39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for almahmeed

Dears, I am having the headers warning that is generated from my login script. [B][COLOR="Red"] Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\xampp\htdocs\tgaff\index.php:25) in C:\xampp\htdocs\tgaff\members.php on line 62 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\xampp\htdocs\tgaff\index.php:25) in C:\xampp\htdocs\tgaff\members.php …

Member Avatar for almahmeed
Member Avatar for buranda

Hi. I'm totally new to php and I want to impliment the login class using session. Assume that there are only 3 fields being user ID, password, and member's class in the Database and the three member's class are President, Vice President and citizens. Also if the user is logging …

Member Avatar for Aamit

Hi, I used this code to check page rank. [COLOR="Green"]E.g.[url]http://www.orkut.com[/url] it gives page rank : 8[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"] it works on localhost perfectly.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]But when same code i put on my ftp i.e. live it gives wrong output Page rank: -1[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"] I think some setting in php.ini or some other …

Member Avatar for FlashCreations
Member Avatar for web3

What is the problem? [CODE]<?php /************************************************* Member Registration Script Author: Adam Khoury code comments appear above sections they refer to *************************************************/ // First we check to see if the form has been submitted if (isset($_POST['mem_firstname'])){ //Connect to the database through our include include_once "z_connect_to_mysql.php"; // Create local varibles from the …

Member Avatar for FlashCreations
Member Avatar for alfiechiong

hi i need some help on how can i retrieved users mac address using php? so that i can restrict an access to my admin page .. thanks

Member Avatar for FlashCreations
Member Avatar for jonwhittlestone

Hi There I have come across some code in someone's API that I wish to use myself and I wonder if anyone could advise me on how to use properly.. I am able to call function <?php playerProfile($array); ?> without any return value. Subsequently, in my php I can retrieve …

Member Avatar for FlashCreations
Member Avatar for CFROG

I need to put together a quick script that will clean up a directory full of pictures for me. I want it to just delete photos that are not actively being used by members. I'm familiar with the different aspects involved in doing this but a little unsure of how …

Member Avatar for CFROG
Member Avatar for kripssmart

Hi, I have a query, the output of which I need to display in my page. say, if I do ... select col1 as column from table1; how could I display 'column' in my echo statement or else how could I display it in my PHP code? Thanks for your …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

Hai I am developing a community website and peoples can create their profile and can add friends and all. But I need to show a notification if that visitor is online . Or show all visitors in online in a page. I use mysql database. I make it like this …

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for Lakshith

Im my form to send emails I have a button called "Save".When I click the button I want to send the email as well as insert data into my database(values of sender,receiver).I can send th email but i dont know how to insert the data into the database at the …

Member Avatar for kireol
Member Avatar for Kligham

Hi, The following script gives back bummer as print, so the storing to database hasn't worked. What is wrong? [CODE]<?php function db_connect(){ $connect = new MySQLi("localhost", "justinmijn_root", "***", "justinmijn_nba"); // mysql_connect_errno() retourneert 0 als er geen fouten zijn if (!$connect || mysqli_connect_errno() != 0) { throw new Exception('Er kan geen …

Member Avatar for Kligham
Member Avatar for 1987

Hi, I have downloaded the wampserver and now I need to use the php. I tried to use the www directory upload my files but, when I try to open those php files as a web application, that appears as a html web application.I used the mozilla browser. Now I …

Member Avatar for 1987
Member Avatar for vishalonne

Hi Everybody Can anybody help me creating Button at runtime. My problem is I am having one form which contain 6 button to save 6 records details. Finally when six records save user goes to for next 6 records... So I need a new but same form which will again …

Member Avatar for vishalonne
Member Avatar for vishalonne

Can any body knows how to fetch records from Windows 2003 server Active directory using PHP and then to store in MySQL

Member Avatar for takeshi

[QUOTE]This is the codes i used in my login based on it's database.It works well.But i forgot something..I want to post the current user when he/she login.When they enter their student # as well as their birthday in the login menu,then when they click the button,the information of the current …

Member Avatar for takeshi
Member Avatar for DARK_BYTE

So I have a script that retrieves an image from a sql table and displays it. I can call the script inside a html using something like this: [CODE] <img src="display01.php"/> [/CODE] Now I have another script called "text01.php" that fetches text from the sql table and the script works …

Member Avatar for DARK_BYTE
Member Avatar for moerpheus

hi guyz, i cant start apache after loading the php5 module, i get the following errors in the log: [CODE]Cannot load C:/php/php5apache2_2.dll into server: This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem[/CODE] Please help. Thanking you in advance.

