39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for websurfer

Hello all again... I have a problem with this "mini-CMS" I am buidling as I'm trying to learn this PHP thing... Everything seems to be working OK, EXCEPT when I try to UPDATE the images from a specific record, it only updates one of the images, and it always looks …

Member Avatar for justinmyoung

It's just a testing script and a testing database but I can't get it to work. It's using an edit-in-place script that allows users to edit their data, then it calls this save php script which is supposed to save it and update it within the database. It does neither. …

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for grr

I want to make an app system like Facebook. I just need to know how to include remote files. Like, for example: [code=php] <?php require "top.php"; require "side-left.php"; //Start include (sanitize with ob_start();) require "http://blah.com/bla1/bla2.php"; //End include require "footer.php"; ?> [/code] I'd like to figure out how to get a …

Member Avatar for grr
Member Avatar for dirtyhiphophead

I am looking at crreating a file sharing site with a latest activity feed on the homepage.i've being searchin to get free php file sharing scripts but to no avail,could anybopdy help?

Member Avatar for mexabet
Member Avatar for rutaba

i hav got a project of web development using php.. i need to hav an idea for a good website.. ( a dynamic one)

Member Avatar for humbug
Member Avatar for darjana

[CODE] $fp = "http://".$site."/stor10392/".$filename; $complete = file_get_contents($fp); header("Expires: 0"); header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); header("Content-type: ".$mimetype); header("Pragma: public"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"".$filename."\""); echo $complete;[/CODE] this is code from my download script this making save box from browser taking too long to appear .. (30-40sec on 50mb file) anyone know how to make …

Member Avatar for darjana
Member Avatar for 123468743867143

[B][U]Question:[/U][/B] [COLOR="Red"]How to pull info from MySQL to populate title tag?[/COLOR] [U][B]Current code:[/B][/U] Include/common.inc.php <title><? echo PAGE_TITLE; ?></title> ________________________________________ Individual pages <? include("include/common.inc.php"); define ("PAGE_TITLE", "Blablablablablabla"); ETC ECT ETC ETC ... ________________________________________ I want to customize further the PAGE_TITLE in the file details.php ([url]www.mysite.com/details.php?listid=[/url]... ) to reflect information taken from …

Member Avatar for humbug
Member Avatar for jackakos

I am trying to query a table where at least three conditions have to be met and then the outcome stored in an array and printed into a table. I tried with the code, but I am having problems setting the conditional query and would be happy with an assistance …

Member Avatar for jackakos
Member Avatar for ko_cjun

hello everyone! i'm trying to display a text from my database, that part is already fine but when the value of the text has a - or ' (maybe there's more) in it, instead of displaying the actual - or ' it displays other special char like smileys and stuff. …

Member Avatar for cadillacwd
Member Avatar for gordo58

Hi, I'm trying to list facilities available for a particular hotel horizontally, separated by a comma, within the <td> element of a table. The facilities are type ENUM and have a value of '1' if available and '0' if not. NonSmoking, AirCon and Restaurant are field names in the table …

Member Avatar for gordo58
Member Avatar for ufucuk

Hi mates, We are asked to create a huge portal system with lots of sub categories. Think about Yahoo! This postal will get lots of users and in the same there will be many database process. In short, lets think we want to build something like Yahoo! Now I'm in …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for kings

hi i am try something like upload pictures in daniweb.where a window pop out ...when the user clicks upload.i want the link to comein the parent window.please tell me how to do tat...... thanks in advance

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for rosepleasure

Please help checking the following code. It may look too mess. It's from other programmer. I try to fix it but I start to get headache now. It's make our product's page showing 3 hidden links of its own products' link on Google. For example: The page of [url]http://www.mywebsite.com/product-name-1.html[/url], currently …

Member Avatar for humbug
Member Avatar for dinilkarun

I have a variable/flag in a PHP file and depending upon the value of this flag i need to execute a set of code in another .js file. Can you tell me how to access the variable in .php file inside a .js file? Please find attached the sample js …

Member Avatar for cadillacwd
Member Avatar for r_sathya

hai i am sathiya, i had confussion about this program................... please give suitable solution for this program............ a. Write a php function to accept server, database name, Username Password and create a Database connection string of the "server=myserver;dbname=mydbname;username=myuser;passwd=mypasswd" b. Write a function to convert the connection string into a dictionary …

