286 Topics
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It had such promise -- a wifi network, treated like a city utility such as water or sewer, providing broadband Internet to everyone in the city, anywhere in the city, for a low monthly price. Yet vendors in cities such as [URL="http://www.bizjournals.com/portland/stories/2008/05/12/daily55.html"]Portland[/URL], and even the municipal wireless flagship [URL="http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/tech/20080513-0914-wirelessphiladelphia.html"]Philadelphia[/URL] are … | |
It has emerged that Belgium is the latest country to feel the force of the Chinese cyber-super-power, with [URL="http://english.ohmynews.com/articleview/article_view.asp?at_code=434212"]Belgian ministers claiming[/URL] that state sponsored hackers have been targeting Federal Government computers. The Justice Minister in Belgium, Jo Vandeurzen, has claimed that the spate of hacking attacks also reported to parliament … | |
Mark Furber, MD of a UK strategic online marketing company called [URL="http://www.netcallidus.com"]NetCallidus[/URL], is warning anyone who might be listening that the publicly funded [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quaero"]QUAERO European search engine research project [/URL]is doomed to failure. Expensive failure at that: Furber says that the project, hyped as at the Euro equivalent of Google … | |
[URL="http://news.yahoo.com/s/pcworld/20080408/tc_pcworld/144243"]News is breaking[/URL] that the European Commission could push for laws to restrict the personal search data held by search companies to no longer than six months, after which it must be discarded. The EC Article 29 data Protection Working Party seems to be heading for a confrontation with search … | |
The [URL="http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2008/03/11/BU10VHR0N.DTL&type=business"]San Francisco Chronicle reports[/URL] that Google has finally got the go ahead from European regulators to close the acquisition of DoubleClick for $3.1 billion. The deal has immediately been closed, therefore, as the decision by the European Commission removes the last hurdle standing in Google's way. | |
According to the [URL="http://www.timesonline.co.uk"]Sunday Times[/URL] one couple got more than they bargained for courtesy of the almost extortionate charges that mobile phone companies are allowed to levy in Europe when it comes to sending text or data while 'roaming' away from your home country. Although the case in question might … | |
According to HP an incredible 92% of top IT decision makers in Europe do not feel that their organisation is exploiting the competitive advantages offered by information management. In fact, respondents who took part in the 2008 Pressure Point Index survey were pretty dissatisfied overall with both the quality and … | |
Back in May, I [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry1466.html"]broke the story[/URL] on DaniWeb in this very blog of how the online application facility for UK visas was not only insecure, but that it had potentially been so for years. The company concerned, VFS Global, which operated the visa online application form filing service on … | |
The UK government has started a concerted [URL="http://yp.direct.gov.uk/cyberbullying/"]campaign[/URL] to stop what Schools Secretary, Ed Balls MP, refers to as a "particularly insidious type of bullying." According to government figures more than one third of teenagers between the ages of 12 and 15 have fallen victim to cyber bullies. Perhaps more … | |
[URL="http://www.mozilla.org"]Mozilla[/URL] has hit the 400 million downloads mark for the Firefox web browser client since it was officially launched in November 2004, a rise of 56 percent in the last 12 months alone. Of course, updates, reinstalls and trials are all included in download figures which have little real world … | |
Is Blu-Ray dead in the European water? Independent pan-European research by GfK has today revealed that Blu-Ray may not be winning the high definition race after all, despite much brouhaha. In fact, according to the report on the state of the standalone high definition player market in Europe, HD DVD … | |
In a rather ironic turn of events, the US [URL="http://www.dhs.gov/index.shtm"]Department for Homeland Security[/URL] has found itself having to admit to Congress that it has been subject to the odd one or two minor security problems in-house. Well, I say one or two. Actually the figure is more than 800. Well, … | |
Ever since I got my computer, I can no longer remember small reminders. For example, more than once my mother told me to look after the boiling water; I tell her yes and completely forget about everything. The result can be very catastrophic. Therefore, I tried to find a solution … | |
It all started late in 1998 when the European Commission received a complaint from Sun Microsystems arguing that Microsoft had refused, perhaps understandably, to provide the information they had requested that would enable the Solaris OS to interoperate with Windows PCs. In less than 2 years the EU had charged … | |
Inventor of the Web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, has been speaking out in favour of Net Neutrality at the [URL="http://www2006.org"]15th World Wide Web conference[/URL] in Edinburgh, Scotland this week. For once, my spin on the issue doesn’t matter. What the man who created the Web thinks does, so I’ll leave the … | |
As I write this article, there’s no way to know the fate of the seven crew members aboard NASA’s STS-114 space ship, commonly known as Discovery. Will they return alive? Or will their heat-shield clad capsule disintegrate in the atmosphere like their predecessor did, Columbia. The crew is currently planned … |
The End.