15,190 Topics

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the error : AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'png' ![Sans_titre.png](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/234f232adcc4460a505900ed750330c6.png)

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Hope_9

(a) Create a class named LivestockProject with fields that hold a membership number, the name of the member, surname, date of birth, gender, location and initial number of livestock (cattle) turned in. Include a constructor that initializes each field to appropriate default values. Also include methods to set and get …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for adisharma

Hello All, I just want to know what the average salary of python developer in india and Can anyone know which country gives the most salary?

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for pdk123

Hello, I want to call the function from a python file. By googling, it looks like I need to use the following function. I added a "Sample.py" in the same place where the exe is stored for the c++ . int main() { Py_Initialize(); // Create some Python objects that …

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Member Avatar for EiBS

Which is the best user-friendly programming language to be used for developing an ecommerce website?

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for tommyceric

I am trying to run my local bash script on remote server without copying it into remote server. It is as simple as following for test purpose. There are more than a few servers where it runs perfectly, but in some server running tcsh as default, there is an issue. …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for clife

Hi , I am new to python. I am trying to have a logrotate feature and also try to print the logs in formatted fashion. So I have created two handlers one for log roataion and other for log formatting. The log rotation is working fine as alone, but as …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for WolfShield

Hello everyone, I am writing a program that has a part where the user can type in notes, and I would like the program to insert the date and time into the beginning of the note. I have the time and date part figured out: [CODE] import datetime now = …

Member Avatar for Ajeet_8
Member Avatar for samna

[root@codegaurd]# cat runplaybook.py import subprocess subprocess.run(['ansible-playbook', 'main.yml', '--ask-vault-pass']) [root@codegaurd]# python3 runplaybook.py Vault password: I have to pass it in same code when prompted. I do not want to change the ansible command as passing the password file , script etc doesnt suit for my use case. i can hardcode in …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Jan_102

import math import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt print("y = a^x + b") jarda=0 while jarda<=0 or jarda==1: jarda=int(input("zadej a ")) def v() : while True: číslo=(input("zadej b ")) try : return int (číslo) except ValueError print("nebylo zadané číslo") barca=b() A = int (input("zadej počáteční hodnotu def.oboru ")) …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for @Mathabo

GUESSING GAME HERE please help im new in this python programming 1. This is a game that allows a user to play guessing one single number to try to win at a maximum of 3 attempts. The possible numbers to win must be stored in a list or tuple or …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Griffin_3

nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm") Error found OSError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-3-8d092272a28e> in <module> ----> 1 nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm") ~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\spacy\__init__.py in load(name, disable, exclude, config) 45 RETURNS (Language): The loaded nlp object. 46 """ ---> 47 return util.load_model(name, disable=disable, exclude=exclude, config=config) 48 49 ~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\spacy\util.py in load_model(name, vocab, disable, exclude, config) …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Ayna_1

Hi! When I am running this code, the output looks how I expected it to be, but the problem is that I cannot go back to home page whenever I want to. I dont know why but when I tried to go back to home page after visiting the tips …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Jonah_4

What are the byte values of basic data types : char , int , long , long long, float, double.?(using sizeof() )?

Member Avatar for Husoski
Member Avatar for Deekshitha
Member Avatar for Hugo Edson

I wrote this line of code: database = {"host":host, "user":user, "password":password, "db":db, "charser":charset, "cursorclass":cursorclass} and i'm receiving this: {'host': '', 'user': "b'freedbtech_'", 'password': "b''", 'db': "b'freedbtech_cursopython'", 'charset': 'utf8mb4', 'cursorclass': "<class 'pymysql.cursors.'>} i need to remove those "b's" and " ' " in the strings, but i don't know how to …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Liam_12

Am at an intermediate level in python and tkinter, and have been trying to figure out how to get the code below into some kind of workable form I can understand. What I want to do is, like, if I typed something into the bottom frame, then I'd like to …

Member Avatar for Husoski
Member Avatar for zattat

import threading,time,sys try: import requests except: print("Please install requests module!") sys.exit() path=input("File (example: file.m3u) => ") out=path+"_out.txt" try: with open(path, 'r') as file_in: lines = file_in.read().splitlines() except: print("File error or not found!") file_out=open(out, "w") #print(str(lines)) all = len(lines) print(all) worked=0 print("Scanning {} lists... Worked will write in {}".format(all,out)) time.sleep(5) def …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for zattat

import threading,time,sys try: import requests except: print("Please install requests module!") sys.exit() path=input("File (example: file.m3u) => ") out=path+"_out.txt" try: with open(path, 'r') as file_in: lines = file_in.read().splitlines() except: print("File error or not found!") file_out=open(out, "w") #print(str(lines)) all = len(lines) print(all) worked=0 print("Scanning {} lists... Worked will write in {}".format(all,out)) time.sleep(5) def …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Jean_19

for(#iterations) solve non linear solution get new flux klinkages solve LD and Lq solve new Id and Iq if (abs(Id_new - Id_old) < 0.01) break else put in the new Id_new and Iq_new

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for TimTheCoder

I have an array in python that has letters as strings and a comma as a string also. I have managed to find code that finds all the letters that come before that comma letter, there are other comma letters and i would like to iterate to list every letter …

Member Avatar for Husoski
Member Avatar for The_real_Aadi

Hey fellow Daniweebs, I would like to present a code to you, which seems to be not working for some reason , kindly help me name = input("Enter your name: ") age = input("Enter your age: ") if type(name) != str or type(age) != int: print("PLEASE ENTER VALID CREDNTIALS", end …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Tonittoh

each quarter the marketing manager of a retail store divides the customers into two groups based on their purchase behavior in the previous quarter. The classes are denoted by L and H. The manager wishes to determine to which group of customers he should sent a catalog. The cost of …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for awk18

Lines=["1x+1y+0","1x-1y+0","1x+0y-3","0x+1y-0.5"] So, How do we extract coefficients of each equation in the list?

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Deepak_71

I have my resoruces stored in mysql DB: eg : > |IPaddress | Status| |10.x.x.x| yes| |10.1.x.x| yes| I am trying to get the available resource and after that will update DB with status No. > query = ("SELECT IPaddress from TABLE where status='yes'") cursor = mydb.cursor() cursor.execute(query) result=cursor.fetchall() query1 …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Yumensh

The code: using Discord; using Discord.Commands; using Discord.WebSocket; using NadekoBot.Common.Attributes; using NadekoBot.Core.Services; using NadekoBot.Extensions; using NadekoBot.Modules.CustomReactions.Services; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace NadekoBot.Modules.CustomReactions { public class CustomReactions : NadekoTopLevelModule<CustomReactionsService> { private readonly IBotCredentials _creds; private readonly DbService _db; private readonly DiscordSocketClient _client; public CustomReactions(IBotCredentials creds, DbService db, DiscordSocketClient client) …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Simiyu
Member Avatar for joe82

Hello everyone, I am writting a code where result is not coming correct because I am not able to join 2 lines to make a single line. Please help me e.g my input file is: AATTCCGGTTT CCTTAACCCCC I want my code to first join them together as AATTCCGGTTTCCTTAACCCCC and then …

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Member Avatar for Satyajeet_1
Member Avatar for Prajkta_2

Create a code using python of random walk where food is placed in spots on the grid. Whenever a Walker runs into the food it eats it and reproduces

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The End.