39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for justinmyoung

strangely enough I got this to work once but I can't understand how. I've looked it over for hours. need help. here's the situation. all I want to do is have my form, a basic form, insert information into my database. It works for all my fields, except two. I …

Member Avatar for justinmyoung
Member Avatar for Loopster

Hello, I'm looking for some code that will recognize my recent blog posts (say 6 most recent posts) and display them on the homepage of my static website. The homepage would show a few lines from the blog with link to the post. Can someone help? The server is Linux …

Member Avatar for mexabet
Member Avatar for ashish100

I am using mod_rewrite in my website.It's a social networking website.There are various groups in my website.Some groups are lie "<spirit","<Iam the ONE>" etc. Previously every page used to get displayed by it's id,so there was not any problem But now since I am using mod_rewrite so the page's name …

Member Avatar for viksan
Member Avatar for queenc

hi i have a application in which i want to get the zipcode or search based on the zipcode.when the users give the radius and a particular zipcode..i want to get the zip code based onthe radius .please tell me how to do that.. thanks

Member Avatar for queenc
Member Avatar for tanha

Hi. I want to know the best method of making auto installer for our application, like a page appears and asking for the mysql server information such as username and password and also database and so on, and also default account for the application? something similar to moodle and etc …

Member Avatar for tanha
Member Avatar for geordiejon

I am trying to get to grips with Object Oriented PHP. Last week we were given a exercise to do, which creates a webpage, using a class and a client which will call the class. I am totaly not getting the hang of this, and i am getting so frustraited …

Member Avatar for vl4kn0
Member Avatar for cosby

hi everyone can someone help me with the regular expression to chop the string in to peaces basically i am looking for a pattern to match this line in the file. "1980_1.rtf" (5 December 1984) Cosby and Cosby (189 street of people) i want to get a specific string on …

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for nishant52

I want to develop online event for my college's tech fest similar to [URL="http://www.deathball.net/notpron/"]"NOTPRON"[/URL] game. To be more specific the game should be like [URL="http://www.shaastra.org/2008/Events/Kryptyk/contest/login"]http://www.shaastra.org/2008/Events/Kryptyk/contest/login[/URL] or [URL="http://www.thesilenceguild.com/Dom/game/"]http://www.thesilenceguild.com/Dom/game/[/URL] I know php and DHTML. I have prepared question for the levels. But i need to know how to implement it. Please help …

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for MDGM

Hi all, Iv made a simple 5 star voting system and need a way to make sure the user can't vote on the same product again in the next hour. I'm not a mathmatician and get really confused with the time calculations and have tried quite a few methods now …

Member Avatar for MDGM
Member Avatar for brose

I am new to PHP and need help with a website I'm creating. Using a MySQL database I have created a table storing all of my images, descriptions, links etc. I need the product images to display on the PHP page (which I've already figured out) and be links to …

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for quecoder

hello , I've visited the new paltalk web interface [url]http://express.paltalk.com/[/url] that i liked so much , and wondering what programming languages one can use to make a similar service .. that integrates voice and video chat ... maybe Flash & actionscript ? and does the hosting have to have certain …

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for danishbacker
Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for virspy

hi, Iam viru can any one help me in creating the addproducts page

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for zamzianwar

hai friendz !!!! Any one have online examination codez in php ??? plz help me !if u hav send it 2 me........plz its urgent......................

Member Avatar for R0bb0b
Member Avatar for joseph1980

please dear developers, i have text file, i need to trasfer its data into mysql database then read then into forms using php. any one with the solution or idea i will appreciate it.

