39,388 Topics
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So i've set up user profiles on one of my sites to enable users to add custom colours and change the background. Only thing is the CSS only shows up sometimes on Firefox and in IE it doesn't even appear in the source code :icon_confused: Anyway here's the PHP used … | |
hi i am creating a webpage with a menu down the left hand side. depending on which link in the menu you click a table on the right of will show the relavent information. the table will show the relavent information from a mysql table based on the link clicked. … | |
Hi.. I'am asking if you know how to code in back up files in database.. I have my submit button, and i want that if i click it,the process of backuping files will perform..and all the records stored in database will save in other disk.tnx in advance.. | |
I am using same login information for three sites at different hosting servers. I am using same database for three of them but i just want if i am login at one site and then move to second site then my i should be already loged in. how can i … | |
![]() | Hi folks, I know this ain't php, but seemed the best place to put it for now. Am trying to mod_rewrite the following: http://www.nu.wetwork.org.uk/index.php?adran=first&tud=second to http://www.nu.wetwork.org.uk/first/second/ I'm a complete idiot when it comes to regex/apache, so any advice would be welcome. I have already managed to place 2 rules which: … ![]() |
ADODB Error: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified i downloading odbc driver for php...i paste that drivers in php ext directory....then also i m getting this error...anybody help me | |
Hi, [code] INSERT INTO person (name, surname, fk_accessid) values ('$name', '$surname', SELECT id FROM access WHERE name = '$uid' AND psw = '$psw') [/code] Hi above code doesn't work. Is there such thing thou? EDITED: Note: I meant to open this in Mysql forum but I cannot move it now. | |
Dear All; i would like to ask how to divide data among pages like what yahoo mails did when you read your mails for example the first page contains 10 mails when you press next page , the you go to page 2 which contains another 10 mails , i … | |
Hi, I stuck on this query for quite a while. will appreciate if someone can help me to look at this query and correct me where i had done wrongly. [CODE]$val_d = $_GET['val_d']; $sql = "SELECT * FROM device"; $sql .="WHERE device_num LIKE '%$val_d%' ";[/CODE] the error message prompted was: … | |
Hi, I want to print many post cards with the click of a buttons with contents and addresses comming from the database using PHP. Can anybody have some ideo how to do that. My concerns is how can I print a number of post cards with any user interaction. Thanks | |
Hello I am pasting my code.this code is used for data collection purpose.But i m getting an error in this.Can anybody help me? [CODE]<?php ini_set('max_execution_time','510000'); ini_set('memory_limit','2056M'); require_once 'Classes/PHPExcel.php'; require_once 'Classes/PHPExcel/IOFactory.php'; //$zipcode=35212; //$sleep_time=1; //Generating sleep time random-wise $sleep_time = rand(1,15); $result_array=array(); $number=2; $objReader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader('Excel2007'); $objReader->setReadDataOnly(true); $objPHPExcel = $objReader->load("C:\Documents and Settings\Tushar.Chavan.DC\Desktop\sunlight\US_ZIP_CODES.xlsx"); … | |
hi all, i found this code on net.this class take one image file and output two different dimenstion of that image.. ..problem is that when i am including this in another php file as below and excuting it showing me Error..? Errors are Warning: imagesx(): supplied argument is not a … | |
[B]I want result as Not Available if value is null or 0000-00-00 or 1971-01-01[/B]Hi, this is a code , which I used for showing results from 3 tables. Lease_North is my main table. When I join with another 2 tables using Left, if there is not value exist in table … | |
hello, i m fresher in php. i m having problem getting following display in "multi level combo box" 1. 1.a 1.a.1 1.a.1.1 1.a.1.2 1.a.1.3 1.b can you please help me how it can be done ? thanks sadiya | |
hey everyone, i got a website that works with ajax, well simply what it does is that when you start typing customers name it shows the hint about what names you could be trying to spell. i want to change this so it wouldnt show the name sugestion but it … | |
Hi. Assume there are contents in DB as follows. ------------------------ name favorites John cat Peter dog ------------------------- If as soon as I enter "John Peter" the following screen should display with no page movement. Input: John Peter Output: :The favorites: John cat Peter dog Is it possible to impliment? Give … | |
Hey I'm trying to display this: [code] echo "<a href="javascript:createBBtag('[bold]','[/bold]','txtA')"><strong>B</strong></a>"; [/code] It gives errors though! Is there a way around it? Thanks :) | |
Hi. I am planning to create a software for Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Somebody please suggest a robust development framework that is open source, easy to use, scalable, easy to make web based application. I have a lot of tables in my database. And speed is very important. I was … | |
Hi i need the help of how to access the PHP files values from the External JavaScript. I have read we should keep Header("content-type: application/x-javascript"); this line in PHP. I have done everything, if any one can explain this with Example code and please explain how to use the value … | |
Hi, I am trying to Paginate Query Results. The values are passed through a form allowing users to search a database based on certain criteria they select. Now I got two problems though, 1) I can't get all the results from the database(as not all the criteria is working) ? … | |
Hi.. I'am asking if you know how to code in archiving files in database.. I have a link in my webpage, and i want that if i click the link,the process of archiving files will perform..and all the records stored in database will archive or will compress .tnx in advance.. | |
Hello, I am a new user. This is awesome community . Hope I will have right way.. Have a look at [url]http://eprothomalo.com[/url] How I can develop such website. Each there any opensource reference or any paid reference. Thanks in advance... | |
I have three sites and i want to use single username and password (login information) for all of these three sites. User will register on one site and that login information will use for other sites as well. How can i do that using php. Kindly help me ASAP. | |
I am trying to create a simple function, maybe using Regular Expressions, that would let me search text for a substring of continuous characters. For example, I don't want a word or URL etc. to exceed 25 characters in length. The most important thing is that the string is identified … | |
hi everyone, can anyone tell me why am i getting two outputs when i am only asking for one, well here is the code it will be more self explanatory. it is simply a dictionary [CODE] <?php // Fill up array with names $a[]="Hello-common greeting"; $a[]="phone-a comunication device "; $a[]="pc-personal … | |
Hi Guys I am trying to build a small CMS. One of the features is the ability for users to add a Flickr URL of one of their Flickr albums so it's then embedded in their profile. So I have a field in the users db called flickr_url. I have … | |
hi guyz, i want to create an archive for my website entries (news,articles....etc) can anybody help? appreciate the answer ![]() | |
Hi, I want to create an editable combo box in php which allows the user to select a value either from a drop down list or enter some text in the box itself. How is it possible to do? Thanks, Aditi | |
ok so i have been trying to think of a way that i could calculate multiple values under one variable. ex: in my loop i am calling $total a few times depending on how many entries there are. i know that if i was to echo $total it would only … ![]() |
The End.