39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, Which one do you prefer CakePHP, Symfony, Zend Framework, CodeIgniter ? I need to decide on one to go for. Thanks

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Member Avatar for Mujahid158

I'm getting the following warning; Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at C:\xampp\htdocs\ep\login.php:1) in C:\xampp\htdocs\ep\login.php on line 2 If i comment session_start(), everthing works fine. Where is the actual problem? Here is my code; [CODE=php] <? session_start(); include "config.php"; global $c; require('functions.php'); …

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Member Avatar for rajabhaskar525

hai all , i am using google api to convert my english webpage content to french language, it's wroking good but i am getting this [COLOR="Red"]d\u0026#39;[/COLOR] in french , instead of some characters . how to remove this [COLOR="Red"]d\u0026#39;[/COLOR] code.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for phpDave

Hello, I'm fairly new to php. I have a two page's, one where user creates account. The other one is for the user to insert other information. [B]If [/B]user completes both pages I want to direct them to their personal page, [B]else[/B], direct them to the second page to insert …

Member Avatar for vandenzergen
Member Avatar for muralibobby2015

hello... anybody give suggestion.. i am doing one task what it zzz means my site is in english. i have dropdown list having multiple languages. if anybody changes language option site all pages change to that language. any body knows how to do it?

Member Avatar for muralibobby2015
Member Avatar for xuexue

i have this problem, i want to have a data grid which functions like in vb6...now, whenever the user will click on any part of the table, the program will get the value of that specific row being selected. now, using clickable tables, i can get the value but in …

Member Avatar for xuexue

is it possible to have a clickable table wherein once you click that specific row, a dialog box will appear to display the entire row. could you help me with this one..thanks in advnce ^^

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Member Avatar for xuexue

hi guys, just want to ask if how can i display the value of the textbox in javascript? as in, i will output it

Member Avatar for xuexue
Member Avatar for vampyrescene

Hi guys, this is my first post. I would also like to make clear that I am totally new to PHP and other languages, I am using a lot of site searches and google to get this working, however I am stuck on one thing. On the login script that …

Member Avatar for JRM
Member Avatar for claudiu_is

Hi, I need help I have a form with an input field [B]addEdit[/B], after pressing a submit button I need to read the value from [B]addEdit[/B] and sent it to db. The problem is [COLOR="Red"]no value is sent through $_POST['addEdit'][/COLOR] . Why ? [CODE=html]<form name='frm' method='POST' action=''> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" …

Member Avatar for JRM
Member Avatar for Lsmjudoka

I have a PHP script set up to regenerate a game character's statistics(health, energy, etc...). The approach I'm using is to store the result of a call to time() along with the character's data, and then when I pull the data out of the database I subtract the time of …

Member Avatar for Lsmjudoka
Member Avatar for WaltP

I have a page with a navigation column and a data column that I wish to control separately, both sides use forms. When I scroll down and click on a button on navigation side I want the data side to change accordingly but I want the nav side to stay …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for NoID

Hello Guys, i have this text area. [code] <td><font>more Information</font></td><td><textarea cols="45" rows="5" name="Details" ></textarea></td> [/code] However someone has just filled this form, am not sure how much he wrote as when i got to my admin side that i have created it shows some of the text, id say 3,4 …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for kings

hi, can someone tell how to upload a file in php.i want to know the difference betweeen uploading a file and storing it in a folder and uploading a file and storing in a database.i want to know which method is good

Member Avatar for mohamedsafiq
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

till now I have never done anything dealing with exceptions. Now I have to deal with exception. Basically I have function below which I want to wrap in try/exception. I want to connect to database and if database connection failed then it should catch exception that will do some stuffs …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for Dhruvi Shah

Hello, I am doing a project titled online university management system and want to perform video conferencing. Is it possible to perform video conference using php technology? If yes then what are the requirements? and how can i code for the same? please solve my problem as soon as possible. …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for hno

HI, I have two webserver and two domain and I want to share information between them.What I want to do is this to share the database between two webserver so ,if I add new information through domain 'A' that information can can be catch from domain "B" and I have …

Member Avatar for kireol
Member Avatar for dami06

Hi, does anyone know of a good php validator online. I used one called bermi.org and put my code in and gave me an error but i don't know what line the error is occuring. Perhaps someone could help me out. This is the code [B] tutors.php[/B] [code=php] <?php /** …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for nl18663

Hello, i have some issues with url rewriting: i use $_get[id] to determine what page i'm on and to retreve them from the database. at the moment i use url rewriting and i go to the website (where i have a redirect in the root index.php to /public/index.php?page_id=1) it shows …

Member Avatar for motters

hi i am quite new to php and have made a php page still in develpment. but i have come across a problem. i need a login for uses and admins. i fell that that is a bit over my head because of all the hacking problems. do you know …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for cloud09

I have a form at the bottom my website's homepage. I was wondering if there was a way, when you clicked the submit button, especially if there were errors with the form, to send you directly to the bottom of the page with either, javascript, php, or html. The code …

Member Avatar for Lsmjudoka
Member Avatar for sfrider0

Is there a way to do this in PHP without using IMAP? All I need is to get who it is from and the text of the message. No attachments or anything.

Member Avatar for kireol
Member Avatar for theories

Hey everyone! I'm developing a website that interfaces with a database for a college senior project that interfaces with multiple types of smart phones to submit information the phones gather. Part of the requirements is to let the user upload a file. The standard HTML form using method=post for input …

Member Avatar for wisefool

Hi. Hoping someone can help. From what I've researched I think I need to use a multidimensional array but I'm not getting my head around this problem so there might be another way. I'm building a basic web app. It's a mysql database of links to county record offices nationwide. …

Member Avatar for wisefool
Member Avatar for Midnite002

arunss created this script but has not updated my request since then can anyone help me with this mode to his already good script ? See Below for that I need to add [CODE] <?php $songs = file('songs.txt'); var_dump($songs); echo "<br /><br /><h3>result</h3>"; $filtered_songs = array_unique($songs); var_dump($filtered_songs); if(sizeof($filtered_songs)>0) { $content …

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Member Avatar for gagan22

Hi all, I want to give a link in my website where this is showing an event. I want to add there a link which title "ADD THIS EVENT TO YOUR OUTLOOK CALENDAR". I do not know the exact way or exact code which i will have to be use …

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for motters

delet p-lease did not mean to add already got a post up on same subject SORRY!!! origan post [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/post1110097.html#post1110097[/url]

Member Avatar for Chosen13

My website is [url]http://www.stickmin.com/[/url] (Please Register!) I have it so when a user Logs In it updates their status to "Online" and if a user clicks Logout it updates their status to "Offline"... The problem I have is that some users just click the exit button on their browser and …

Member Avatar for CJesusSaves
Member Avatar for Midnite002

I am new to PHP and have not yet learned all the syntax and commends but was wondering if an easy script can be made to copy files of the same name from one directory over to another directory thru a PHP script in other words if I have 2 …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for the0ry

I don't know if this is possible with php, but i am trying to set the background of a site to a series of randomly placed, random images of the same size. What i am curious about is whether there is a way to take a handful of images and …

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The End.