15,192 Topics
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I wrote this program for a class, the only problem is that it returns the anwser for assessmentValue twice. I can't figure out what to do to fix it...please help!! [code=php] def main(): #Get the actual value for the property. actualValue = input ("Enter the actual value of the property:$") … | |
Hello. I was wondering if there was a way to use python to convert a video to flash and add controls online. Like youtube, a user uploads a video and it gets converted and controls get added. I have looked online and everyone says "Use this extension blah blah blah" … | |
Hi every one I am facing a problem in deleting items from a list <<< Could any help me !!! [CODE]b=['a', 'b', 'r', 'g'] for c in b: b.remove(c) [/CODE] but when I check b the result is ['b', 'g'] how can I delet all items using for loop thanks | |
Hi, I want to convert a string to numbers ... i tried a lot of codes.. iam a beginner... Kindly help... Ex: a=1 b=2 c=3 d=4 e=5 f=6 g=7 h=8 i=9 j=10 input value -->abc output value --> 123 input value -->abcj output value -->12310 I mean i want to … | |
Ahoy Sailors! So I'm making a Python built application with the Twisted engine, Where size is a slight issue, Currently compiled under Python26 using Py2Exe, The file stands at 1.8MB (With trimmings), Now my script should work using Python 2.4 which also should decrease the file size considerably, However the … | |
I'm attempting to write a game server and I need it to continue on with the code while listening for a connection. I know this is done with the threading module but I don't know how exactly to do this. Python documentation didn't work for me. [CODE] #[LISTENER] print "Initializing … | |
hi there! i'm have a biiig trouble. I've make a simple chatbot, as can learning. The problem is, that I can't insert data into the dictionary without a error. here is the code: [CODE] codes = {} def arraycompare(array1, array2): l = 0 for i in array1: for j in … | |
So I'm writing a bit of code for use in an IRC bot. I tried to use scheduler to get around the barbaric-ness of calling time.sleep() every time I want the bot to delay for a few seconds. In scheduler you can choose the delay function "for example time.sleep()"-- but … | |
I really must have a general misunderstanding of import and global. I'm trying to call a function in an imported file and reference a variable. file1.py [code] from file2 import * x = 6 file2Funct() [/code] file2.py [code] def file2Function(): print x [/code] executing file1 give the following error at … | |
I'm trying to make program using Google 5gram data to compare with one of English exam called TOEIC. There are 118 files for 4grams and each size of 4grams are approximately 300MB and each files has 10,000,000 lines. So, here is the point. It requires about 4 or 5 seconds … | |
I am using python code to transmit data collected (Wii Nunchuck) via I2C wirelessly to another wireless node and then display the information about button press and also roll, yaw and pitch (X,Y,Z) data. The code uses Wx python for frame/window display. Part of the code was copied from the … | |
Hi all, How can we load contact thumbnail ?? I want to fetch it and preview it on canvas . thanks in advance. | |
Hi all, What tool can i use or what ways can i deploy to allow me to combine c# with python or vice-versa. Please let me know of any tools or way which you all had done it before because i had serch quite alot but i still cannot make … | |
I'm stuck on the fifth stage of my assignment, the question is; 'Add in code to the key-press event handler so that the 'person' is constrained to move within the array and cant' walk through a wall.' I'm not sure how i'm supposed to update the curindex, i really need … | |
Hi! I've searching for python IDE's and I've not found anything like NetBeans for java. I downloaded Dr Python but was too simple, I tried to install PyDev on Eclipse but I got some errors. I saw some screenshots about SPE and I said whoa! that seems good, but I … | |
Alright, making a dice roller...because I need a dice roller. Anywho, in the process of testing it came across an exception that I can't figure out how to remedy. The exception gets thrown at line 33 below: Source code: [CODE]import random #PUT FAILSAFES IN THIS FUNCTION. #gets dice information def … | |
I've been using the Aspects module to trace and patch routines on the fly in my wxPython app. The problem I've run in to occurs when wx binds an event to a function. ie: an event is binded to function <function func at 0x03969A30> after aspects.with_wrap() func now becomes <function … | |
I'm trying to program Tic-tac-toe. When I run my program, the X's and O's pop up in all sorts of strange locations, and they don't "settle" into their proper positions until the very last move of the game. Here is my code: [code]'''Tic-tac-toe. ''' from Tkinter import * SQU_SIZE = … | |
How do I a add a copy and paste function in a Tkinter text widget? | |
Hi, I have a for-loop, and in each iteration I have to open a dos-command. I use the subprocess module for this: [code=python] fid1=open("test.txt", 'w') p=subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=fid1, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True) fid1.close() [/code] The output of the dos-command is written to the txt-file, but I still need to terminate the process p. … | |
Hi, i'm searching for a way to know the hostname of a machine connected to my twisted-server. I use to know the host the method self.transport.getPeer().host, and i have the IP in this way. But i need to know the hostname. I'm searching for a way like socket.gethostname(). Waiting your … | |
Recently I have been writing my own Python editor for fun. I have came pretty far but now I have some issues. My editor object is in my notebook but wont go to the bottom of my window. I can get it to expand across the screen but not down. … | |
![]() | Hi all this is my code :- [CODE]import pygame from pygame.locals import * from sys import exit from random import * pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((640, 480), 0, 32) while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: exit() screen.lock() for count in range(10): random_color = (randint(0,255), randint(0,255), randint(0,255)) random_pos … |
Hi guys, i have a problem here i have a situation where i need to save all the images opened using PIL I have no idea how to do without displaying images on screen one by one and saving them Can anyone please help how to save them without switching … | |
What do I need to do to make rules for user input? Say I want the user to choose a number 1-5. If they pick one, I want to go to the next step. If they don't I want to tell them that they have to pick a number between … | |
Hello, I have written this code, deleting those parts which are no needed to reproduce the error: [CODE]#! /usr/bin/env python # TestDialogs.py import wx, MySQLdb, wx.lib.intctrl, wx.grid ID_SPECIES=1 class SearchDlg(wx.Dialog): def __init__(self): wx.Dialog.__init__(self, None, -1, 'Search species', size=(400,400)) panel = wx.Panel(self, -1) vbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) hbox1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) hbox2 = … | |
Hello! I have designed a dialog that shows a wx.Grid with some data (full code at the end). Then, there is a search area. The other buttons are not working now. When you fill any search control with some data shown on the grid, it prints the index where the … | |
Hi I am VERY new to python. I am trying to write a function that returns lines from a text file to a new file. I can't seem to get it right. So far my code looks like this: [CODE]def seperate_atoms(f):#Enter .pdb file in with quotations myfile=open(f,'r') crudepdb=myfile.readlines() cleanpdb=[] for … | |
I'm currently learning Python, and at the moment I'm writing a simple grocery list program. At one point in the program, the user is asked how many items are on their shopping list. What I want to do is take the number that the user inputs (lets say it's 5), … |
The End.