39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, Code below fails and I cannot solve it. [CODE] $folder="myfolder/files"; $file="1.doc"; header("Content-type: application/msword"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".$folder."/".$file); readfile($file); [/CODE] The file link I get when popup opens is " myfolder_file_1.doc ". I don't know where does the underscore comes from. Any idea? Thanks

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Member Avatar for sam023

hello friends.. i have a excel file which has more than 20000 rows..!!`when i upload the file i got this error ' MySQL server has gone away ' even i increase the maximum excution time to 3000..and and memory limit to 512.!! i just want to know how many rows …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for hno

HI, I have a class that backup database but when I restore it the farsi charecter can't be shown well and If I backup from it manually from phpmyadmin it doesn't make any problem.So,the question is this;How can backup from database with whole data like tables ,data and the other …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for techhelpforme

This works: -----------PrintInfo.php <?php phpinfo(); ?> -------------------------- But this doesn't: -------------PrintInfo.html <html> <head> <title> Hello World </title> </head> <body> <?php echo 'This is my first PHP web page.'; ?> </body> </html> ------------------------- I'm using Apache 2.0 on WinXP Home with php 5. Thanks!

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Flufferman

Hi, Is it possible to put 2 where closes in your mysql select query. I need it because some people appear to be available twice, so I need to add from which team I want the information, so I need a where for the name and a where for team. …

Member Avatar for daryll1
Member Avatar for theighost

Hello there, I am trying to make a CMS using wamp. I made an uploading photos section, and when I try to delete the folder of the photos I get: Warning: rmdir(C:/wamp/www/site/images/4b4731fda156e) [function.rmdir]: Directory not empty in C:\wamp\www\site\admin\process\delete.php on line 23 Although the directory is empty and I have checked …

Member Avatar for vaultdweller123
Member Avatar for sfrider0

What is the best way to create a banner ad using information stored in a database? I have the information I was to use and already pulled from the database using PHP. How can I put this into a 460x80 banner in .gif or .png? I want to banner to …

Member Avatar for vaultdweller123
Member Avatar for ppetree

No... honestly... I mean this is REALLY dumb! I have a form with a select that looks like this: [code]<select name='toasters'> <option value='1'>Toaster 1</option> <option value='2'>Toaster 2</option> <option value='3'>Toaster 3</option> <option value='4'>Toaster 4</option> </select>[/code] In my php I read (or try to read) the value with: [code]$toaster = $_POST['toasters'];[/code] No …

Member Avatar for vaultdweller123
Member Avatar for Swapna Revankar

hi.. can any1 plz help me.. i have a problem in converting any videos to .flv format.. Am using ffmpeg to convert.. It works fine in localhost but wen i uploaded the files to server,itz not working.. :( Itz not even displying any error.. Plz do help me.. Thanks in …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for cane23

i am trying to create a login page so the staff will be directed to one place while the students will be directed to another. this code is still in the making hence no location function was included as yet. can any one help me with this code please [code] …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for niche1

I have developed a with Php and Mysql. As more people are working on it simultaneously, there is the danger that two users have the same form on the screen, and one user changes fields, while the other is then working on old information. When this latter submits, he will …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for T-Max15

Im working on on this website which basically its a php page with an iframe. The login page is displayed within the iframe and when all deatails are inserted correctly new options will show up on the main page. Now the prob is the after the login i have to …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for darktangent

HI, I am writing a script in which i have to fetch a file and save it to the server on which the script is running . I have Googled it a lot but can not find how it can be done. I once again try to explain, i want …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for vaultdweller123

ok it's my time to ask.... who knows framework of CRM and PMS? which it could help me lessen my job on developing them in hardcode.

