15,190 Topics

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Member Avatar for 3FLryan

Hello All: I used to be an avid gamer (since I was 7 or 8 years old until recently, and I am now 24). I played anything but my greatest love was turn-based strategy. Games just weren't doing it for me any more - I felt like I could "see …

Member Avatar for 3FLryan
Member Avatar for winmic

Is there any way to set the maximum size of a ListBox (by pixels)? I know that there is a SetMaxSize but it is not enforced.

Member Avatar for phunehehe
Member Avatar for king_koder

Hi, I started learning Python 3 around a month ago and I think, I am beginning to get the hang of it. However, I just recently realized that most of the modules I would like to use(wxPython, django,etc) aren't yet ported to Python. SO now, I'm really confused whether I …

Member Avatar for ultimatebuster
Member Avatar for 1991

Hi, I´m wondering how i can append newly created objects to a list by using subclass.I have come this far: [CODE]class Room(object): def __init__(self,name): self.name=str(name) self.hazard = self.empty #def __str__(self): # return self.name def pits(self,antal): pit=1 while pit<antal: assert self.hazard == self.empty self.hazard=self.Pits # return self.hazard def bats(self,antal): bat=1 while …

Member Avatar for 1991
Member Avatar for yellowkaiq

For a project i'm working on now, i need to create a function that is in the format Hours:Minutes: seconds: Fraction where fraction is 1/10th of a second. It should print out every one tenth of a second. I have no idea where to start or how to do this, …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for ralphcatech

write a program that will act as a single user's ATM machine.....the user will have the following menu options 1. deposit 2. withdrawal 3. view account balance 4. exit constraints for validation user can not deposit less tha zero dollars user must withdraw in $10 increments user can not withdraw …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for longlongsilver

i have to use the move method for the ship to move. the distance value is less than or equal to the objects fuel attribute.messgae should be displayed reporting the distance the ship moved and the objects fuel attribute should be reduced by the distance value. if not not enough …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for kur3k

Hello, i search widzet for Tkrinter how creat new window ( not Toplevel() ), i want use in this box html thanks ( sorry, my EN is so bad .. )

Member Avatar for kur3k
Member Avatar for TrustyTony

Based on thread [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread323401.html[/url], I did this recursive version for comparision. Thanks for posters of the thread!

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Member Avatar for HoneyBadger

Guys I am trying t write this script that finds the age of a daughter through palindromes. Here is the question: Recently I had a visit with my mom and we realized that the two digits that make up my age when reversed resulted in her age. For example, if …

Member Avatar for gwmorris
Member Avatar for ekkanh

Hi I have a list of False and True, which I have written to a file. When I read the file, I cant get back to my True and False list.... I only get the ["True","False"] version of it, but I want it to be like this: [True,False] Is it …

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Member Avatar for JasonQiao

How to use RE to solve this, I did it with other method. THANK YOU VERY MUCH! Here is Question: '''Parse Stock prices. Create a function that will decode the old-style fractional stock price. The price can be a simple floating point number or it can be a fraction, for …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for welcomelambb

Hello, everyone i just start to learn python, but i have some problem of it can you help me figure it out please? my problem is i want to obtain a sensetce and obtain one randomly words from the use i want to write a prgram which can find out …

Member Avatar for SgtMe
Member Avatar for planetPlosion

I have printed the contents of 2 folders to separate txt files. It is in the form of a python list ['a', 'b', etc.] How could I loop through the files looking for matching list elements? My first problem is how to extract the words from out of the quotes …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for LuckyX2

Hey guys, just like the other graph/node problem on here, I too have a problem with graphs. The problem is as listed here: [URL="http://www.cs.rit.edu/~vcss241/Homeworks/08/AlternateDFS-stu.pdf"]http://www.cs.rit.edu/~vcss241/Homeworks/08/AlternateDFS-stu.pdf[/URL] and the pseudocode for what I'm trying to do is this: [QUOTE]DFSnodeWithDeletion( graph, node ): count the node itself for every neighbor of node: remove the …

