39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for raadeekaa

Hello All, Iam trying to create a PHP form where i allow the user to store a doc file. This doc file should get stored in the server(linux) and a link for the file should be stored in my mySQL database. Please let me know if you need any further …

Member Avatar for ZZZubec
Member Avatar for Tenaciousmug

Alright, the register/login system is fully working with sql injection, BUUUT now I want to store their IP Address. WHOLE new function that I've never dealt with before. So I need some help. Am I doing something wrong? I have the IPadd in the database as INT(10) and then I …

Member Avatar for manzarr
Member Avatar for Designer_101

Hi, Im just starting to use the codeIgniter framework and Im developing a blog application. However I need a textarea where the user can change text to bold or change the colour just by selecting it and clicking a button above the area. Much like the daniweb reply form but …

Member Avatar for raju_boini525
Member Avatar for solahere

I want to assign a whole chunk of html content to a php variable. I was wondering if anybody knows of a way other than catenating manually. It's a huge chunk of html full with escape characters so don't want to do '' or "" thing. Any help is appreciated.

Member Avatar for solahere
Member Avatar for adcodingmaster

Hi every one. i m sending mail in php and facing a problem the problem is when i add some text in the body like this <b>this text is bold</b> then this text is shown as it is in the mail i want to show this text bold The problem …

Member Avatar for adcodingmaster
Member Avatar for sara nabil

i have a ver starbge problem , i was making a site and was completly correct on the localhost,but when i upload irt to a server to test it something stange happened which is i got that error Warning: mysql_result() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/saraanv/public_html/blog_web/index.php …

Member Avatar for sara nabil
Member Avatar for musicofthehart

I am sure that this is a silly question for most of you, but I have googled and searched, and I cant find what I am looking for. I have altered an opensource website script. A script that you install on a server and bam... you have a website. like...joomla, …

Member Avatar for Zagga
Member Avatar for infosoft

hi as i am new to PHP I am trying to find the name and mobile number from a string. i am using textarea as input format is as 1 - name, mobile(10 digit[9999999999], 11 digit[0-9999999999], 12 digit[91-9999999999]) in a single line 2 - user can input only mobile number …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for pgperez

Hello everybody, I'm having the same problem. I can connect to a SQL server with default instance (no named), but can't connect to a named instance! I tried escaping backslashes, and putting port number, with no success. Examples: $connection = mssql_connect('MYSERVER', 'USER', 'PWD'); --> WORKS OK $connection = mssql_connect('MYSERVER\INSTANCE', 'USER', …

Member Avatar for pgperez
Member Avatar for tito2004

Suffering for hours Trying to fix it by no Hope syntax error, unexpected $end in C:\???????\index.php on line 547 the lines form 511 to 547 are [CODE]<? ContentBlockFoot(); ?> </td> </tr> </table> <? BottomCode(); function error_handler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { switch ($errno) { case FATAL: echo "<b>FATAL</b> [$errno] $errstr<br>\n"; echo …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for canadian_angel

Hi, I am new to php and have to do a project that consists of a joke page, a jokelist page and the front page or index page. My problem is this: I have used the text below in my .htaccess page and the only thing I get when I …

Member Avatar for muralibobby2015
Member Avatar for EverWebby

I have been trying to figure out how to perform a search and replace in php to create links within the text of paragraphs without having it interfere with any naming conventions in HTML codes, styles, names, and ids. I was considering preg_match or preg_replace, but I am the worst …

Member Avatar for EverWebby
Member Avatar for HemantPHP

Hello Any one know the rules for htaccess, I have follow requirement: [url]http://www.domainname.com/aboutus.php--input[/url] [url]http://www.domainname.com/aboutus/[/url]--Need this output

Member Avatar for muralibobby2015
Member Avatar for kidanr

Hello, I've got this code for my pictures when they are being uploaded, but I have a problem. I want to be able to create a thumbnail with the size 125*180 for every picture and name them their filename but like this "thumb_filename.jpg" etc. I have searched on google and …

Member Avatar for muralibobby2015
Member Avatar for architact

Hello, I just finished creating an online site builder and now its time to launch it, I am facing a problem related to URL-Rewriting. My site builder contains all the files and folders which will make up the client's site inside a folder named as "usersite", and can be access …

Member Avatar for samarudge

Hey, Is there a way to get Apache to interpret all files with MIME types that are not already defined to PHP? I've tried AddType application/x-httpd-php * Any other ideas? Tnx, Sam Rudge

Member Avatar for Atli
Member Avatar for muralibobby2015

hello i am doing png image cropping using this function. every thing is working fine. but whenever i was uploaded .png then changing the image background color into black. here is the code[CODE]$bgimage_attribs = getimagesize($bgim_file_name); if($filetype3=='image/gif') { $bgim_old = imagecreatefromgif($bgim_file_name); } else if(($filetype3=='image/pjpeg') || ($filetype3=='image/jpeg')) { $bgim_old = imagecreatefromjpeg($bgim_file_name); } …

Member Avatar for muralibobby2015
Member Avatar for faizabest

how to make a pagination from several query? I have a few query and was succ displayed in one page. The problem is, it was display 100 list in one page. How can I make a paginate for this page?

