39,388 Topics
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hi all, i want to upload large video files using php and i can do that by editting php.ini file. but how can i do that without changing php.ini file?? advance thanks iqbal | |
Hello, I was working on a small project to make me think, and I ran across a problem when I was running a page. Instead of any error coming up, the page just produced the following, which was part of my code: [code]0 && $user_health > 0) { $monster_health = … | |
i m trying to extract multiple rows and print it in a single line in a web page. My code [CODE]while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($app, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { echo "<tr><td>"; echo "<a href=AssignedUpdateForm.php?app=".$line['App']. ">".$line['App']."</a></td>"; echo "<td>" . $line['firstName'] ." ". $line['surname'] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $line['ServerName'] . "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; }[/CODE] … | |
Hi all. I'm trying to implement a rotating image system written in Javascript into a PHP website. The PHP page and the Javascript both work fine independently, but integrating the JS is proving tough and giving me errors. Here is the top part of the PHP page: [CODE]<? include ("./application.php"); … | |
Hi can anyone explain what exactly this function does [CODE] tabs(array())[/CODE] for eg. [CODE]<?php tabs(array("grid.php"));?>[/CODE] | |
Hi, I have a bit of a strange problem where I am unable to "echo" results from a database - I will show you the code then explaine what im trying to do [code] <?php include_once "connect_to_mysql.php"; $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY RAND(), LIMIT 1"); while($row = … | |
its a simple piece of code but i seem to be having problems this is the code below [LIST=1] [*]$comp_tot="76"; [*] if ($credits = $comp_tot) [*] [*] //$sub=$credits_3; [*] $tot="76"; [*] $ans_1= $tot-$credits; [*] echo"<p>$ans_1</p>"; [*] echo "there"; [/LIST] this code is working however i dont want the condition to … | |
Hey, I was hoping someone could lead me in the right direction. I maintain a fairly large corporate/ecommerce site and after reviewing google webmaster tools I found over 500 404's that need to be dealt with. The list of 404's is always growing because people link to our site incorrectly … | |
Hi, I'm new to this forum, but I hope You can help me. So what I'm looking is a reference or list of the functions for drupal theme. Something like this: [URL="http://www.directtoindia.com/blog/index.php/wordpress-global-variable-list-and-their-usage/"]http://www.directtoindia.com/blog/index.php/wordpress-global-variable-list-and-their-usage/[/URL] or [URL="http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference"]http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference[/URL] Thanks in advance! | |
is this code what im doing is correct..? im using codeigniter framework of this one…engine use is iNNodb [code=php] db->simple_query('SET AUTOCOMMIT=0'); $lockquery = "LOCK TABLE costumer_prof WRITE"; $db->insert('costumer_prof',$valueAdded); if($db->trans_status() === FALSE) //is this ok to used trans_status without trans_start or trans_begin..? { $db->trans_rollback() return 1; } else { $db->trans_commit(); return … | |
Hi ppl, In a drop down box in PHP i want a distinct value of Date from a column in mysql table. [CODE=text]W_Id FinishedDate Username 1 2010-01-25 me 2 2010-01-25 you 3 2010-01-25 she 4 2010-01-26 me 5 2010-01-26 you 6 2010-01-26 she[/CODE] In the dropdown box i want 2010-01-25 … | |
Hi there, does anyone know any good tuts for displaying images using php. The thing is, I have a site that i search for a part number and it displays the info, that i can do but for some reason im lost when it comes to the images. Do i … | |
hi, I have a varible which i want to pass it to an AKAX function as a parameter... HOW DO I DO IT???? Here is my code: [CODE] <?php $Username=$_GET['Username']; blah blah blah echo "<select name=WD value=' ' onChange=showDetails(this.value, '$Username')>Date</option>"; /* The onchange function is as follows*/ function showDetails(FinishedDate, Username) … | |
hi frnd, i have a html form with some text fields and i have a check box that when i click on it the data form 1st text box come to the next one. its working fine when i write the text in text box. but if i use php … | |
As I said, I would like to make a PHP login /Register system that would be free for anyone. Here I have started. Since Iam not expert, then I will be adding small pieces until something emerges. I hope DW guys will help until it grows to mature. I want … | |
