39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for RicardoE

Hello, folks at Dani Web I'm a new to Dani Web and I hope to be helpful to a lot of people, but first I want to ask something. You see I have a huge problem, it begins with a desktop app I'm currently coding written in C# for a …

Member Avatar for RicardoE
Member Avatar for talk2sachi

Hi all, I'm very new to php and I'm working on a project that require to create compcard that should be saved in a folder (uploade) which is working properly. The problem is that now I have to preview that copcard (images) and ask user to save it or not. …

Member Avatar for Wraithmanilian
Member Avatar for sifounas

Hi, i am a php programmer who has no previous programming experience neither in java nor in c#(sharp). My goal is to learn both languages java and c#, so i am looking for an experienced programmer who has in depth knowledge of both languages to suggest me which one to …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for stangn99

Hey guys...I've run into a little issue (noob here). I’ve setup a little application for scheduling days + times in different rooms. I’m trying to implement some sort of an error check which determines is someone has already been scheduled for a certain day, time(range), and certain room. For example: …

Member Avatar for stangn99
Member Avatar for ronaldpaul

[CODE]<select name="splace" onchange="eval(this.value)"> <option value="javascript:show_loc('1');">Chennai</option> <option value="javascript:show_loc('2');">Coimbatore</option> </select>[/CODE] In the above code, in the option the value property is given as a javascript. Since in IE the onclick function doesn't work I've placed onchange in the select and then given the javascript in the option value. Now to save the …

Member Avatar for wrivera
Member Avatar for junezy4

I need to make a password in php and javascript (with html) so that if the user wants the password to be 6 digits long, then the password is y0z0z2z4z6y2z0z2z4z6y4z0z2z4z6y6z0z2z4z6… If the password is 4 digits long, then the password is y0z0z2z4y2z0z2z4y4z0z2z4. THESE ARE NOT RANDOM NUMBERS. There is a …

Member Avatar for Rashakil Fol
Member Avatar for Venom Rush

Hi all I found cURL and want to use it to upload a file after a form has been submitted. I found the following code on [URL="http://php.net/curl"]http://php.net/curl[/URL] [CODE=php] <?php /* http://localhost/upload.php: print_r($_POST); print_r($_FILES); */ $ch = curl_init(); $data = array('name' => 'Foo', 'file' => '@/home/user/test.png'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'http://localhost/upload.php'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, …

Member Avatar for wrivera
Member Avatar for Wraithmanilian

Question to toss out to the group. I have on many occasions created a daemon for things like XML Sockets and Flash-based socket chat. My question is concerning sound and/or video. Are there any of the veteran posters here that have had hands-on experience with socket-streaming video or audio? I …

Member Avatar for Wraithmanilian
Member Avatar for Jellybaby

For my college I need to make a game called Lingo and I'm not even close to finding out how to do it since I was only given 2 lessons so far. If anyone has existing code or knows some functions or ways of helping I'd appreciate it.

Member Avatar for Jellybaby
Member Avatar for mohammadxxx

hi i have this code (Latest Threads IN Marquee ) and want when click on any link that open in new tab . [CODE]global $db, $vbulletin; if($vbulletin->options['latest_Threads_order']==1){ $latest_Threads_order="order by thread.dateline Desc"; }elseif($vbulletin->options['latest_Threads_order']==2){ $latest_Threads_order="order by thread.views Desc"; }elseif($vbulletin->options['latest_Threads_order']==3){ $latest_Threads_order="order by thread.replycount Desc"; }elseif($vbulletin->options['latest_Threads_order']==4){ $latest_Threads_order="order by thread.lastpost Desc"; }elseif($vbulletin->options['latest_Threads_order']==5){ $latest_Threads_order="order by thread.dateline …

Member Avatar for mohammadxxx
Member Avatar for c_Newbie

Hi everyone, I hope im posting in the right section. I'm desperate searching for an algorithm which tells me the similarity between two java codes. Some kind of anti-plagiarizer. The algorithm I found were mostly written in languages like C# .. I'm trying to write it in PHP, even though …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for takeshi

Hi..Good 'day! wanna ask that is there any code in uploading image in php..i wanna add field name in my [B]candidate table[/B] in my database..and i wanna add there[B] image[/B] but i do not know what's the right data type am going to use..as well as the code..