Member Avatar for muralibobby2015
Member Avatar for Charles1718

Hi, is there any php form mail script with file upload like this website [URL="http://passportclone.com/order.php"]link[/URL]? or like the picture I've attached below, so if you the user submit, it will automatically send to my email? thank you... :)

Member Avatar for EverWebby
Member Avatar for ekseks

Can someone help me entering a date "manually" in MySQL thanks :) here's my code it's currently entering 0000-00-00 in my databse THE HTML [CODE]<html> <head> <title>..</title> <body> <form action="work1.php" method="post"> Value1: <input type="text" name="date"><br> <input type="Submit"> </form> </body> </head> </html>[/CODE] PHP [CODE]<?php $username="root"; $password=""; $database="wapwap"; $date=$_POST['Value1']; mysql_connect(localhost,$username,$password); @mysql_select_db($database) or …

Member Avatar for niths
Member Avatar for mickeymoose

Hi, I'm quite new to PHP and MYSQL, but I have chosen to do an A-level project in it. This is just a basic registering page, which I've copied and modified from one out of a book. That one works, but this doesn't, saying that "mysql_numrows(): supplied argument is not …

Member Avatar for looxlmc
Member Avatar for RJB_Ronnie

Hi Guys and Gals, I'm a graphic designer working on a website for a client, but since I've never done a website of this magnitude before, I'm needing some help with PHP - a language that I'm crash-coursing on, but I'm no where near where I need to be. I'm …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for Tenaciousmug

Ok I don't understand why the update statement only works once.. and after it rolls another 6, it wont add another 500 to the RP amount. [CODE]<?php session_start(); include("logincheck.php"); ?> <?php include_once("header.php"); ?> <td width='100%' valign='top' align='center'> <center><?php $dice = rand(1,6); echo "You rolled a<br /><b>{$dice}</b>\n"; if($dice == 6) { …

Member Avatar for EverWebby
Member Avatar for Intelsoftinc

[CODE]<?php // Code submited by Glimpsnet systems inc. $EmailFrom = Trim(stripslashes($_POST['firstname'])); $sendto = Trim(stripslashes($_POST['sendto'])); $Subject = "APPLICATION."; // $firstname = Trim(stripslashes($_POST['firstname'])); $middlename = Trim(stripslashes($_POST['middlename'])); $lastname = Trim(stripslashes($_POST['lastname'])); $gender = Trim(stripslashes($_POST['gender'])); $dob = Trim(stripslashes($_POST['dob'])); $email = Trim(stripslashes($_POST['email'])); $altemail = Trim(stripslashes($_POST['altemail'])); $fax = Trim(stripslashes($_POST['fax'])); $cellphone = Trim(stripslashes($_POST['cellphone'])); $workphone = Trim(stripslashes($_POST['workphone'])); $homephone = …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Tenaciousmug

Ok, I have my username set as 1 under admin and this other account set as 0 under admin. But it's not showing the page to any of the accounts and only showing the else statement. Does anyone know whats the problem? Im so confused and I have been staring …

Member Avatar for Tenaciousmug
Member Avatar for srdva59

hi, i looking for a way to resize a picture of any any to a custum size. in this moment i have pictures bigger than 3200px and i looking for a script that can handle that, the last script that i have tested simple "explode" with pictures bigger than 1800px …

Member Avatar for smilingrose
Member Avatar for milestonesweb

There is a school locator script at [url]https://www.ocps.net/parents/pages/FindaSchool.aspx[/url] When we input any address it returns schools located in that locality. For example: Use these details and submit the form Street Number : 3902 Street Name : Bobolink Street Type : Lane City : Orlando It returns a row having three …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for valonesal

When we make a post to our site it looks fine but when we view the post we see a bunch of \r\n. We are told that we should use something like [CODE]str_replace("\r\n","<br/>",$YOUR_VAR)[/CODE] in order to stop this. Here is my question is the above correct? If so how would …

Member Avatar for valonesal
Member Avatar for toydiaz

hi, i need do one scipt that employer can accept and reject requests for product, then print the information about the follwing product.The customers fills out a form after the custumers sends the request. please somebody help me!!!

Member Avatar for EverWebby
Member Avatar for hansan

Hi, [LIST] [*]In my site I have a form which anyone can submit details via e-mail. [/LIST] [LIST] [*]Since I want to get more details, I leave a space to upload a document.then visitor can browse & upload the details. [/LIST] Please can anyone tell me how can I [B]receive …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017

The End.