15,190 Topics

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Member Avatar for Chegofatso

Write a Python function called sumList () which will receive a list of integers as input parameter. sumList() must: a) Print the list b) Sum all the numbers in a list and print the total. The main section of your program must: c) Ask the user how many numbers the …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Chandru_3

Hi..I'm doing pycharm project and I have Dought on how to connect login page GUI and main project GUI?..

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Member Avatar for Ranjan_3

Python code for detecting monkey using raspberry pi and if it is detected then a signal has to send to power amplifier to generate sound

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for DEEPAK_76

Write a python program to use the recursive function such that: If input is given: 3, then output should be 300.

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Urbandude23

I am trying to run my game in Python, with Pygame. However, I am presented with a black screen, but my game shows up for a fraction of a second after I exit the Shell. What's wrong with my code, I think it's an issue with my timer. # Import …

Member Avatar for Prragya
Member Avatar for Yuvaraj_1
Member Avatar for razstec

Im new to python , trying to update my self from the time of ASP Classic. In that time i use to have a page for vars that i included in my main page. I like that method because i can keep all my vars organized. I tried to do …

Member Avatar for Husoski
Member Avatar for 13_503_Etiraz I

# Importing import sklearn from sklearn.datasets import load_boston import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Load the dataset bos_hou = load_boston() # Create the dataframe column_name = bos_hou.feature_names df_boston = pd.DataFrame(bos_hou.data) df_boston.columns = column_name df_boston.head()

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Mr_281

Assume you given this list factList=[3, 5, 7, 9], write an algorithm and Python program to calculate the factorial for each element in this given list

Member Avatar for razstec
Member Avatar for joseph_59
Member Avatar for drewd66
Member Avatar for Preeti_14
Member Avatar for dasharath_1

Give the solution of the apthon exampsl prectical 1. Write a program to create a number converter that can convert numbers between binary, decimal, octal and hexadecimal. E.g. i/p - Please Enter the base of your input number : 2 Please Enter Binary number : 1111 Please Enter Base for …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Ashur_1

I am currently working with tkinter, opencv and Media Pipe Framework.I want to recognise all 21 positions of my hands with a JPG image file of myself (Here you can find more information about Mediapipe: https://google.github.io/mediapipe/solutions/holistic). With the help of Tkinter I can call up my picture and play it …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Makomborero S

Im a Computer Science student from the University of the Republic of Zimbabwe. Im an aspiring Data Scientist who is interested in leveraging in the power of Artificial Intelligence to address and solve our daily life problems. i am looking for opportunities to expose, improve and expand my skillset and …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for teju_2

Write a python program to sending a warning message to parents and faculty because of students get attendence below 75%

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for Kim_384

Hi, I am using Python Tkinter and I want my pictures to fade in and fade out before or after the next picture. How can I put a fade in and fade out in my source code below. Thank you def start(): global i, show if i >= (len(images) - …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for biityy34

size = 10 for i in range(size) : for j in range(size) : if(i == j or size - j == i + 1) : print("* ", end = "") elif(i == size/2 - 1 or j == size/2 -1 or i == size/2 or j == size/2): print(" ", …

Member Avatar for biityy34
Member Avatar for fatima_16

Write a Python class, Person, constructed by name, surname, birthdate, address, telephone number, email. The class has methods to calculate the age of the person using his birthdate and also to display the details of a person. Create instances of the class and test the associated methods.

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Ernesto_10

Hi, Im creating a canvas and inserting an image. I'm using bind to move the image with my mouse. It works, but whenever I add another image, it doesn't work. When I try to move any images, only image1 moves and image 2 dissappears. Any ideas would help, thanks Here's …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for kitale2020

class Employee: def __init__ (self, name, basic, house): self.name = name self.basic = basic self.house = house self.nhif = (2/100)* self.basic self.tax = (30/100) * self.basic def gross_income (self): return (self.basic + self.house) def total_deductions (self): total_deductions = (self.nhif + self.tax) return (self.total_deductions) def net_salary (self): net_salary = (self.gross_income - …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for AVNEESH_2

Suppose user selfies are saved locally in the format "name-ucode", where ucode is a unique code for that user. For example, for a user called Paul, his selfie will be saved as "paul-12345.jpg". Write a function which takes in the selfie name and returns the unique code. For example, the …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for yahon23837

im trying to create and algorithm in python but i created it in C++ instead as i don't know python well enough i know it's easy and i can learn it in one day or two it's just the syntax but i don't have the time to learn python right …

Member Avatar for Jawass
Member Avatar for Xioto

So, I’m trying to capture and store wave height data and cache it in a file based on the fetch timestamp in local time. I have hit an error with the last section. Here is the error - d = sorted(data['hours'], key=lambda i: i['time']) TypeError: list indices must be integers …

Member Avatar for Husoski
Member Avatar for Desamaladeepak
Member Avatar for bruce.hagen

I have a Python file with 50+ frames. Each frame has 5 radio button and 1 textbox. Each radio button has a pre-determine numeric value that will print to textbox. What I would like to do is replace the radio buttons with a combobox. the combobox is set up with …

Member Avatar for pollybarker419
Member Avatar for Noor_26

#include<conio.h> #include<cstdlib> #include<windows.h> using namespace std; oustrup"<<endl; cout<<"b) Dennis Ritchie"<<endl; cout<<"c) Ken Thompson"<<endl; cout<<"d) Brian Kernighan"<<endl; choice=getch(); if(choice=='A'||choice=='a'){ cout<<choice<<" is correct Answer"<<endl<<endl; st.marks++; } else{ cout<<choice<<" is incorrect Answer"<<endl; cout<<"The corrent answer is a"<<endl<<endl; } break; case 4: cout<<i+1<<") A language which has the capability to generate new data types …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Suraj_43
Member Avatar for Alialnosiari
Member Avatar for Sahaj Singhal

I want create a software just like an alarm clock. It will paly an audio file repeatedly till did not press esc key. What command should I give as conditions and whoch module should I use?

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

The End.