyawesome

Hi, I'm using FPDI and TCPDF to generate on-the-fly PDF documents, using existing PDFs as templates. So far so good. What I really need is the ability to create a 2-column layout, as per the FPDF tutorial here: [URL="http://www.fpdf.org/en/tutorial/tuto4.htm"]http://www.fpdf.org/en/tutorial/tuto4.htm[/URL]. Normally FPDF works fine, but I need to combine this layout …

Member Avatar for Scooby08

I have a small problem I'm thinking.. I have a form that lists items and next to each item there is a input text field for the user to choose the quantity of each item they wish to order.. When the form is run through it spits out this array: …

Member Avatar for jerickduguran
Member Avatar for xuexue

i just want to know, how can i put a live bar graph in a dynamic page? thanks in advance ^^

Member Avatar for xuexue
Member Avatar for dan_ord

Hi all, I'm having a problem getting a cron job to execute properly. I'm using my hosting control panel to set the task up and execute a script. What I want the script to be able to do is search for jobs that were posted over 7 days ago, loop …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for dazlerd

Hi I am currently working on a web site which I had to modify to add the option of either using pounds or euros forthe pricing. I have two image input types which onclick I want to set the session variable $_SESSION['currency'] to GBP or EURO, and then refresh the …

Member Avatar for FlashCreations
Member Avatar for asadzaheri

Hi everybody, would you please tell me what's wrong with this code that generates the following error: Warning: fopen(C:\Documents and Settings\Sando\Desktop\boys.gif) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/domain/public_html/webs/divisions/chek.php on line 108 [B]data inserted without any picture[/B] although it works fine and great @ localhost MySQL …

Member Avatar for FlashCreations
Member Avatar for stanfordftw

Need help with my registration code for my site. Read through it if you may and tell me if there are any errors. (And where do I place this in the page?) [CODE]<?php // Connects to your Database mysql_connect("database.accdb", "", "") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("users") or die(mysql_error()); //This code runs if …

Member Avatar for stanfordftw
Member Avatar for itisnot_me

ok so just ran into a problem using tinyint instead of int i have hit the 127 max. but i did not realize that on time and now i have about 100 entries that i need to fix with a loop to do an increment of a counter this is …

Member Avatar for itisnot_me
Member Avatar for itisnot_me

ok so what i want to beable to do is have a coded up website template (with php in it) that is stored in the DB. and i would like to call it in a query. That part works fine but what doesnt work is the php being called from …

Member Avatar for itisnot_me
Member Avatar for cableguy31

I have a php script that sends the contents of a form via email. I have some error checking in the script to make sure that the required fields are filled out. Right now, if there's an error, it just displays an error, with what's missing on a simple html …

Member Avatar for vaultdweller123
Member Avatar for Erick

Hello to everyone, I'm new here - Great forum. I would like to update an entire database at once. I use Mysql database and PhP scripts. I explain : I have to update prices in one column of the DB by puting +10% This is what I have but it …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for dinoservers.com

Hi, I've seen so many sites that have [url]www.domain.com/downloads?420[/url] or ?222 and so on. I am in the middle of making a upload script but i also want it to add a link to the downloads page to the file. Im not sure how this should be done and i …

Member Avatar for Sameer1

HI all, I am trying to display user (ad displayname) welcome message on my web site but I am not sure how to achieve it. I found somthing online but that doesn't make any sence to me as I dont have nay value of $user_ID in the below code, [CODE]< …

Member Avatar for SameerMughal
Member Avatar for gunnarflax

Hi, I created a script which I use to clean my database from missing entries. With it I both check if a file on the server is missing a database entry and if a database entry exist with no corresponding file on the server. The user first submits a form …

Member Avatar for gunnarflax
Member Avatar for Phaelax

User fills out a web form containing about a dozen or so combo boxes. As each comboBox has its options filled from values contained in a database, this limits what the user can input. However, as we know this can be bypassed, hence the need for validation even on a …