Member Avatar for takeshi
Member Avatar for takeshi

hi...My friend of mine told to use this code [CODE]if($session->isAdmin()) the check if the user is logged in & has admin privileges if($session->logged_in) to check if the user is logged in (simple user) [/CODE] in login system.but it doesnt work at all..i want that if i login into the system,my …

Member Avatar for takeshi
Member Avatar for Aamit

Hi, I my application lots of business name with their address store in DB. i want to show google map for them. [COLOR="Red"]How to show google map from address. Or add new column for latitude and longitude? [/COLOR]

Member Avatar for K0ns3rv
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I have a folder with full of doc files. Instead of downloading the files one by one, is there any way of zip(rar)-ing them and download in one go with PHP? Thanks

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for chienee

[code] <?php session_cache_limiter('private,must-revalidate'); session_start(); require_once("config.php"); include ("classes/db_functions.php"); include ("classes/display.php"); $dbf=new db_functions(SM_DB_HOST,SM_DB_USER,SM_DB_PASS,SM_DB_NAME); ?> <link href="style/report.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <?php if (@$_POST['Submit']=="Save Report") { $sql = "select * from customreport order by id desc"; $linkID=mysql_connect(SM_DB_HOST,SM_DB_USER,SM_DB_PASS); mysql_select_db(SM_DB_NAME, $linkID); $result = mysql_query($sql)or die(mysql_error()); $nume = mysql_num_rows($result); $row=mysql_fetch_array($result); if (!empty($nume)) $nume = $row['id'] + 1; …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for aditi_19

Hi, I have uploaded all my php pages to the server and everything runs perfectly fine. There is just one problem. When i click the refresh button on any page, the user is automatically logged out (session destroyed) and is directed to the login page. When i was refreshing the …

Member Avatar for harshbavaliya
Member Avatar for takeshi

Hi..Wanna ask if someone knows how to retrieve records in database in PHP...I want that if i click the "retrieve button" all records will retrieve..I'll use retrieving when disaster occurs..tnx in advance.. :)

Member Avatar for harry_watson
Member Avatar for OmniX

Hi People I would like to know how exactly to setup the links you see below that are attached to the article so send to digg, facebook, etc. Also what is the offical term for these links? special links? special tags? ??? Thanks, Regards X

Member Avatar for OmniX
Member Avatar for ayesha789

Hi Dear All I have 1000s of JPGs Images. Names like S-KHI-1233 Now I need To rename all the images and new name should be last 4 numeric digits like 1233. For all 1000 JPGs I want to do this. if image name is S-KHI-1964 then new name should be …

Member Avatar for ayesha789
Member Avatar for takeshi

Hi.. i create a search button in my program..to search in a particular record in my database..what are the codes that i'll be using in order to search a record? tnx in advance..Godbless

Member Avatar for takeshi
Member Avatar for cuty_clemz

how can i get the element of this list? here is my code <select id="itemsTbx" name="originSel" onchange="checkOriginDest()"> <option value="B">Bacolod <option value="C">Cebu <option value="M">Manila <option value="Z">Zamboanga for example i want to get Cebu.. what is the code for that? Please help me... tanx

Member Avatar for BzzBee
Member Avatar for Midnite003

I am running a cron job that runs a PHP script every minute ... however my ISP doesnt like that so I will eventually have to change it to every 5 min ... my problem is this the PHP script is going out to a shoutcast server getting the needed …

Member Avatar for FlashCreations
Member Avatar for peck3277

Hey guys i'm pack for more help again! For a site I'm making I need a shopping cart. It's all working but for some added functionality I would like to be able to update quantity of an item using an input box. For an example see this site: [url]http://www.oonaghnaturals.com/ShoppingCart.php?[/url] I'm …

Member Avatar for JRM
Member Avatar for benk1

Hi guys I'm looking for a starting point to have a login for a website. The situation is as follows - I have a common product list, with 3 price bands (gold, silver, bronze) When a gold customer logs in, I want to search the db for the products, and …

Member Avatar for benk1
Member Avatar for usm

Hello, I want record the visitors ip address and how many time they access my website but the problem that if the visitor behind firewall, so all I'll get a hundreds of visits from the same IP address so I thought about using cookie , first I'll search for my …

Member Avatar for wrivera
Member Avatar for vizz

I want to use 3 DIV tags: 1) As Left Panel 2)Center Panel 3)On different page with contents How to use 1 DIV to open 3 DIV in 2 DIV? Is it possible?

Member Avatar for Kruptein
Member Avatar for Boronia

Hi If anyone could help with below code as I am new to php [code]<?php $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM hotels ORDER BY city"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo $row['city'] . " " ; echo "<br />"; } ?>[/code] above code list all cities as below newyork newyork newyork newyork …

Member Avatar for wrivera
Member Avatar for mitalichauhan

Hey guys! I am a beginner of php. so i don't know that which will be the best as a loop? While ? or For ? Can anyone help me please.... I want to do this...! Just count 1 to 10 and then add it... i mean 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10 nothing much.... …

Member Avatar for JRM
Member Avatar for SgtMash

Back again! I now need to check if a variable holds one of multiple values...I.E: [CODE=PHP]if ($cvalue == "Germany" OR "England" OR "latvia" OR "Africa") { echo "Do something" ; }[/CODE] In VB I'd just have used something like: [CODE]in("Germany" OR "England" OR "latvia" OR "Africa")[/CODE] Any help appreciated...digging through …

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The End.