15,185 Topics
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In this program I have a lot of game directories in a list like so: [CODE]base = "C:/Program Files/Game" expansion = "C:/Program Files/Game/Expansion" Games = [(base, "Base Game"),(expansion, "Expansion 1")] Installed = [][/CODE] The program then sees if they are installed like this: [CODE]for path, name in Games: #For every … | |
Hi I am sending a text file to a remote app using urllib2. It all works well, but it just seems to take a very long time to send the data. My code is basically doing : TxData = open('OutputFile.txt') data = {'name': 'value', 'file': TxData } f = urllib2.urlopen(url, … | |
Hi, I have written a script that checks whether a line has been added to a file. Whenever, a line gets added to the file a thread is created to process that line. And if a certain conditions holds for that read line, the thread should sleep for 1h and … | |
I need to get the info available devices in my LAN network. My logic is as follows: 1.Send a UDP packet/s to the IP and wait for the response from the available devices, once the devices repond back need to analyze the response.. Please help me out in implementing … | |
I need to show a '&' symbol on a button and I don't understand this - how come [CODE] self.l1 = QLabel("&", self) self.l2 = QLabel(unichr(int("0026", 16)), self) [/CODE] both of these show it on a label but [CODE] self.b1 = QPushButton("&", self) self.b2 = QPushButton(unichr(int("0026", 16)), self) [/CODE] none … | |
Hi ppl,,,,how r ya...hope u r fine.. Just have a lil problem with my program. Im studying civil engineering . And i have problem with my registrations So my friend creatred a program for me ,,but there is something missing in it The main job for this program is to … | |
Hi Guys, I am currently working on the following project: Write a PYTHON function that takes the time as three integer arguments (for hours, minutes, and seconds), and returns the number of seconds since the last time the clock “struck 12.” Use this function to calculate the amount of time … | |
Hi, I'm working in the following project: Write a function in python that displays at the left margin of the screen a solid square of asterisks whose side is specified in integer parameter side. For example, if side is 4, the function displays **** **** **** **** I did this … | |
file = hfmix2.py error is on line 3 [CODE]# imports from Tkinter import * from sound_panel2 import * import pygame.mixer # create gui app = Tk() app.title("Head First Mix") # create mixder mixer = pygame.mixer mixer.init() # call functions panel1 = SoundPanel(app, mixer, "50459_M_RED_Nephlimizer.wav") panel1.pack() panel1 = SoundPanel(app, mixer, "49119_M_RED_HardBouncer.wav") … | |
I have a project due at the end of the quarter. This is my first quarter in programming and we have to create a single player game with at least three modules. I want the game to ask the user to choose heads or tails, then a coin flips and … | |
This is the folder structure: [CODE]root common.py module1 somescript.py module2 someotherscript.py[/CODE] i need to import common.py from somescript.py and someotherscript.py I also need to import somescript.py from someotherscript.py | |
Hi all, Does anyone know how to search for a string or substring within a list. I have [CODE] def searchfilt(self): f = open("timeline1.csv", "r") reader = csv.reader(f) text = enterbox(msg='Please choose a highlighter search term', title='Highlighter ', default='', strip=True) lines = [] i = -1 self.listbox2.delete(0, tk.END) for i, … | |
I'm trying to make a fixed length output record, and I'm using a Dictionary as a lookup table to find a code based on the kind of car a person drives. The routine works fine; I the search the key for the car type, and the value returned is the … | |
I am trying to find a way to search a filename.rc file for a particular string. For now lets just say I am searching for the string PARTYHOST. After finding PARTYHOST in the file I would like to replace anything after it(so with a new string which I have … | |
I need to write a loop that traverses the list and prints the length of [B]each element[/B]. So far I have this: [code] def countEachElement(): elements= ["spam!",'1',['Brie','Roquefort','Pol le Veq'],['1','2','3']] i=0 while i < len(elements): print len(elements[i]) i=i+1 [/code] But it's not counting each element of the lists inside the list. … | |
Hello, Im trying to get this program to display a receipt of the items bought with its price and total, but so far this is what I've acomplished, I've been trying for a long time now, to make it print the receipt in the win2 but I haven't been able. … | |
Howdy, I'm a GIS guy trying to get my hands dirty with some Python. What I'm trying to do is iterate through a file (shapefile), reading specific fields from each row of the file's associated table. The table has thousands of rows, which is why a Python script is handy … | |
Hi, I want to know how to read the binary file from 10th byte to 90th byte in a file size of 100 bytes and need to write the read data into new binary file. please help me in doing this. | |
Hi I have been trying to install the ERIC python IDE [url]http://www.die-offenbachs.de/eric/eric-links.html[/url] for a while now to no sucess. I could not i kept getting errors when installing the QT module [code] Determining the layout of your Qt installation... Error: Make sure you have a working Qt v4 qmake on … | |
hallo people, i want to start learning python and ruby for some projects i have anyone who knows a good resource site or books for this two languages. any books and where i can get them will be highly appreciated thanx in advance | |
Hi all I am newbie in python. I have a csv file with two columns first as source and second as target. There are multiple values assigned to keys in successive rows such as follows 1 -->4 1 -->5 1 -->8 1 -->12 2 -->4 2 -->17 2 -->14 2 … | |
Hi all I have written code there are two definition functions but the only way I can get the whole thing to work is to put some code outside the definitions. Does anyone know how to fix the code so that I can call it from another module. Please help … | |
I'm trying to write a gui which will continually update values obtained from a data measurement device. Orginally this was accomplished using a TKinter .after loop with a specified refresh time of 500ms. This snippet of code is called from the mainloop and updates the values once when it is … | |
The code is shamefully short, but here it is. Now you can listen to the many sound files in wave (.wav) format and boing, chirp, chime, bark, booh, laugh and mooh at the people around you. | |
Hi All! I'm creating a program using Python and compiling it with py2exe. I've the same problem of this topic, but I can't solve it because GUI2exe is not supported by Python26. [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread224403.html[/url] How could I solve this problem? | |
Hi All I have two tab-delimited files. I want to compare first column of testfile1 to first column of testfile2 to find if items in file2 are in file1 and write it to the new file. I have a following code but not working!! :(. [CODE]f1 = open('testfile1.txt') #f2 = … | |
Hello! I am trying to write a function that looks for a desired string pattern within a table (Countries). Look at the code. [CODE]def selectCountry(): print 'Enter country:' country = raw_input('> ') sql = '''select idCountries,CountryEn from Countries where CountryEn REGEXP '%s'''' cursor.execute(sql,(country)) result = cursor.fetchall() rowHead = 'Country ID','Country … | |
Hello! I have this simple funcion [CODE]def newUser(): print 'Choose a username?' Username = raw_input('> ')[/CODE] The variable 'Username' has to be used by other functions. How can I do it? Cheers! Dani | |
Hello! I have written a program where you have to give the path to directories and files as input. Is it possible to enable any kind of auto-completion when running the program? Cheers! Dani | |
i need help in controlling mouse click in python. Example would be 'clicking File menu --> Save Us--> Save' on its own. I have this code for launching an app, for example a textfile. but i dont know how to control its mouse click. Advice please. [CODE]import os class LaunchApp: … |
The End.