39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for embee

hello. i am designing an online library management system as my project work and im having problems with my code.. please can someone help me with the code.. using php and mysql. thanks

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for codewalkz

Hi, i am working on a member database. I need to get all the registrations except the current week. I have a "week" field in my database. This one is fine and echos all the records from week 1 to 8: [CODE]SELECT COUNT(*) FROM agents WHERE week < 9 and …

Member Avatar for rajabhaskar525
Member Avatar for ashiqin88
Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for sheru2302

Hi, I need help on creation imap mailbox. Im new to php. This is a code where have been created by previous programmer. [CODE] if (($USER_REG_IS_LOGIN) && ($tmp_imap_server)) { if (!$user_exist) { $form_password = $tmp_emailname . "_1234"; $request_cmd = "create_imap_user {$tmp_emailname} {$tmp_imap_server} $form_password"; $request_data = UserRegSvr::send_request($socket, $request_cmd); $request_data = unserialize($request_data); …

Member Avatar for sheru2302
Member Avatar for USDoD14

I've been looking everywhere for samples, examples, and help for this, but I've not been that successful. I want to open an image <www.silentnoobs.com/renders/pb000495.png> and read the first few lines and output it correctly. There's a ton of jibberjabber in there. Here is the first ~100 or so characters in …

Member Avatar for 68thorby68

Does anyone have any suggestions on good reading material on how for format my php/mysql output. For example, how to populate tables with results of loops. or how to send the results loops to a pre-formatted html page that will display data in a bespoke way.

Member Avatar for LloydFarrell

Hi all, Over the last week or two i have been working on uploading images to mysql db, Whilst i have the image uploading to the correct location and the name of the image added to the database, i cant understand how to add the image location to the name …

Member Avatar for LloydFarrell
Member Avatar for nats01282

hi all, i am after a basic editable html textarea. Like the ones used on here the on im typing in now - i have the textarea set up but want to be able to insert text once the webpage is live in html format. if you get what i …

Member Avatar for julzk
Member Avatar for azegurb

can you help me what is here [CODE]$this-&gt;contents = $contents;[/CODE] it must be like this [CODE]$this->contents=$contens[/CODE] musn't it? thanks for attention beforehands [CODE]<?php class Box { var $contents; function Box($contents) { $this-&gt;contents = $contents; } function get_whats_inside() { return $this-&gt;contents; } } $mybox = new Box("Jack"); echo $mybox-&gt;get_whats_inside(); ?> [/CODE]

Member Avatar for azegurb
Member Avatar for EddieC

Zend Technologies today is set to announce a series of alliances intended to allow its PHP framework and development environment to work with other widely deployed RIA technologies from Adobe, Dojo and IBM. In a keynote speech at [url=http://www.zendcon.com/ZendCon08/public/content/home]ZendCon[/url], the company's annual PHP developer conference in Cupertino, Calif., Zend CEO …

Member Avatar for ablitz
Member Avatar for takeshi

hi..is there anyone knows how to do that?to be able not to read by anyone my password when they want to view the username and password account..?

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for takeshi

G' day! my code here was good.. [CODE] <?php if(isset($_GET['btnsubmit'])){ $can = array($_GET['pres'],$_GET['vp']); mysql_connect('localhost','root'); mysql_select_db('sample_poll'); foreach($can as $val){ $sql = mysql_query( "UPDATE candidate SET votes=votes+1 where can_id='".$val."'" ); } echo "<h1>vote complete!</h1> <a href='voteresult.php'>see all vote results</a>"; }else{ echo "<form method='get'> <h2><center>Select Candidates</h2> <h3>president:</h3> 1.) lace <input type='radio' name='president' value='1'> …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for niro_fernando

Can any body plz help me , i want to install php apachi and mysql and configer them, can any body help me , i search on the net but the links are not working to downlonad them.plz help me

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for OmniX

Hi Guys I have been using the DIRECTORY SEPERATOR and from time to time i get a %5C instead of the appropriate / or \ now. Any ideas what is the problem? Thanks, Regards X

Member Avatar for amd_k8
Member Avatar for muralibobby2015

hello.. i want to do a customizable blog using php. admin can post from admin side. then user can give coments on that post. but this is simple task. but how to display that comment with out refresh the page.