hello.. hai to all. i am fetching description which is in database. that description has 5 pharas. i am desplaying in front side and calling translation function. now i am getting this error.[CODE]Warning: file_get_contents(http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/language/translate?v=1.0&q=%26lt%3Bp%20class%3D%26quot%3Bnormal_text%26quot%3B%26gt%3BA%20woman%60s%20body%20performing%20to%20its%20utmost%20capability-%20that%60s%20what%20pregnancy%20is.%20From%20conception%20to%20delivery%2C%20the%20female%20form%20is%20tried%20and%20tested%20to%20carry%20and%20bring%20forth%20new%20life.%20The%20natural%20action%20can%20be%20quite%20exhausting%21%20If%20incorporating%20a%20pregnancy%20massage%2C%20the%20benefits%20to%20the%20expecting%20mother%20are%20incredible.%26lt%3B%2Fp%26gt%3B%3Cbr%20%2F%3E%0D%0A%26nbsp%3B%26nbsp%3B%20%26nbsp%3B%26nbsp%3B%26nbsp%3B%26nbsp%3B%20%26nbsp%3B%26nbsp%3B%26nbsp%3B%20%26lt%3Bp%20class%3D%26quot%3Bnormal_text%26quot%3B%26gt%3BPregnancy%20massage%20therapists%20specially%20trained%20in%20this%20area%20understand%20the%20exacting%20requirements%20of%20a%20mother%20to%20be.%20They%20are%20particularly%20skilled%20in%20the%20best%20pregnancy%20massage%20techniques.%20They%20understa in C:\wamp\www\addmultiplelanguajes-2009-08-15\k2.php on line 47[/CODE] actually this is my script. plz remember one thing what it … | |
Right, bare with me pls, i need to query the db and return a part number and model, but the thing is these results need to link a page where they are displayed fully heres an example [url]http://www.airsprings.com/search/airsprings[/url] if u type in the bottom box W02-358 in returns 3 results … | |
Does anyone have issue with PHP version 5.1.3. it is crap and causes cpanel and other php software issues, i cann't get the latest xammp becacuse of it. Does anyone know when is the next release to fix these problems is coming out? | |
I want to query my database and get two things, store them in an array and retrieve them later. Let's say the fields are zone_id and zone_name. currently i am trying this to store them in array like this $zone_array = array('zone1index' => zone1name, 'zone2index' => zone2name, 'zone3index' => zone3name); … | |
Below is a script which i use to return a random image in a specified directory. (It also sets a session variable to cache a list of images recently displayed, but that is irrelevant to my problem.) I am looking to have this script also find files in the sub-directories … | |
this is the full code of uploading image using php.. [CODE]<?php // Connect to database $errmsg = ""; if (! @mysql_connect("localhost","root")) { $errmsg = "Cannot connect to database"; } @mysql_select_db("records"); // First run ONLY - need to create table by uncommenting this // Or with silent @ we can let … | |
hi......... my php code for deleting records from database is working succesfully but while deleting records from database using checkbox is that only records deleted when deleting button click on two time.... means clicking delete button twice delete the record...... plz chk my code nd tell whr is mistake?????????????? plz … | |
Let's start with the problem: I am creating a XML-based CMS that has to run on the servers of French internet service provider and web host Free.fr. So I can't use SimpleXML as only a handul of [URL="http://wiki.free.fr/wiki/index.php/Fonction_php_active_free"]functions[/URL] are activated. I can only assume that it is the old [URL="http://fr.php.net/manual/en/book.xslt.php"]XSLT[/URL] … | |
Hi can any1 give me some idea on how to mask the url of an entire web site.I want the same url to show nomatter where the user is on the web site | |
![]() | Hi Lads im writhing a login system for a personal project. the login part work nice but there are some includement stuff i cannot get figured out. when a user logs in the session will start and he will be redirected to his CP. now. the link to the cp … |
Hi everyone, I have a site with a php login control that writes the login information (username/password/time stamp) to a text file after a successful login. I am trying to figure out how to have that text file emailed to me every week so I can keep track of who … | |
Guys, is there anyone knows how to archive a record saved in database using php?Need to implement it in my program..tnx in advance..Godbless | |
Firstly, apologies if this is in the wrong place, I couldn't find an alternative topic where this would be more relevant. Feel free to move it if you can think of a better place for this thread. I've been encountering an issue with apache's mod_rewrite that I can't find a … | |
You want to only get the first 5 items from an array, but if there only exists less than 5 items in the array, you still want to get them all. The result would be an array variable containing at most 5 items. Is there a single PHP function that … | |
How can we connect two databases to PHP at same time. Like .. retrieve data from Mysql and compare it with MSSQL data. :-/ |
The End.