39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for Djipson Steven

Hello, I have a database with MAMP and I have created a music table which contains musicId and musicUrl columns. Now in my websiteI created an HTML player that gets its sources from "src" syntax. The player is fixed at the bottom just like soundcloud player. I want to display …

Member Avatar for phoenix254
Member Avatar for ramsiva

I am using so much jquery code in my php page and add text boxes using var newTextBoxDiv = $(document.createElement('div')) .attr("id", 'abc' + nextcount); newTextBoxDiv.after().html( ); echo "<script>window.location='abc.php?a=data&b=data1&c=data2'</script>"; finaly all text boxes with jquery code coming on browser after submitting. please any body help to solve this problem .(after submitting …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for muralibobby2015

Hello, I am using phpwhois lookup to fetch details of an ip and i am very much successful in it. But i need to detect whether the ip belong to an individual or any organization. For example if i browse my tracking website from home it is my individual ip …

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Member Avatar for Jiby_1
Member Avatar for scotv

Looking forward to php support and discussions on various CMS wordpress magento and what not?

Member Avatar for scotv
Member Avatar for anmol.raghuvanshi1

I have user form which has hide/show toggle form it's the will of user to fill that part. when i click on button Tent gear which hides and shows form there is save button if user filled the form and click on" save" without refreshing page i want data to …

Member Avatar for LibraryCode

Hi,could anyone tell me please what is the most common and good way to create HTML table from php array.And how to fill it with randomly generated numbers.? Regarding the table so many posts online,but which is the best approach?Thanks.

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for amitpatel1849

Hello There, I would like to move my working website from php 5.2 to 5.5? Is any one kow that what should i take care for same. Thanks in Advance. Amit

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Pramod_7
Member Avatar for ramsiva
Member Avatar for kathymac

Hi I have an html file with a complex table structure. I read in the html file in and then render the contents using WriteHTML.php It turns out quite differently. ex: width, font size, nested tables (don't seem to be working). I am stuck and don't know how to fix …

Member Avatar for Aeonix
Member Avatar for Liang_1

Dear all, I have created a website where I would like my users to register and upload profile images to my server and then store it under folder in my server known as "images" and then save the dataurl of the images into MySQL database. Then, I would display their …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for Rizi004

Hi There! I have a e-commerce website that is live and now i want to upload that live store in sub-directory for the purpose of development. Live sote is like www.abc.com now i want to copy this store to www.abc.com/dev/v2/ I copy all the files in this new directory and …

Member Avatar for scotv
Member Avatar for gtel

We're currently having a management system project, and i'm at a dilemma whether to use PHP or Java. My concerns are these: 1) What if the admin of the management system will do something foolish from his home (if the system is through php/web), since he can just access it. …

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Member Avatar for LibraryCode

How do i compute frequency of the numbers in the range,let's say 10-19,using rand number generator array with 50 int? I have this code so far: $arr = array_fill(0, 50, NULL); for ($i = 0; $i < 50; $i ++) { $arr[$i] = rand(10, 19); } but not sure if …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for LibraryCode

Hi all,i tried to do some research regarding associated arrays in php,even manual on the php documentations,but can not find the answer,how do i print the smallest value and the associated key from the array?

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Liang_1

Dear All, I have a form use for uploading photos to my website. But I would like users to fully filled in the selection only then the "Submit" or "Upload" button will be activated. How can I do this? Below is my code: <form name=Image enctype=multipart/form-data method=POST> <table cellspacing=2 cellpadding=2 …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for w33n

Hi all, I am wondering if I need to make multiple copies of the same include xxx.php (navigation) file in order to highlight which page the user is on. Using an include seems almost unnecessary if I do. Can you please let me know. Thank you. B

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for kathymac

Hi I am using html2pdf to convert php output to a pdf. When I run this code without injecting any other php code it works fine. However, prior to creating a pdf, I need to find the the current user and display variables based on that id. I wrote code …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for anmol.raghuvanshi1

This is opinion based question. I am working in Codeigniter framework I have multi-step user registration form What i am doing is collecting all data in session array validating it and inserting in database.Till now all things are working fine but now i have added image upload form along with …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for anmol.raghuvanshi1

I need some guidance in this I have registration form in which there will be button clicking on which open a new form without refreshing a page and again clicking on same button hides form it's user will to fill that form.Here is snapshot what i actually want.I want to …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for ehpratah

Hi Everyone! Can anybody point me to the right direction or check what am i doing wrong. Im trying to export data from php to excel using phpexcel( which is working fine if im am only getting 1 specific record). but when i tried adding a loop to create a …

Member Avatar for ehpratah
Member Avatar for kathymac

Hi I am using fpdf.php to create a pdf from my php code. However, my output needs to be in a table format and when I add this: $sMsg = " <div align=center> <table style='width: 900px; color: black; border: 1px solid DimGray;'> <tr> <td style='font-family: Arial; font-size: 22px; color: black; …

Member Avatar for Aeonix
Member Avatar for Sophia_1

Hi everyone, i wanted to upload an excel file in a form and then display/edit the file from the form. Currently, the file can be uploaded at localhost but when i try to upload in server it was not successful. I would also want to view/edit the file and save …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for UK-1991

Hello, I created a method to show the products by category but the condition I placed is not working if condition is working properly but else if condition not working properly if(isset($_GET["catid"])) { $statement = "posts WHERE cat_name='$cat' ORDER BY pid ASC"; $results = mysqli_query($connection,"SELECT * FROM {$statement} LIMIT {$startpoint} …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for shashigowda
Member Avatar for LibraryCode

Hi all have this two files ,how do i use this file() function in my code to output the saved content of the file to the screen? index.php : <html> <head> <meta charset="windows-1252"> <title></title> </head> <body> <form action="processorder.php" method="post" > <table> <tr> <th>Item</th> <th></th> <th>Quantity</th> </tr> <tr> <td>Tires</td> <td></td> <td><input …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for madmax9922

Hi, i have a " Deprecated: mysql_real_escape_string()" and a "Deprecated: mysql_query" error while running my webpage in function.php and users.php. I would like to know how to change this following code to be uptodate connect.php <?php $db = new mysqli('localhost','root','','madmax'); if ($db->connect_errno){ die('Sorry, we are having connection problems.'); } ?> …

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Member Avatar for Aeonix

var _tmp = 0; for (var i = 0; sys.cores()[i]["sn"] != null; i++) { _tmp++; alert(_tmp); } alert ("Pretty sure, you have " + _tmp + " virtual cores."); This is the code that I'm working on. The loop itself is very simple. The output is: 1, 2, 3, 4. …

Member Avatar for Aeonix
Member Avatar for Tinnin

Hi All, I'm trying to implement an experian bank account checking facility on the systems at work. I'm trying to do this using php and Soap. This is my first time using Soap so I'm not entirely sure if I'm doing it correct. Here is my code: <?php $options = …

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The End.