39,388 Topics
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im just want to know that if theres a tutorial of making powerpoint like in a use of php? or just like putting all the contents of one paper into a template. like a concept of powerpoint presentation. but there is not any included animation and transitions. im doing right … | |
Hi there I'd just like to know if this is possible. I have a form with various fields that are filled out by a user along with a captcha and a file input. My problem is that when ever I execute the form the file is uploaded to the server … | |
Basically, there is a secured site, which I can log into and then add data via a form once I'm logged in. I can pass the login information in the URL, and I can get it to work if, for example, I type the address into my browser bar, like … | |
Hi, If I refresh a page than post values are also submitting repeatedly........... how to solve this problem.... | |
hi guys how r u doing ... i was surprised to realized that what we learnt over php at college is almost nothing .. it was pure localhost and we know nothing about how to get stuff done in real webservers ... and although we learnt how to use sql … | |
Hi, Maybe this thread must be in unix forum, but there are no server's subforum, so I start this thread here. this is first time I'm installing GeoIP. [CODE]yum install geoip[/CODE] - successfully installed version 1.4.4-2.fc8 But I need it to work on php, so I tried: [CODE]pecl install geoip[/CODE] … | |
Ok, I have this dilemma reguarding the building of querries. I have a website that browses hotels. The user can select the region and the quality of the hotel via some dropdown boxes and then he is offered weather the search results should include certain options that the hotels should … | |
Hi I am trying to get my dreamweaver cs3 to get connected to mysql. But I got this error "your php server doesn't have the mysql module loaded or you can't use the mysql(p)connect functions" I have configure php.ini and the environment setting. extension....mysql.dll extension...mysqli.dll Previously I have install xampp … | |
Hello Can anyone provide me a video tutorial about framework in web development field within php like how the file structure are organize in a framework,etc. Tutorial can be base upon oscommerc, zendcart, etc.This can be developing a web site . thank you. | |
Hi.. [code] <?php $today = mktime(date('g')+5,date('i')+30,date('s')); $today=date("M j Y g:i a",$today); echo $today; ?> [/code] When i am refreshing page only that time i got the correct value of time... so i want to show time i.e. [COLOR="Red"]continuously updated time on page without refresh page..[/COLOR] How to do that??? | |
I'm trying to install a social networking CGI script on my Apache/Linux server running PHP. I'm installing the files under mysite.com/cgi-bin/members/admin.cgi //setup.cgi //login.cgi, etc. My server does not want to start executing these files when going to the URL for system setup. So I'm in a bit of a conundrum … | |
Hi I want to create PHP pages from where I can access my Marketplace of Facebook.. where I can create/update/delete bulk Items (Not for spamming. I want to manage some 30/40 items from my own hosting.) There is Facebook API.. but I don't know where to start. Please help me … | |
Hi, can anyone help me with building a script that submits a URL over and over again? im pretty new at php and im just starting to learn how to use codes and stuff. basically the whole idea is i use a urlsubmitter.php script then open command prompt and use … | |
I have rebuilt numerous navigational buttons into CSS (.button {backgroung-image ETC) to reduce the number of http requests. It works fine (better loading time and so forth) except that the images are "seen" as unsecured. My thought: Possibly move or copy the images in question from http to https. [B]But … | |
Can someone please tell me the code MySpace uses to put the little pluses & minuses in the corner of their boxes to make them collapse like they do. I really need this for my site because I have a few boxes on my users pages that I need to … | |
Hi! In the following code- [code=php] <?php header('Cache-Control:no-cache'); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> </head> <body> <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="<?php echo($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);?>"> <p> <label>Name: <input type="text" name="txt" id="txt" value="<?php $_POST['txt'];?>" /> </label></p> <p> <input type="submit" name="b1" id="b1" … | |
Greetings, I have the following code [CODE] <? include("conn.php"); $sn=$_GET["sn"]; $sql="select * from kpi where no='$sn'"; $result=mysql_query($sql,$connection) or die(mysql_error()); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $sn=$row['id']; $no=$row['no']; $pdetails=$row['pdetails']; $kpistatus=$row['kpistatus']; $status=$row['status']; $cols=$row['cols']; $rows=$row['rows']; } ?> <form name="form1" method="post" action="formsubmit.php?mode=addtable"> <table width="100%" border="1" align="center" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"> <tr> <td colspan="2"><strong>Add Table</strong></td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>NO</td> <td><input name="no" … | |
Hello all, greetings! I'm setting Phpbb3 forum and I need the sidebar of my website to have dedicated <div> for hottest topics on the forum. How do I do that? Which phpbb3 file stores such information. NB: I'm very new to PHP Thanks all! | |
Hey, Right now I'm working on a login system for my site. The user enters their info, the info is sent to the php page through ajax, the php checks if the input fields are empty and checks if the info is correct. If fields are empty or the info … | |
hi guys, somebody help me please i need to know how to retain any input on page reload. I have 2 chained combo box (province and city) when a user choose a province, the next combobox should be populated. I use a script that reload the form to execute a … | |
Am trying to setup the cron jobs to send mails automatically to the users. Am using below command but am getting error as below /bin/sh: line 1: /hsphere/shared/php4.4.4/bin/php-cli/home/bizallia/public_html/admin/cron.php: No such file or directory Could anyone know the solution? | |
i have set up a mysql db for storing news articles to be displayed within a flash website. i have now been asked if i could add an image upload function to this section. i have created the upload page and i can upload the images to the db fine. … | |
Hello, all: I have a general question on SEO and database-driven site integration... I am starting to convert a company site from static, to dynamic driven site (php/mysql) with a basic admin section, so that owner can make changes himself thru the browser. I have read about issues related to … | |
is there any possibility to access server php ini file ??? if i enable to get work asp tags in php ,but it is not working in server... how do this possible??? thanks shanti | |
Hi, How do i define the hard drive in [inlinecode]header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=......[/inlinecode] Something like this [inlinecode]header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=C:\MyFolder\file.jpeg); [/inlinecode] Thanks | |
Hello All, As plain as the question is: I'm compltely newbie in PHP but in near future I plan to study PHP. I now Learn Python and need to Get acquanted with PHP as well as C++. My Question is, IS THERE ANY FREE BUT LEGAL Books ready for download … | |
I have created a page with a number of frames. One of the frames has a form with a submit button. On submit, I want to close the entire page (ALL the frames) and open the new page in a fresh window. How do I do that? | |
Hello daniweb guys Can anyone provide me [url]www.superrichjesus.com[/url] script. I need it urgently for my working purpose. Or can you tell me where i can find it? thank you. | |
Hi Friend, I want to develop a web page which will show the search result for flights from source and to destination. I do not know how to access the individual airlines company access their details for the above particular search. Do they provide any service for this? If then … ![]() | |
hi all, i want a image gallery script like [URL="http://www.itasveer.com/doodlepad.do"]this one[/URL] using php or javascript or ajax does any please refer me to the site where i can get the script or i am ready to pay for the script too thank u in advance ![]() |
The End.