Member Avatar for BrettH
Member Avatar for brooksm

function get_employees_by_hierarchy( $_employee_id = 0, $_dept = 0, $_org_array = array() ) { if ( $this->org_depth < $_depth ) { $this->org_depth = $_depth; } $_depth++; $_query = "SELECT * FROM employees WHERE "; if ( !$_employee_id ) { $_query .= "employee_manager_id is NULL OR employee_manager_id = 0"; } else { …

Member Avatar for BrettH
Member Avatar for BrettH

Hi, So, I'm working on some PHP scripts, and I never noticed this happening before, but on all of my PHP scripts, any POST variables automatically become regular variables. For example: If I have a post variable $_POST['firstName'] passed through a web form, and then I look at the variable …

Member Avatar for BrettH
Member Avatar for MDGM

Hi all, Iv looked at quite a lot of forums and cannot get the code to work properly for searching multiple search terms. I have tried exploding the search string and then doing a search similar to this: WHERE fullname LIKE '%$1%' OR fullname LIKE '%$2%' but it has not …

Member Avatar for MDGM
Member Avatar for AON07

Okay i'm getting the basics of php but I have no idea where to even start to code this idea... I have a database "DB_Name" and a table "images" This table has the following columns (id, category, image name, image path, caption) Keep in mind all my images are stored …

Member Avatar for AON07
Member Avatar for strafe

Hi This is my first thread on here and wondering if anybody can help me, I want to make a database of groups with information and show this on a website then the viewer uses the checkboxes to select the groups they are interesting and contacting. I am okay in …

Member Avatar for mithesh

Hello EveryBody, I have large file (CSV) to be downloaded typically 20 mb which picks data from database while downloading the file it blocks all the resources on the server and no user can browse the website . Could anybody tell me a way where the server resources are not …

Member Avatar for FlashCreations

Hello, I have a question about PHP. I realized that you can use the POST variable to get data from a form submitted with the type post, but does the order of the fields matter. Example: index.html: [code=HTML]<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Form</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <FORM name='test' action='submit.php' method='post'> Name: <INPUT type='text' name='name' …

Member Avatar for mangel.murti
Member Avatar for darkagn

Hi all, I wanted to ask if it is a good idea to install PHP on a windows XP machine running IIS? A lot of the documentation I have read talks about Windows 2000 Server with IIS, but not XP. At work I run PHP on a Linux-like platform (FreeBSD …

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for mushbucket

I know this has been asked plenty, and I have tried many things but I can't get anything to work and codes that do seem to work look ridiculously large for the purpose I need them for. What I basically need is something that gets all the rows from a …

Member Avatar for Will Gresham
Member Avatar for KingTheoden

This one is worth two gold stars. I am working out of Cristian Darie's PHP and MySQL Ecommerce 2nd edition book and am woefully stuck on chapter 6. For some reason, on the main page load (i.e., index pulling in products_list.tpl) I am getting a repeating option dropdown and all …

Member Avatar for Will Gresham
Member Avatar for dinky123uk

Hi guys sorry if i piss anyone off buy posting it twice was advise to post here regards the script element of my thread <URL SNIPPED> the link is furthwer down the page so you can look after reading my plea for help NICE1 Hello Guys I have built a …

Member Avatar for scru
Member Avatar for MDGM

hi all, I'm using dreamweaver templates to make my site, however when I want to use the session_start(); function in php, the headers have already been sent because dreamweaver writes the following into the page: [CODE]<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/index.dwt.php" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" --> [/CODE] and so I am having to put in the …

Member Avatar for scru
Member Avatar for tnparanormal

I have a nuke platinum site and I have a serious problem. I created a bottom center block that caused my entire site to screw up. I tried to go in and remove it, but am unable to do so. Is there another way, besides the center block admin panel, …

Member Avatar for psarika

hello this is sarika.i am unable to get the code for inviting a friend and sending him the add request .pls frnds help me in finding the code.

Member Avatar for aanandbhi
Member Avatar for forwardlookguy

Hello everyone, I'm having trouble populating a dropdown box with mysql data. I have a table with columns makeid, yearstart, yearend and makename. Sample data would be 1, 1936, 1941, American Bantam. I want the dropdown to list the years a certain brand of car was offered. For instance, a …

Member Avatar for petrov50

The End.