39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for khadrani_arif

Hi, Here I am having a dropdown named Category and another drop down named Sub category.There is one text box named zipcode which is filled with the previous request page.What happens is when I select any category the onchange event fires and a list of cars gets displayed.But parallely the …

Member Avatar for CJesusSaves
Member Avatar for aneeka

please help me visualize an online examination, i dont know where to start...:icon_sad:

Member Avatar for amd_k8
Member Avatar for hno

hi, How can convert an ANSI text file to UTF-8 by php?Or how can make UTF-8 text file with php? Thanks

Member Avatar for amd_k8
Member Avatar for phpDave

Hi, I have 2 pages were the user inserts data into the database. Page one goes into parent tabel and page two goes into child tabel. Everything works fine unless the user completes page one but not page two. If only page one is complete and user logs off and …

Member Avatar for CJesusSaves
Member Avatar for kriegz

How can I showing up a report file (*.rpt) from crystal report into a web browser with PHP, I'm already used this code : $cr=new com("Crystal.CRPE.Application") or die("cannot load cr com"); $rn="C:\WAMP\k\allreports\BS18A.rpt"; $rap=$cr->OpenReport($rn); but there was'nt happen any thing, it just a blank page comes up could any one give …

Member Avatar for siddeshp
Member Avatar for xuexue

is it possible to input a data grid in php like in VB6? because in my program, user will display lots of data and displaying it in a data grid (clickable) is the best way, we all know that in VB6, once the user clicked anywhere in the grid, it …

Member Avatar for CJesusSaves
Member Avatar for cane23

i have a form that uses the post function however i am having some troble getting information from the drop down menus. and also i am having some trouble doing some form validation. the code for both files is shown below. <html><title>Create a new Prequisite Rule </title> <body> <form action="insert_rule.php" …

Member Avatar for CJesusSaves
Member Avatar for druveen

i have a senario where user reg for seminar and books a hall, during reg he enters start time and end time for seminar ,start and end time are stored in data base. when a new user reg for seminar hall with existing booked time in data base it should …

Member Avatar for druveen
Member Avatar for takeshi

i have a problem with this code regarding in counting.. [B]index.php[/B] [CODE] <?php if(isset($_GET['btnsubmit'])){ $can = array($_GET['pres'],$_GET['vp']); mysql_connect('localhost','root'); mysql_select_db('sample_poll'); foreach($can as $val){ $sql = mysql_query( "UPDATE candidate SET votes=votes+1 where can_id='".$val."'" ); } echo "<h1>vote complete!</h1> <a href='voteresult.php'>see all vote results</a>"; }else{ echo "<form method='get'>"; mysql_connect('localhost','root'); mysql_select_db('sample_poll'); $sql = mysql_query( …

Member Avatar for takeshi
Member Avatar for the0ry

I am familiar with several PHP random image loaders. The only thing I can not seem to find very easily with these scripts is one that prevents repeats for so many reloads. I have a directory containing 3500 images. What I have noticed is that I can cycle through the …

Member Avatar for kireol
Member Avatar for loll_l

There are a few things I need to know how to do to complete the Booking Form on my website found here: [url]http://www.n-v-m.co.uk/Booking.html[/url] Any help on the below points would be much appreciated: 1- I need to center the labels in line with the multi line text fields... ie. where …

Member Avatar for loll_l
Member Avatar for jamesxg1

Hi Everyone! I was wondering how I would use a javascript varible in jquery ?. [CODE] function postNewAnswerAlerts() { if (http_request.readyState == 4) { if (http_request.status == 200) { var result = http_request.responseText; $('div#question').load('responder.php?mode=readquestion&id=' + result).show().fadeIn('slow'); } } } [/CODE] Many thanks James.

Member Avatar for jamesxg1
Member Avatar for aashiqe

[CODE]$page = implode ('', file ("http://examplesite/index.cgi?prod_id=" .$product_sku. ";vendor=" .$mf_name. ";shopname=url;lang=UK")); $mysite = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?link='; // request this page $page = preg_replace("/<a href=\"(.*)\">/i", "<a href=\"$mysite\\1\">", $page); echo $page;[/CODE] Now i can't find a way to get this work. I need product_sku and mf_name to be collected from a joomla vm site and …

Member Avatar for aashiqe
Member Avatar for aneeka

Help!! I need to generate a bar graph out of the data from the MySql database, could anyone help me here? Thanks!