Member Avatar for humbug
Member Avatar for jk_bscomp

Hello everyone, I am currently doing a project in html and php but i am having trouble in making a tab control in html. I know that this question is more on html, but i hope you can still help me with this one. HOW TO MAKE A TAB CONTROL …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for quint

I'm hitting the wall on trying to pull images from another server. We have two servers. Server A contains the php files/website. Server B contains the MySQL database & image files. I've successfully pulled the data from the DB on Server B to A; however I keep getting a File …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for arshadshaikh

Hello every body. I need to make a site in 6 languages with php. Languages are like english, hindi, polish, romanian etc. I want to ask what is the best solution to make a site in different languages. The site i need to make is CMS and a forum. Please …

Member Avatar for arshadshaikh
Member Avatar for Manuz

[COLOR="Red"]Hi everyone[/COLOR][B].Manuz [/B]here..am a php web developer working for about 1.5 yrz .All php teamz r welcome ....u can post any new openings for php in ur company also... :)

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for mgn2683

I have a sort of complex query to write and I don't know where to start. Basically, there are list and detail pages of candidate answers on a site. There are readers assigned to certain candidates. Is there a way to display a list page showing [U]only[/U] the candidates assigned …

Member Avatar for mgn2683
Member Avatar for isotope

Hi everybody, there's a question I would ask about php functions. I would like to know if it is possible to have optional variable in functions. Let's say, for instance, that I have: [CODE]function my_fun($a,$b,$c){ various stuff }[/CODE] In some cases I would recall the function, inputting values for "a","b" …

Member Avatar for isotope
Member Avatar for shanee

Hello to all i have two directories at my webserver 1st = old-pictures 2nd = new-pictures i want to move every file individually to the 2nd directory with the help of php, can anyone help me in this problem thanks shanee

Member Avatar for Richard1122
Member Avatar for elearner

I am creating a website to load images by registered members. I created a database for registration details and thats working fine (still few errors). But now my issue is to upload images into database. i tried different ways still i am unable even to load data into database. Anyone …

Member Avatar for elearner
Member Avatar for grr

Recently, a primary key in my database got messed up somehow. I ran a script to reorder the users, but now every user has the wrong private messages. [CODE] -- -- Table structure for table `fusion_messages` -- CREATE TABLE `fusion_messages` ( `message_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `message_to` mediumint(8) unsigned …

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for designingamy

Hello all, I feel a little dumb asking this... I'm trying to pass information from one page to another. I have this: [code] <a href="http://www.mysite.com?color=red&shape=round">Apple</a> [/code] Now that I do that, on the next page, what kind of code do I use to gather the color and shape information? Thanks! …

Member Avatar for designingamy
Member Avatar for gmaster1440

Code: [CODE]<?php define( "DATABASE_SERVER", "blah" ); define( "DATABASE_USERNAME", "blah" ); define( "DATABASE_PASSWORD", "blah" ); define( "DATABASE_NAME", "blah" ); //connect to the database $mysql = mysql_connect(DATABASE_SERVER, DATABASE_USERNAME, DATABASE_PASSWORD) or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db( DATABASE_NAME ); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM `users`'; $result = mysql_query($sql) or die ('Error: '.mysql_error ()); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { …

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for gordo58

Hi, I'm new to php so I'll probably be posting a few queries along the way. The problem I'm having is I'm trying to print out an address in an HTML table with information taken from a database. The fields are Address1, Address2, Address3, Address4 and Postcode. Everything prints correctly …

Member Avatar for gordo58
Member Avatar for justinmyoung

I'm trying to implement TableKit with my table. It works fine, except I'm struggling to update it dynamically. When I edit a table, it changes, but when I reload the browser it reverts back to the original data. The updated code goes to this php code: [CODE]<?php header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8'); …

Member Avatar for justinmyoung
Member Avatar for sarithak

Hi frnds... i dont know anything about OSCOMMERCE.. now i have interested to learn OSCOMMERCE..because of many companies asking about exp in oscommerce... i have been installed successfully in my system... but i didnt get any idea.. what is the usage & procedure to learning from basics.. plz provde some …

Member Avatar for TopDogger
Member Avatar for gpdrums

Hi All: I'm connecting to a db to populate a table. My code loops through the db without errors. The problem is in Firefox, my rows of data display as individual tables. Everything works perfect in IE. Any ideas what I'm missing? The table population code basically looks like this: …

Member Avatar for TopDogger

The End.