39,388 Topics
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hello friends how to make subscribe newsletter automated | |
Hi, In my webpage i created student details in that if i click view then i want to display all student name and their details one by one but in my code i typed everything but it displays first data only.Can anyone tell me how change this code. this my … | |
hi all, i am fetching recods from mysql in a combobox.but only one record display .... i want all record display in combobox ......................i write query below and need help how to sote fetch row in array i declered "$va[]" [CODE] <?php // echo "Connected MySql"; $res1 = mysql_query("SELECT gp … ![]() | |
Please any body help me to install APC(Alternative PHP Cache) in window or give me some url to follow. | |
I'm making a site for a guy, and he needs a way to email all his customers with a single form to save time and be more efficient. I got the compose page done. But in the past, from my experience, when I sent myself emails generated from sendmail, some … | |
Help Spent HOURS on this and cannot see the problem. It will display the country but not the number of clients that are within that country??? [code=php] <?php //Retrieve the "count" for the number of people in the specified country $country= $_POST['totalbycountry']; //Connect to the server...$connect will contain the connection … | |
I've used a generic flash/php contact form on a new site but the webhost has told me it's open to spamming. Is there any way round this? Is there a PHP script that is safe to use? | |
Hi this my page i want to send mail using smtp mail server what is php scrip Can anybody help me [code=html]<html> <head> <title></title> </head> <body> <font face="sans-serif" size="2"> <hr size="1" color="#707070"> <font size="4"></font> <br> <br> <b>Send an e-mail message to a recipient through an SMTP connection.</b> <br> <br> <hr … | |
hi guys, I want to create my own PHP, MySQL forum for my website. Please can anybody give me or direct me to a website where I could get the source code. Thanking you in advance | |
I am trying to build a refine search like this one, [URL="http://www.k-tech.uk.com/store.php?category_id=5&offroad=1&manufacturer_id=&model_id=&Submit=Go"]http://www.k-tech.uk.com/store.php?category_id=5&offroad=1&manufacturer_id=&model_id=&Submit=Go[/URL] My search is smaller that the link above, i have only 3 products and each product has his own page, i ned to run a search for MAKE, MODEL, YEAR and depending on this values i need to … | |
Hi folks, Working on a small project with PHP spell checking features (pspell) and wind up with strings containing both plain text (properly spelled words) and drop down lists (misspelled word suggestions) such as: The large brown [dog] ate my [homework]. Where words in brackets are drop down lists containing … | |
I have a reference to some string. I need to copy (clone) that string. This is what I tried [CODE=PHP] $newString = $refToString; //this just copies the ref - no new memory allocated $newString = clone $refToString; //this creates "__clone method called on non-object" error [/CODE] If anyone knows how … | |
I`m uploading images to the database for my website,it works fine)) I want them to be resized to width=160 and height=140. now i dont know if i should resize them before uploading them to mysql database Or while Displaying them. Also i dont have Knowledge concerning resize of image. Please … ![]() | |
Hi Everbody, Have you idea about chat- I am facing some type of problem related to chat. How to open a div or popup when anybody send message, like gmail chat system. Thanks, in advance tarique | |
I`m creating a social network website,My problem is that i dont know How to get started in this FRIENDS SECTOR. I want somebody to be able to send a Friend Request to Another in my website,and after the other one Accepted the request Both to be able to see each … | |
Hi everyone please i need some help with linking my website to my database. Can anyone help me? Thanks | |
How do you send emails encrypted with SSL from php? Thanks | |
Hi all, I have a shopping basket feature on my website which saves the product's primary key in the session array called 'cart', each one seperated by a comma, so example: '123,456,789'. Now in order to get each item from my shopping basket to paypal I need to write 2 … | |
Hi I want to Convert HTML table in to text file using PHP for that what i have to do? pls Suggest me Thanks All, Ajay | |
Hey, some weeks ago, a friend asked me to try out the SYMFONY project framework, been a WINDOWS XP User running the WAMPSERVER 2.0 which has php5.2.5 running, I realize that the Symfony definitive guide PDF book had its focus more on *nix core systems though probably with a few … | |
Hi this is scorpionz I have a registration form that is created in PHP, now I am using mkdir.... to create a folder with name that login name entered by user, so no duplication is possible, now the I need some guidance code to improve the restrictions, like No Other … | |
I have this code. But it's not working. Please give me some code in PHP, so that I can attach a file using an HTML form and send it to some email address. The file type (I want .zip only) and size (I want 2 MB max) needs to be … | |
hi, would anyone please point out why my data don't go into the database table? it is tested successfully connected to the database and the table maapa thanks [code] <?php mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die(mysql_error()); echo "successfully logged in </br>"; mysql_select_db("maapa") or die(mysql_error()); echo "successfully connected to database maapa </br>"; … | |
Hi All I was wondering if somebody could help me as this is driving me crazy. I am trying to send an array from a mysql_fetch_array result to a seporate table. I have the following code: [code=php] include("config.php"); $result7 = mysql_query("SELECT * from order_total"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result7)) { $test = … | |
Hi friends This is Radhika Here is the Query: $str=strlen("Welcome to Program of PHP"); this is o/p:25 But my query is it should read how many words we like for example:uptill "welcome": output is :7....... remaining part should be printed like dots etc. But use single function only. advance thanks … | |
hi i am using db layer foor all my quries.i want to know how to use mysql_num_rows in dblayer thanks in advance | |
Hai i am sathiya please help me to display my database tables in the grid manner through php code. give some example to me.......... i display the databse tables in the normal table manner via PHP code ........ but i am trying to display that tables in the grid manner … | |
plz i need urgent help i hav to giv project of web , a dynamic website using php.. gimme sum gud idea for topic plzzzz | |
Is it possible to restrict access to a page using a recordset? There is a list and detail page for a table 'score overview'. Basically I want to have it so if a person is on the list page, they can't go to the detail page because of the WHERE … |
The End.