Member Avatar for kireol
Member Avatar for lotus2009
Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, When I click BACK button on my Browser, all old variables were sent to URL are retrieved again. How can I destroy them? Thanks

Member Avatar for veledrom
Member Avatar for rkumaram

I am working on payment module which includes credit card transaction. I have a domain FOOXYZ.COM (IP: x.x.x.x) which is secured with SSL and I can access it with [url]https://fooxyz.com[/url] Now in fooxyz.com I have a page payment.php [url]https://fooxyz.com/payment.php[/url] In payment.php I am accessing an IFRAME and the source of …

Member Avatar for rkumaram
Member Avatar for jithusdani

hello folks, Can anyone help me out how to install the sugarCrm software in wampserver.? I have tried to insatll the same but its saying that , "Minimum Php version required is 5.1.0. Recommended Php version is 5.2.x." But here in my system it is there php5.3.0.. why it is …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for manishmannan

in my program i am getting this error what would be the reason Warning: include(/common.inc.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\xampp\htdocs\oob\Product\manager.php on line 41 Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '/common.inc.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:\xampp\php\PEAR') in C:\xampp\htdocs\oob\Product\manager.php on line 41

Member Avatar for vaultdweller123
Member Avatar for lainey_nix

Hi, I have a bit of an urgent issue - Im new to forums in general so bear with me! I have an interactive application form on my website which i built in LiveCycle. I need the first field in my application form to prepopulate with information from my database. …

Member Avatar for vaultdweller123
Member Avatar for OmniX

I was trying to play a powerpoint presentation(.ptp & .ptpx - I think that is the old and new extensions) and get it to play once it has been uploaded. Now im 80% sure but I remember seeing a powerpoint presentation being played through a browser a year or so …

Member Avatar for Adward
Member Avatar for WaltP

I have the following code in a form: [code=php] <? for ($n = 0; $n < count($filelist); $n++) { printf ("<button type='submit' name='imgnam' value='%s'>", $filelist[$n]); printf ("<img src='%s' width='100' />", $dirname . $filelist[$n] . ".gif"); print "</button>"; printf ("<br>%s</p>\n", $filelist[$n]); } ?> [/code] [ICODE]$dirname[/ICODE] contains the directory value [ICODE]$filelist[][/ICODE] contains …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for salibaray

Hi there, I'am developing a snippet for a website widget that will read/fetch data from an XML file, sort it in array's and then show it back to the user - formated as a sentence. [b]Example:[/b] [b]XML sample:[/b] [code=text] <row id="1"> <username>GGR1024</username> <name>Raymond</name> <surname>Saliba</surname> <game>Lotto</game> <won>5000</won> </row> <row id="2"> <username>GGR1111</username> …

Member Avatar for salibaray
Member Avatar for aneeka

Anyone, please help me here.:( How can I draw a line graph using PHP with data from MySql database? Do you have sample code for this? Thank you!

Member Avatar for aneeka
Member Avatar for Morty222

I am running this foreach loop. I need to seperate each value by a comma, which this does. However, I need to kill the comma on the last value. [code] foreach ($_POST as $key=>$value){ if ($key != "submit" && $key != "type"){ $fields = $key.","; echo $fields; } } [/code] …

Member Avatar for arunss
Member Avatar for talk2sachi

Hi friends I'm installing mysql on linux system through rpm. when i'm entering command mysqladmin -u root -p create mydb its showing Enter password: mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed error: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)' Check that mysqld is running and that the …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for meempat

Can Any body help with this script. I am not an expert in PHP I am displaying images 4 each in a page and the last image is repeating. unset is not working. [CODE]<?php $ar=scandir("hairupdo"); $n=0; $h="hairupdo"; $cnt=0; $numofimages=count($ar)-3; $imagesperpage=4; $numberofimages=0; $pages=ceil ($numofimages/$imagesperpage ); $gid=$_GET["id"]; echo "<table width=100 border=0 cellspacing=5 …

Member Avatar for meempat
Member Avatar for xuexue

hi there, i have a problem with this one, i want to input the data to an array, however, this doesn't work for me. [code=php] $resultSN = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table "); $resultRowsSN_Count = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table"); $count = mysql_result($resultRowsSN_Count,0,0); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($resultSN)) { $machineName_O = $row['MachineName']; for ($i=0; …

Member Avatar for xuexue
Member Avatar for julzk

Hi, I have a query that display's results from my sql database. I have it listing a start time and an end time. And I have a script that calculates the duration of how long the service was an outage or was just degraded. I am wanting to display a …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for smartness

Hi guys, can you please suggest me a good class that supports sub-sub-sub categories. I tried a lot of them, none of them seems to fit me! I also tried to modify them for my needs, but the more i try, the worse it gets lol :P If you know …

Member Avatar for kireol

The End.