39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for Latent12

Hello Everyone, I am new to PHP and am trying to create a login menu with different user levels. I have used a MYSQL Database and PHP. The database has Username, Password, Role. Role could be an admin, lecturer or student. I need each user to login to their respective …

Member Avatar for zortec
Member Avatar for iraberyl

Hi, uhm can anyone help me out in creating a list box or a drop-down that has a standard size. Here's an example that I really want to display: [CODE] <select name='color[]' size=2 multiple> <option value='' selected>Select Item</option> <option value='blue'>Blue</option> <option value='green'>Green</option> <option value='red'>Red</option> <option value='yellow'>Yellow</option> <option value='white'>White</option> </select> [/CODE] …

Member Avatar for iraberyl
Member Avatar for Kligham

Hi, I'm having a strange problem. The task: search on a site and get the all the dates from a particular season. Everything goes well for all the mondays, tuesdays, ... , saturday. But at Sunday I only get 2 results and I need 11 results. Now when I only …

Member Avatar for Flufferman
Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

Hai I had an array in php that stores some integer ie [ICODE]$myArray=array(1,4,6,8,9);[/ICODE] and I need to select the remaining integers from 1-30 other than the integers in the array. ie my old array is [ICODE]$myArray=array(1,4,6,8,9);[/ICODE] my new array is [ICODE]$newArray=array(2,3,5,7,10);[/ICODE] Thanks in advance Rajeesh

Member Avatar for blocblue
Member Avatar for ~*TANWEER*~

Hi friends. I am new here. I found this site while searching the way to make a vbulletin forum. So please help me to make a vbulletin forum but all in free because i don`t have any credit or paypal etc. Please give me full guide to make my own …

Member Avatar for Arianna
Member Avatar for pushpakalpana

[CODE] <?php ob_start(); extract($_REQUEST); extract($_POST); session_start(); $con = mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } $db=mysql_select_db('murali',$con); $message = ''; $error = array(); $select=mysql_query("select * from registration where username='$_REQUEST[username]'"); $taken_usernames=mysql_fetch_array($select); // main submit logic if (@$_REQUEST['action'] == 'register') { $resp = check_username($_REQUEST['username']); if ($resp['ok']) { $message = …

Member Avatar for rony230
Member Avatar for 7akimz

this is my html code [CODE]<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <?php $xml = simplexml_load_file('../order1.xml'); $products = $xml->xpath('/products/laptop'); foreach($products as $laptop) { if($_POST['list'] == $laptop->name) { global $lname,$detail,$price; $lname = $laptop->name; $detail = $laptop->details; $price = $laptop->price; } } ?> <meta name="delete" content="deleting products" /> …

Member Avatar for 7akimz
Member Avatar for Alan123456

I am new in cake php when i run my page this errror comes HTTP 404 not found Please solve my problem My code is Model(task.php) ====================================== <?php class Task extends AppModel{ var $name='Task'; } ?> ====================================== Controller(tasks_controller.php) ====================================== <?php class TasksController extends AppController{ var $name='Tasks'; function index() { $this->set('tasks', …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Hi all, Back then I was writting my own login/register system and I have halted developing it due to time constraints. I will be happy to resume later. Here I am asking for Open source secure and safe login/register system that I can Incorporate in my CMS. I want to …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for nishanthaMe

Hey guys; can anyone suggest me to develop a simple RSS reader with php.

Member Avatar for pavithraCS
Member Avatar for matinice

i need to identify news header & body of following text file. text: <clip ~ Recommendation of Dividend of ICB > Investment Corporation of Bangladesh has recommended 100% Stock Dividend (i.e. 1 Bonus share against 1 ordinary share) & 5% Cash Dividend for the year 2008-2009. EGM & AGM will …

Member Avatar for zinnqu
Member Avatar for justted

Hi Everyone, I am creating a website in which I would like to allow members to post html and css code to decorate their profiles backgrounds and pages. Ive been searching for ages and am confused as to the best way to sanitise input before inserting it into the database …

Member Avatar for mrjoli021

i have an html form with a text area. when use get or post to retrive the info the text is not correctly formatted meaning. the begining of new paragraphs are not working and indents either. it is just one big sentence.