Member Avatar for LuckyX2
Member Avatar for novice20

[B]How to validate an IP Address using python? It should reject the shorter addresses such as 192.168 instead of padding the rest of the bits the address with 0s[/B]

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for sravi.pearl

hai all , i have a string s= The POST variable NM_xwTapCtl%24_img_Banner is vulnerable.,The POST variable NM_xwTapCtl%24scrollTop is vulnerable. I dont know the procedure to modify that s to s = NM_xwTapCtl%24_img_Banner,NM_xwTapCtl%24scrollTop HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for JasonQiao

[COLOR="Red"]COULD ANY GEEK HELP ME FIND OUT WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY CODE FOR RE?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]SINCE THE BACK PART IS MARKED INVALID SYNTAX......[/COLOR] [CODE]'''you are given a bunch of phone numbers in a file whose name is provided by parameter name_fin, each line has exectly one phone number. They look …

Member Avatar for cghtkh
Member Avatar for b_bayaraa_d
Member Avatar for sravi.pearl

i have a string s= The POST variable NM_xwTapCtl%24_img_Banner is vulnerable.,The POST variable NM_xwTapCtl%24scrollTop is vulnerable. I dont know the procedure to modify that s to s = NM_xwTapCtl%24_img_Banner,NM_xwTapCtl%24scrollTop HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( i think search for The Post Variable and display the next word ,after that again search if …

Member Avatar for cghtkh
Member Avatar for sravi.pearl

Hai, can any one please help me to converts array elements to a single string For Example : Myarray = ['Mac','Windows','vista'] Ouput should be like id='Mac,Windows,vista' Pleaseeeeeeeee help me............

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for Austinstig

I'm stuck. I currently have the following example file structure: X, Y, Z 0.000234E+04, 0.000244E+03, 0.000234E+04 0.000244E+03, 0.000234E+04, 0.000238E+05 0.000238E+05, 0.000244E+03, 0.000234E+04 I would like for the Scientific Notation to be converted to float or integer values: X, Y, Z 2.34, 0.244, 2.34 0.244, 2.34, 23.8 23.8, 0.244, 2.34 I …

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Member Avatar for auburner

I'm a newbie to Python and after much googling to no avail I wanted to see if I could get some help here. I'm trying to come up with a script to take lines from a textfile and insert them into specific places in another file. Here's a simple example: …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for Smed

I'm looking for a simple way to modify a 2D list as shown below. Starting with a list such as this: 1,2,3 4,5,6 7,8,9 I want to create a list that looks like this: 1,2 4,5 7,8 1,3 4,6 7,9 Which is just the first and second column with the …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for arun_gan

I have this question that I've been trying to solve for the past hour but i've been getting it wrong, can someone help me? Question: Create a list of the odd numbers between 1 and n (include 1 as well as n -- if it's odd-- in the list). Associate …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for ralphcatech
Member Avatar for SgtMe
Member Avatar for henryford

Hey guys I have a study guide that I need some assistance with if possible. it is basically definitions. Classes={} Assume these statements are working with classes and objects: Attribute?property Instance Encapsulation Also I need to tell what this code does. I am not good with classes at all please …

Member Avatar for SgtMe
Member Avatar for knan

I have a list [CODE]x = ['abc','1','2','3','def','6','8','5','13','mcg','568','35469','6453'][/CODE] I want the output file in a dictionary as follows: [CODE]dict = {'abc':['1','2','3'],'def':['6','8','5','13'],'mcg':['568','35469','6453']}[/CODE] How can i do this?

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for kafro

I'm trying to build a Tkinter that counts how many times a letter appears in the entry box. I want it so I enter letters A,B, or C into the entry box, and when I click 'Count' it displays how many times each letter appears. I feel like I'm really …

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Member Avatar for Swedenrock

My project is to create a solitaire game with a different card deck. I have created four lists with three objecs in each off them and I would like to create 81 unique cards out off these objecs. colors = [blue, yellow, red] shapes = [triangel, circle, square] numbers = …

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The End.