39,388 Topics
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Hello Everyone, I am developing a new website which shall provide a user interface of multiple languages; starting with English, Persian and Arabic (We are considering Russian and Hebrew in addition to other languages in the 2nd phase). What I have done is to store a language code with the … | |
Good day people! May i know how to assign value to a textarea the data from a database. I tried the following codes but they didn't work. [CODE] <?php echo "<textarea name='aaa' rows='4' cols='70' value='$abc'></textarea>" ?>[/CODE] [CODE]<textarea name="question" rows="4" cols="70" value="<?php echo $question2; ?>"></textarea>[/CODE] please help me! | |
i have this jpgraph downloaded, now i dont have this gd library which is a pre-requisite for that jpgraph, could you help me with this.. thanks..^_^ | |
hi guys, just wanna ask, is there a list view in php like in vb6??? i know, i can display the output using a table, however, what i want to happen is that whenever a user clicks on a row, that whole row will be selected and all the values … ![]() | |
Hello everyone! I'm Amie, and I'm a little new to PHP and MySQL. That being said, I am attempting to create a Login form with a username and password field. I pretty much have it down with the structure I think. I set up the MySQL database with GoDaddy. I … | |
First time to build a website and need a little help with my script. I am getting the emal from the sender, the subject and the description but all other Requests are lost somewhere. Please help :/ [code] <?php $to = "user@example.com"; $subject = "Contact Us"; $name = $_REQUEST['name'] ; … | |
I would like to ask how can I check if a sample date is earlier than another specified one. I have this: $Monday = 1-18-2010 $enroll = 12-29-2009 [CODE] $enroll = $row['enroll']; if($enroll >= $Monday){ echo "<br>$enroll is earlier than $Monday this returns TRUE ( 1 )"; }else{ echo "<br>$Monday … | |
Hi everyone, I am newbie with the PHP code. I am developing for a dynamic website whereas user/admin can edit the content to be displayed in the page. 1. I would like to have step by step code to do this. Let say if a link is clicked, the content … ![]() | |
how can we verify data in sales force. Is there any service there to check the data of sales force.? SOAP or API is there to send values to sales force and check? | |
Hi All, Help if you can, The following script wont insert a row into my table. There is an auto increment field at the start of the table called "ID". [code] <?php // this is processed when the form is submitted // back on to this page (POST METHOD) if … | |
![]() | Hello, I try to send a string of numbers (It has to be string) from one pc to the other pc throught tcp and com (serial). I use xampp as my server. I always get the same errors: 'Warning: fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: unable to connect to (A connection attempt failed … |
Hey people, I am doing a project in web development and I wanted to make a system where users can sign up and login to their profiles and have custom URLs like facebook or twitter ([url]www.mysite.com/UserName[/url]). I dont wanna create a folder for every user on the system cuz that's … | |
Guys,this code couldn't run very well..Is there anyone who will recode this? [B]search.php[/B] [CODE] <?php mysql_connect ("localhost", "root") or die (mysql_error()); mysql_select_db ("records"); $criteria = (int)$_POST['criteria']; $sql = "SELECT * FROM students WHERE "; switch($criteria) case 1: $sql .= "course"; break case 2: $sql .= "surname"; break; case 3: $sql … | |
I have a php code that uses a "Registration" button. Based on data input by form, form is either Submitted or a Message is "echo[ed]". Then a "Continue" button is displayed which uses META tag to auto refresh. But the "Registration" button is there as well. I wanted to remove … | |
are there any simple softwares, ways or techniques on how to make a graph??? simple only.,just plot the x and y axis, then draw a line to connect them..that easy only./.please could you help me, thanks..^_^ | |
Could the Homework Help announcement in the C++ forum also be added to the PHP forum. I doubt it'll stem the flow of begging or spoonfeeding - which is becoming a growing problem - but it wouldn't hurt. | |
i need some help with logic here. i am reading contents with ob_get_contents. then i need to search for and fetch the contents and id's in a custom tag. eg: <translate id="4" token_id="0" variant_id="1">contents............</translate>. i wanted to do that with preg_match_all but it get complicated trying to fetch the id's. … | |
my php session_destroy() function not working. php version: 4.0.3 Apache : 1.3.14 using MsSQL via ODBC thanx | |
i need to know if there is a member whose enrollment date is earlier than a specified date. If this case, the specified date = $Monday [CODE] $Monday = 12-30-2009; $result = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM agents WHERE (sponsor = '$parent') and (lft between $leftlft AND $leftrgt) and (enrollment_date >= '$Monday')"); … | |
hello, I have my php project and I want to build the application so that when i give it to someone he/she just executes the installer file. It should include all the necessary perquisites like apache, php and mysql. How do I do that? any software that can help? Please … | |
Hi, I'm trying to create a multilingual site and I've decided to go with the example shown [URL="http://www.phpsimplicity.com/tips.php?id=15"]here[/URL]. The problem is that I'm also trying to build the site with a method I've never used before. The navigation is done through the get-method. All content gets loaded into the index … | |
I have recently been looking at the Pager script in PEAR, and installed it to my Apache install. This is my existing code for my script (which doesn't use PEAR'S Pager script, for now anyway): [CODE] <?PHP //connect to mysql //change user and password to your mySQL name and password … | |
![]() | Hello All, I apologize for what seems to be a simple thing to solve but I'm not sure why I can't get the correct result below. Here is the code and the problem: I'm using .HTACCESS to password protect a directory. I'm taking the username and storing it in a … ![]() |
I am starting a new topic cause the people in the old one do not understand what I am asking ( trying to learn / figure out ) how to do I have 24 files in a directory they are named 12am.txt 1am.txt 2am.txt ETC ETC till 11am.txt then they … | |
Hello Good Morning i Developed a page called search.php which is included in every file of the project and in search search.php if we click on submit button we will move to result.php page my problem is i written as <form action="?result1?id=<? $_GET['city']?>" onsubmit="javascript: return groups(this);" method="GET" name="hotForm" style="margin: 0px;"> … | |
Note to mods: This is in the php section as the question is mainly directed to the php gurus. I have been reading on some rather old news and discovered that the Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA1) has been cracked. Does anybody know where I can download a copy of this … | |
Hi, I have a resultset which is an array with either 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 ... dimentions. How can I find out how many dimentions are returned? Thanks ![]() | |
hi i was set the task to increment a number by x every x seconds and i tried to find some [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/code/../techtalkforums/thread68355.html#"]code[/URL] off the net, but found the subject covered very sparsley so for whoevers benefit ill post the code here hope it helps [URL]http://www.daniweb.com/code/../techtalkforums/dani-images/smilies/fiyellow/icon_smile.gif[/URL] Thanks Nicholas | |
Hello, I need help with my site, for example [B]this[/B] forum: If there is 25 post in this page it makes another page automatically, like blogs or search. If you go in google and search for something.. all the links wont be on the same page you have to goto … | |
Hi, I'm new on this forum, hope you can help to solve my problem :) I would like to modelize a binary tree like that [CODE] A / \ B C / \ D E[/CODE] They will be more nodes be a node can only have a maximum of two … |
The End.