Member Avatar for justted
Member Avatar for ytregnn

Hi, I was looking for a poll script (php/ajax) that does not reload when adding a vote. I've tried to search around for it but haven't found one that suits my needs. Anyone that knows where I can find such a script? Thanks, Robin

Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!
Member Avatar for DARK_BYTE

Hi I have to build the like of a commercial website for my project and all was going well until I had to try to insert images in a SQL database ; I tried to modify some code that I found online but it is not working. The idea is …

Member Avatar for zinnqu
Member Avatar for dasatti

Hi, I need database for implementing dropdowns for Countries than based on selected country the States/Proviences dropdown and then the cities dropdown on the bases of selected State/Provience for all the countries in the world. I hop you understand what I need to implement. Can any body please provide me …

Member Avatar for kireol
Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!

like i cant use mail() beacuse it uses my hosts mailer which is really slow. i use google apps to check my email adress at my domain and i can send with tht to but thats at the gmail website. is there some kind of script to send with gmail …

Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!
Member Avatar for dipak83

I want to convert url using GET method from [url]http://localhost/demo/index.php?keyword=sap&Submit=Search[/url] TO [url]http://localhost/demo/sap[/url] but i am getting problem in rewriting url i.e unable to rewrite url to [url]http://localhost/demo/sap[/url] i have written my htaccess as RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)$ index.php?keyword=$1 Please help me to get the proper htaccess code... Thankyou [code] <form …

Member Avatar for arunss
Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!

i dont understand, because i use mysql num rows and stuff someone on some other webbysite says u have to use lock tables so if someone else changes the table while the script is running then they cant if u lock the tables. but i dont understand anyone know how …

Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!
Member Avatar for venus_me11

Can you please help me how to loop a textbox for example, I have 10 checkboxes and I check only 2 of them. If I click the submit button, the number of times I check a checkbox should be the number of textboxes to display.. so I check 2 checkboxes …

Member Avatar for venus_me11
Member Avatar for phanindra12
Member Avatar for tustind

I apologize in advance for this being quite a long post... but, any help is great! I have a website (coded in PHP) which publishes content provided by users in a revenue sharing model. We pay each contributor a certain amount for every 1,000 "views" that their articles get. In …

Member Avatar for FlashCreations
Member Avatar for praveen_dusari

hi all, i have a newsletter module which works perfectly fine but i have a doubt ,in mail the images are not displaying automatically it is asking me to download images . i heard if a tag is included with html code it will automatically download images. does any one …

Member Avatar for hemgoyal_1990
Member Avatar for jumanaakram

Please I need to know how to make a visitor counter but with nice style I knew how to make the counter but how about the style?

Member Avatar for hemgoyal_1990
Member Avatar for ryy705

Hello, I have a time field saved in database in GMT format. I need to convert it to the visitor's local time. Is there a way to figure out the vistor's region/time? Should I be looking into javascript for this? I thank you in advance for your help.

Member Avatar for Aamit
Member Avatar for ryy705
Member Avatar for ryy705
Member Avatar for whitestream6

I'm getting a bit better at PHP, but the datetime with databases is proving hard to do for this particular bit of coding, no matter how much I practise! Here's my code (ignoring the database parts in the header): [CODE]//select the table $result = mysql_query("select * from epdata1 order by …

Member Avatar for takeshi

hi.. i'll ask some question regarding my system login part.. This is my databasae connection.. [CODE] <? include("constants.php"); class MySQLDB { var $connection; //The MySQL database connection function MySQLDB(){ /* Make connection to database */ $this->connection = mysql_connect(DB_SERVER, DB_USER, DB_PASS) or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db(DB_NAME, $this->connection) or die(mysql_error()); function confirmUserPass($username, $password){ /* …

Member Avatar for takeshi
Member Avatar for Xamas

I'm wondering, should I do any advanced security checks for view-only ordering functions. [url]http://www.site.com/?product=shoes&order=[/url][B][COLOR="Red"]manufactured[/COLOR][/B]&ord=[B][COLOR="Red"]desc[/COLOR][/B] when I just only use this data in echo for pagination: [CODE=PHP]$i = 0; echo "<div> <a href='/?products=".$data['cat']."&amp;order=".$_GET['order']."&amp;ord=".$_GET['ord']."&page=".$i+1."'>NEXT PAGE</a>";[/CODE] JUST IN ECHO CASE. These $_GET's doesn't used anywhere else(ex. sql queries etc.)... ------------- Is there is …

Member Avatar for Atli
Member Avatar for 7akimz

this is my php code [CODE]extract($_POST); $doc = new DOMDocument; $doc->load('../order1.xml'); $laptops = $doc->documentElement; foreach($laptops as $laptop){ if($list==$laptop->name) { $name1 = $laptop->name; $oldnam = $laptop->removeChild($name1); $olddetails=$laptop->removeChild($laptop->details); $oldprice=$laptops->removeChild($laptop->price); $name1 = $laptops->getElementsByTagName('name')->item(0); $oldname = $laptops->removeChild($name1); }} $doc->save("../order2.xml");[/CODE] this is my xml [CODE]<?xml version="1.0"?> <?xml-stylesheet type = "text/xsl" href = "input.xsl"?> <products> <laptop> …

Member Avatar for Atli

The End.