Member Avatar for moerpheus
Member Avatar for DealthRune

This is it, I've completed my forum script and I'm sharing it with you!!!!!!! :O Hope you like it, if you find any bugs, please post it here Oh yea, and the first registered person will be the admin

Member Avatar for smartness
Member Avatar for chineerat

Hi! I am not sure if this the ideal place to post this. I am having trouble submitting radio button selection to a pdf form. I am not sure if my naming syntax is correct. the following code shows the HTML form variable and following pic shows naming of the …

Member Avatar for sakib_rijwan

Im trying to retrieve information from a table; I give a date in the form of "yyyy-mm-dd" but in the table date is stored in date/timestamp formate. So while im comparing my inputted date with the table date, no match is found. is there any way to select only the …

Member Avatar for moerpheus
Member Avatar for Lakshith

I want to populate a dropdownlist from a database using PHP.My table name is msg_people_contact and column to be inserted into is primary_email.I have a code and it connects to the database but the data is not shown in the dropdownlist.Can anyone help me with this code?[CODE] <td><label> <select> <?php …

Member Avatar for iraberyl
Member Avatar for Latent12

Hello Everyone, I am new to PHP and am trying to create a login menu with different user levels. I have used a MYSQL Database and PHP. The database has Username, Password, Role. Role could be an admin, lecturer or student. I need each user to login to their respective …

Member Avatar for zortec
Member Avatar for iraberyl

Hi, uhm can anyone help me out in creating a list box or a drop-down that has a standard size. Here's an example that I really want to display: [CODE] <select name='color[]' size=2 multiple> <option value='' selected>Select Item</option> <option value='blue'>Blue</option> <option value='green'>Green</option> <option value='red'>Red</option> <option value='yellow'>Yellow</option> <option value='white'>White</option> </select> [/CODE] …

Member Avatar for iraberyl
Member Avatar for Kligham

Hi, I'm having a strange problem. The task: search on a site and get the all the dates from a particular season. Everything goes well for all the mondays, tuesdays, ... , saturday. But at Sunday I only get 2 results and I need 11 results. Now when I only …

Member Avatar for Flufferman
Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

Hai I had an array in php that stores some integer ie [ICODE]$myArray=array(1,4,6,8,9);[/ICODE] and I need to select the remaining integers from 1-30 other than the integers in the array. ie my old array is [ICODE]$myArray=array(1,4,6,8,9);[/ICODE] my new array is [ICODE]$newArray=array(2,3,5,7,10);[/ICODE] Thanks in advance Rajeesh

Member Avatar for blocblue
Member Avatar for ~*TANWEER*~

Hi friends. I am new here. I found this site while searching the way to make a vbulletin forum. So please help me to make a vbulletin forum but all in free because i don`t have any credit or paypal etc. Please give me full guide to make my own …

Member Avatar for Arianna
Member Avatar for pushpakalpana

[CODE] <?php ob_start(); extract($_REQUEST); extract($_POST); session_start(); $con = mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } $db=mysql_select_db('murali',$con); $message = ''; $error = array(); $select=mysql_query("select * from registration where username='$_REQUEST[username]'"); $taken_usernames=mysql_fetch_array($select); // main submit logic if (@$_REQUEST['action'] == 'register') { $resp = check_username($_REQUEST['username']); if ($resp['ok']) { $message = …

Member Avatar for rony230
Member Avatar for 7akimz

this is my html code [CODE]<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <?php $xml = simplexml_load_file('../order1.xml'); $products = $xml->xpath('/products/laptop'); foreach($products as $laptop) { if($_POST['list'] == $laptop->name) { global $lname,$detail,$price; $lname = $laptop->name; $detail = $laptop->details; $price = $laptop->price; } } ?> <meta name="delete" content="deleting products" /> …

Member Avatar for 7akimz
Member Avatar for Alan123456

I am new in cake php when i run my page this errror comes HTTP 404 not found Please solve my problem My code is Model(task.php) ====================================== <?php class Task extends AppModel{ var $name='Task'; } ?> ====================================== Controller(tasks_controller.php) ====================================== <?php class TasksController extends AppController{ var $name='Tasks'; function index() { $this->set('tasks', …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Hi all, Back then I was writting my own login/register system and I have halted developing it due to time constraints. I will be happy to resume later. Here I am asking for Open source secure and safe login/register system that I can Incorporate in my CMS. I want to …

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The End.