39,388 Topics
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Hello everyone, i have a little problem with variable variables if the variable is an multidimensional array and the indexes are not fix so, they are dynamic. I need something like this: [code=php] $varName = "data"; $varIndex = "[1]['items'][4]['items'][]"; ${varName.$varIndex} = 'xyz' ; // this does not work as php … | |
Hi everyone Don't know if someone can help me with my problem. I'm trying to get a total from a loop variable name($cost), I'm running a for loop, thats getting values from mysql, all that i need is for the $cost value to be added up. Code example: [code=PHP]$sql="select * … | |
I wont describe whats here, just figure it out yerself, enjoy =) | |
In need of creating an online fast food delivery system - please help... no idea how to begin! this is for a group assignment in university. we have to design a creative user and admin interface... | |
Hi everyone, im working on my final year project which is Internet Remote Control using microcontroller and an embedded ethernet board to control home devices for example... The idea is to build a web application which will allow the owner of the house to log in and use the web … | |
Hi guys, I'm trying to write code where an ajax function, at a specified interval, calls php script to query a table and open a certian window according to the response(variable) received. After that, the ajax function will continue to call the same php script but will open another window … | |
i have two frames, one top, one bottom. how do i use curl on the form on the bottom frame that gives me the url of the top frame? link_frame is the top frame. [code]<form action='menu.php' method='get' name='changer1' target='link_frame'>[/code] i hope this isn't too difficult. | |
[code=php]<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>::SISTEM SEMAKAN KEPUTUSAN PEPERIKSAAN KOLEJ EASTERN::</title> <style type="text/css"> <!-- .style7 {color: #000000; font-weight: bold; } .style8 {color: #000000} body { background-image: url(eastern1.jpg); } .style10 {color: #FF0000} .style9 {color: #FF0000; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-size: … | |
i dont know why but sometimes i use the same exact thing ive used on other pages that it has worked for and it just doesnt work on the new page im working on. i have a table called users. with columns called username password and status why isnt this … | |
Hi, I am trying to create a loop that will create an array from the values posted into a form and then sort them. The user is first asked how many words they want to enter and then a loop creates a form with the appropriate number of text boxes … | |
Hi all, I have a div I would like to show and hide. I've used a script before which works, but now reusing it I can't make it fly. As I can't see where I am going wrong, can anyone else help? This is the one that works: [code] <!--script … | |
I am trying to copy an image and save it in the directory Uploads. But something is wrong. [CODE] $image = $_POST['image_file']; if(!empty($image)) { $target_path = "Uploads/"; $target_path = copy($_FILES['image_file']['name'],$target_path); } <FORM action="" method="post"> <input id="image_file" type="file" name="image_file" title="Upload"> </form> [/CODE] I don't want to use another page in action. … | |
Hello, can someone please help me with this string? Right now, it will validate keywords separated by commas, lowercase only, and any two digit numbers by themselves also separated by commas. How do I further modify it to permit /up to/ two keywords, trimming any extra spaces that might be … | |
I need to find a way to parse an html file with php. the idea here is to read the file eg: [url]http://www.somesite.com/page.html[/url] Then look for a string eg: "This text is present " Then perform an action based on the whether or not that item is present. The if … | |
Hi, i have already made a user registration page and log in pages but i need to know how i can make it possible for other people to view profiles from other users on my site. | |
Hi, I have a simple vote up and vote down feature, which on clicking calls a js function and increments or decrements the counter variable accordingly. But i have an issue, some malicious script just executing the script to incrment the counter by vote up. I am not allowed to … | |
Hi All, I'm still exercising with that small PHP/MYSQL CMS of mine. I have a question that I need help from you guys. I see in many CMS like Drupal where there is loong articles let say 10 of them are displayed on single page. For some technique I don't … | |
If I have a function included within a page, and that function is in it's own file, in a different directory (/scripts/thefunction.php) how would I go about writing a file path to another file that is in a different directory. In a nutshell, a file in /index.php includes a file … | |
Im shanti.. I am developing one dynamic site , here my product display page is like products.php?prod_id=1 It means the products under first category are displayed.. but i want my url like products/categoryname.html..something like this, with my category name...which will spiderable format.. Please help me to do this... All helps … | |
ok I can't figure out how to add photos to the slide show help please ![]() | |
Hi Community! I have already searched the whole web about this Problem, and I didn't find anything. Maybe you can help... I want to show the number of all SQL queries I executed to load a web page. It is a very complex system I programmed, and I don't want … | |
Hi guys, I asked a friend to try and hack my site to see how safe it is. He hasn't been able to get to the database or do any serious damage but he has used JS Injection to block my strip_tags(); function. I would like to know how to … | |
[CODE]<?php $documentroot = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; $username = "Administrator"; $dir = $documentroot . '/' . $username; function rmdir_r ( $dir, $DeleteMe = TRUE ) { if ( ! $dh = @opendir ( $dir ) ) return; while ( false !== ( $obj = readdir ( $dh ) ) ) { if ( … | |
Hey guys, Hopefully someone out there can help me. I've written a script that displays the contents of a directory. It also links to the file so when I click on it it displays the file contents. What I want to do is when I click on that file it … | |
Can PHP be the alternative for ASP.net, or it is different from other. | |
I have an API parsing script, which inserts into the db more than 40,000 rows.and maybe due large numbers of queries getting fired continuously, after some specific time the script throws "MySQL server has gone away" error. I know the reason behind this error can be closed connection or any … | |
Hi Guys I'm rusty and sticking after being ill for months. Could anyone help me to get this to work please. I've got it close but not close enough. Thanks in advance for the time given. Best FJW [code=php]echo $pricelow; echo $pricehigh; output_arrayBETW(); //$pricelow and $pricehigh correct BUT... Function output_arrayBETW(){ … | |
v1. ADD, EDIT, DELETE, SEARCH CUSTOMER -customer number -name (lastname, firstname, middlename) -date of reservation(provided by system date) ITEMS -item code(auto-number) -item description -price A customer number is generated by the first letters of the first name, middle name and last name of the customer with the date & time … | |
Hi, all! It's me again. And i'm idiot. I have in my table many-many articles. Their titles and anonses showed on page article.php [CODE] <?php mysql_connect($host, $username, $password) or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db($database) or die(mysql_error()); mysql_query("SET NAMES utf8"); $sql = "SELECT*FROM advicer ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 4"; $result= mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); … |
The End.