Member Avatar for bjc999

Hi there everyone, I'm new to this forum, it seems to be the one always popping up in Google! I am also new to PHP and am having trouble figuring out how to use variables in URLs. I want to have one file in a directory with my data for …

Member Avatar for vaultdweller123
Member Avatar for stanfordftw

I am in the process of developing a local website that needs to be able to be logged on and off of without using an active connection to the Internet. I've decided to go with Microsoft Access as the database (if there is a better one for local databases, please …

Member Avatar for D4m3s1 Xvoc@no

i create a gtalk bot in imified.com.... this is success but... this bot display not only message I created but also php coding.... Why ?...Plz...

Member Avatar for D4m3s1 Xvoc@no
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I have files in a folder. When I list those files in my PHP site, all the hyperlinks shows full path of the file on status bar of the browser. e.g When mouse over hyperlink, it shows "..../personalFolder/hello.doc" How can i solve this problem? I think this is a …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for borntowin_786

Hello friends, I am a new babie to codeigniter. I am working on a maintenace task.And I am getting the error as frontend_make_url_name this function not found. Can anybody is there to help me? For helping I am pasting my code below. [CODE] <?php class User extends Controller { var …

Member Avatar for vaultdweller123
Member Avatar for sarasara

Hey all I have a php script that I need to be running 24/7 on a linux platform. I have a dedicated server with centos 5 that I have access via ssh. The php script is written so that it loops indefinitely. However, it inexplicably hangs after 30 - 60 …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for jj.amonit

I don't know if this is even possible. My site is designed for use on mobile phones. My users have to enter in a lot of numbers, temperatures to be exact. So, the numbers could be positive or negative. And ranging from -40.0 to 150.0. Decimaled. My users would also …

Member Avatar for jj.amonit
Member Avatar for samyehftw

Hey all, this may seem abit silly but im having real trouble working out how to make a php form that subtracts and adds numbers from 3 different box's into a new box.. abit like this... box 1: 10 box 2 adds: 1 box 3 minus: 5 Result: 6 im …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for directweb

I'm using xampp on XP. I can't get PHP to read my var from the URL. example, when I hit [url]www.foobar.com/whatever.php?azz=wala[/url] then I should get wala to print to the browser with the following code. Any ideas?? [code]<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>Untitled</title> </head> <body> before …

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Member Avatar for jonow

I have a RSS reader on a web-page and the RSS it receives have links that contain "&" sign in them. For the page to be valid it needs to be changed to "&amp;". I know this sounds stupid and unnecessary but I want to fix them. Attached to this …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for genieuk

Hello, I have 3 text boxes that users can enter there AIM, YIM nickname and MSN email. Once submittd it sends and stores in MySQL db. I will use mysql_real_escape_string() of course but am not sure what is the best way to ensure no other mailicious code has been entered. …

Member Avatar for genieuk
Member Avatar for 2abani

sample of my xml [CODE]<?xml version = "1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?xml-stylesheet type = "text/xsl" href = "input.xsl"?> <products> <laptop> <name>hp </name> <details> 15.6-Inch Espresso Laptop - Up to 4 Hours of Battery Life (Windows 7 Home Premium) </details> <price>600$</price> </laptop> <laptop> <name>dell vostro</name> <details> 17-Inch </details> <price>600$</price> </laptop> <laptop> <name>acer aspire …

Member Avatar for SoftwareDev
Member Avatar for maxicube

Hey. i was wondering howto delete a single line from a FFD on the server that i currently have, it is not possible to use a mySQL database and I'd rather keep it a FDD I have tried too no avail. Here is my current code [code] <?php $file = …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for bjc999

Is there a way to use PHP include in URLs? e.g. http://www.domain.co.uk/path/<?php include 'file.php'; ?>/path/page.php This would help me so so so much! Thanks in advance! BJC

Member Avatar for vaultdweller123
Member Avatar for poojashah

Dear All I am writing one small web application in PHP. I am trying to save some data which is entered in PLLWINDOW.PHP and when I click on Button Data should be saved in database, my insert into statement is written in SAVE.PHP. After saving the data in database my …

Member Avatar for diafol

The End.