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for sarithak

hi frnds, here i m using AJAX code for posting variables..when i submit the form , then the GET variables are taking like this.. [QUOTE]hi%20h%20r%20i[/QUOTE].. how can i solve this problem.. plz go through the code.. [CODE] //javascript code... function get(obj) { var poststr = "name=" +escape(encodeURI( document.getElementById("name").value )) + …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for emhmk1

Hi everyone, i was wondering if you could help me out, i'm working on a project where the user can login from any part of the site and a function is called when the button is clicked. The problem is if the user for example is on this url [url]http://localhost/profile.php?id=12[/url] …

Member Avatar for emhmk1
Member Avatar for DealthRune

This one is a messaging system! Made it myself, works great! Hopes you like :)

Member Avatar for jamied_uk
Member Avatar for jagadeshms

I wrote a simple code in java script and it is working fine with IE and not in Firefox but the out put in php array count is correct in IE but not correct in Firefox[code]I wrote a simple code in java script and it is working fine with IE …

Member Avatar for dinoservers.com

Im in the middle of making a filesharing site but would like more people to join the team and advertise it! And of course build it :) Who will help? Im on all day and i will be checking for new posts every 5 mins :)

Member Avatar for grouchotron

I'm attempting to write a script that logs into a web site, navigates through some links, stores some data to a text file, and logs out. I was able to log on with ease, using WWW::Mechanize. However I'm having trouble navigating through the actual website, because instead of just a …

Member Avatar for AdventDeo

[CODE].... <table id="tbl"> <div id="xtra" style="display:none; visibility:hidden"> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </div> <div id="dname" style="display:none; visibility:hidden"> <input name="Name[]" type="text" size="35"> </div> </table> .... <input type="button" name="Add" value="More Company" onclick="return AddRow();"> .... //the following javascript function is saved in another .js file which is then called from the main php file when the …

Member Avatar for AdventDeo
Member Avatar for noescape

Hi. in open source package moodle i came across "global $CFG" line of code in setup.php in config it is used as [CODE] $CFG->dbtype = 'mysql'; $CFG->dbhost = 'localhost'; ............ [/CODE] $CFG is global object but there is no class. it is behaving like an array. how there can be …

Member Avatar for noescape
Member Avatar for szkoda

I'm creating a movie rental site and need to set the availibility of each movie. If its available, the user needs to be able to rent it, if it isnt they need to be told so. In the admin section the availibility of the movie needs to be set. Now …

Member Avatar for FlashCreations
Member Avatar for nats01282

Hi all, Im new to php with mysql, i have connected sucessfuly to my database, But how do i go about creating a register script and login script? I already have 10 page website created by me in html/php But now i want to add a members area i have …

Member Avatar for FlashCreations
Member Avatar for benk1

Hi Guys I've got a MySQL product database on a website, and I wrote a php script that searches the database and returns the results in an html table with no problems at all. My problem comes when trying to display x results (I've been trying 5) per page. I've …

Member Avatar for benk1
Member Avatar for metalstorm

hi all, ive downloaded the DHTML window script from here : [url]http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex8/dhtmlwindow/index.htm[/url] and have it running on my site. i also have a DTHML / ajax chat running on the site which is currently on the main page in an iframe. im trying to put this iframe inside the DHTML …

Member Avatar for metalstorm
Member Avatar for takeshi

Hi.Im trying to create a program that would simply [B]count of votes[/B] and [B]save in database[/B] after voting of the students,[B]results of all votes[/B], and [B]displaying people that have voted[/B].. here's my html. [CODE]<h2><center>Select Candidates</h2> <p><table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=5> <tr> <th>President:</th> <tr></tr> <td>1.Name presidents&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="radio" name="pre1">&nbsp;&nbsp;<th><a href="">View Profile</th></a></td> <tr></tr> <td>2.Name presidents&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input …

Member Avatar for FlashCreations
Member Avatar for szkoda

Im trying to create an if statement based on the value in my database. [CODE] <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>E Movies :: Rent A Movie</title> <link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> </head> <body> <div id="container"> <div id="header"> </div> <div id="menu"> …

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The End.