Member Avatar for amd_k8
Member Avatar for cityboy

I am trying to find out how i would include the option to upload a picture as part of a form. i need help with the following: 1. how to add picture upload to form 2. how to store image in folder with the location stored in the database. 3. …

Member Avatar for rajabhaskar525
Member Avatar for Reliable

hello Everyone, I am trying to test PHP mail on my local host but to no avail. I have changed the SMTP in my php.ini file to that of my ISP. I have downloaded and installed both Mozilla's Thunderbird 3.0 as well as ArgoSoft MailServer free 1.0. I have Googled …

Member Avatar for Reliable
Member Avatar for xuexue

please help me guys, i need to know how is it possible to make a line graph using php/javascrip/html. data will be coming from a live database, so basically the webpage will just plot the data coming from the database, but the problem is that, even the basic know-how's i …

Member Avatar for julzk
Member Avatar for Mike516

I made a registration script my problem is getting the errors to post in the div area. here is a picture: [url]http://screencast.com/t/OTcwNWMxN2Qt[/url] [CODE] <head> <LINK href="css.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <title>Registration</title> </head> <div class="roundcont"> <div class="roundtop"> <img src="/images/tl.gif" alt="" width="15" height="15" class="corner" style="display: none" /> <form action="<?php $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post"> <table class="table"> …

Member Avatar for amd_k8
Member Avatar for sfrider0

I have been working on this a while and have tried just about way trying to delete a row from a database using a button. What I have is a list of websites and data about each on each row. Then next to the row is a Delete button. I …

Member Avatar for FlashCreations
Member Avatar for tunde011

I have a table that accepts article and email from a user and another table that accepts the name and comments from another user. I want the first user(the person who post the article to recieve email that someone has commented on the article. I will appreciate it if you …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, This is my URL [inlinecode]index.php?name=BSC&Subject=C++[/inlinecode] When I do [inlinecode]echo $_GET["Subject"];[/inlinecode], result is [B]C[/B] without ++ I also tried (string) and settype() functions but no luck How do I solve this problem? Thanks

Member Avatar for veledrom
Member Avatar for nadnakinam

hi everyone, I have designed a web site which works fine in local server. but when i upload it on to server i get this problem, which really annoying me :@ I'm getting this warning, Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\...\...\Domain.com\login.php:6) in …

Member Avatar for nadnakinam
Member Avatar for architact

Hello, I am developing a site on which upon registration the users will receive a personal site with the address username.domainname.com Please tell me how this can be achieved, I think it might b possible with the use of mod_rewrite but I am not sure. Please help me with this …

Member Avatar for architact
Member Avatar for balam

Hi, I have a paginations script to display data from my database but i would like to paginate someones search results. I have this script but get an error that says "syntax error, unexpected '=', expecting '}'" for this if(!$start){$start = 0;} [CODE] <?php include ("connect.php"); $per_page = 20; $start …

Member Avatar for balam
Member Avatar for SamiBH

Hello I want to learn how to make a script, that reads 2 tabels to find and print top 10 users Table1: postname - userid Tabel2: username - id ( userid = id ) the script needs to count and print top 10 users with most posts #1 userA 1000 …

Member Avatar for SamiBH
Member Avatar for php.devesh

Hi to reader, i used all the tricks. but every time failed. Let i tell u what i have and what i want. i have a website. [url]http://www.directorylistforseo.com[/url] and in this website some ulrs are exist Like a) [url]http://www.directorylistforseo.com/search.php?id=93[/url] b) [url]http://www.directorylistforseo.com/search.php?subcat=110[/url] and i want convert in into a) [url]http://www.directorylistforseo.com/search/id/93[/url] b) …

Member Avatar for arunss
Member Avatar for Heila

Checkebox doesn't hold its value when i use jQuery styling plugin wich allows me to skin form elements. but when i remove the jQuery the code works !! can someone plz tell me the way to fix it ?! Code: [CODE] <html lang="en-US" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en-US"> <head> <meta content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" http-equiv="Content-Type"/> …

Member Avatar for JRM
Member Avatar for nejix

Dear all, I get the following problem: My users register on my website and enter a date of birth into the database (Mysql, DATETIME field). Now I would like to create a query that shows the upcoming birthdays within X days. For example: name [varchar(25)] :Tim birthday [DATETIME] : 1984-01-23 …

Member Avatar for Will Gresham
Member Avatar for disc

Hi all, After moving my PHP-code from a Windows Server to a Linux one I have problems with the $_SESSION variables. When I login an click a menu option, all my $_SESSION variables get cleared and I have to login again. Does anyone recognize this problem and have a solution …

Member Avatar for cwarn23

The End.