15,190 Topics

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Member Avatar for flip121

I have a project that I am working on that is basically a game where players travel down a hall and race to the end. Obviously there are more rules but they are irrelevant for my problem. The problem I am having is that I cant get my board to …

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Member Avatar for shaun.b

Hi Everyone, I have got a program which takes a html file as an argument, parses it, and outputs the data to a CSV file. It does this no problem. BUT, i need it to take more than one html file, parse them and put all the data collected into …

Member Avatar for adam1122
Member Avatar for leegeorg07

i just thought i would ask as a reference for the future but if i was to have a loop like this: [code] import time mytime = time.asctime()[11:19] while mytime <= "13:14:15": mytime = time.asctime()[11:19] raw_input() [/code] how could i change it so that mytime would constantly update as at …

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Member Avatar for katamole

Hi there, I'm quite new to python and have a question regarding list matching. What would be the most efficient method of searching for matching items in a list? Ideally, the code would look like: [CODE] list1 = ['spam', 'eggs', 'bacon'] list2 = ['spam', 'ham', 'king richard'] matchitems(list1, list2) ... …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for zublacko

Ok I have a while loop set but can you guys give me an example of a while loop that takes information, reads the more specific detail and then another specific detail? In my code I cant figure out how to make the loop search another line or sentence. All …

Member Avatar for jlm699
Member Avatar for zublacko

Is there a way to find something from html code like <img and then find the src and alt of an image in the <img line? I can get the <img line out but i dont understand how to use find to find the start index and end index. For …

Member Avatar for jlm699
Member Avatar for ning2009

Hi, Guys, I use RG to handle some txt files in Python to rearrange format of these text files. These text files look like below MATERIAL NAME=STEEL IDES=S W=76819.55 T=0 E=1.99948E+11 U=.3 A=.0000117 FY=3.447379E+08 NAME=CONC2 IDES=C W=23560 T=0 E=2.48211E+10 U=.2 A=.0000099 NAME=OTHER IDES=N W=76819.55 T=0 E=1.99948E+11 U=.3 A=.0000117 NAME=CON3 IDES=C …

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Member Avatar for leegeorg07

hi again i have this code: [code=python] #this program is a simple test OS for a till #it will loop constantly until a certain time (specified as CLOSING_TIME) COMPLETED!!! #it will check stock from a dictionary in a file (specified as STOCK) #i plan to add a profit calculator import …

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Member Avatar for max.yevs

I've learned quite a bit since my last post, i.e. it kept disappearing on me just because of syntax, but now I'm interested in something: Is it possible to make it so that when you run the .py as is , that it opens another program or directory? I.e. when …

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Member Avatar for MrAbbas

Hello there, I'm writing a simple code to make a n*4 matrix .. first i filled it with zeroes [ICODE]x0 = input("Please enter x0 = ") h = input("Please define step size h = ") s = input("Please specifiy the point at which you need the solution y(x) >> ") …

Member Avatar for matthewsamdanny

Hey guys! I have a serious problem. I missed class for computer science because I had two grandparents die in 2 weeks. My teacher has a no exception policy for turning in homework late. Tonight has been my only free night to do homework but I am stuck and not …

Member Avatar for adam1122
Member Avatar for starzstar

Hi I am using Option parser for creating a command line application . I am able to parse command line options. I have a command for listing the contents of a folder. which goes like this python main.py --listContents When I give this I get an error error: --listContents option …

Member Avatar for adam1122
Member Avatar for matthewsamdanny

Hey guys! I have a serious problem. I missed class for computer science because I had two grandparents die in 2 weeks. My teacher has a no exception policy for turning in homework late. Tonight has been my only free night to do homework but I am stuck and not …

Member Avatar for adam1122
Member Avatar for tondeuse34

Hey guys, i just re-installed python and began writing a script, when i go to run it a syntax error appears. The syntax error allways points to the quotes i use, meaning something like [CODE]print "Hello"[/CODE] a syntax error will appear and point at the end quote ' " ' …

Member Avatar for adam1122
Member Avatar for alicem

'bitstream' is an array where each element contains 8 bits, i.e. ['01100000', '11110101' .... ] etc. etc. I want to print out this array to a file so it'll be recognised and can be opened as a jpeg. I have tried the following: [code]output = open('outputfile.jpg', 'wb') for i in …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for mbirame

Hi friends, This is my first post here. Please forgive me as I am a complete novice with Python. I have experience with HTML and CSS, but my main gig is electronics...So, please excuse me if I am out of line asking this question here! A friend was helping me …

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Member Avatar for harrykokil

hi guys.. i implemented a stopwatch and as i run my software, the stopwatch starts. what i want is to implement a method to start the stopwatch and another method to stop the stopwatch. can u give me an example of this please? thanks..

Member Avatar for harrykokil
Member Avatar for thehivetyrant

I'm struggling on how to do this. For example. [code] for i in range (1 ,100): if i % 3 == 2: print i, " mod ", 3, "= 2"[/code] i think i need to understand what this does more. Firstly what does % mean? [B]if i is the square …

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Member Avatar for thehivetyrant

wow it's me again! i have: [code] i=0 while i<11: print i, print '' i=i+1[/code] this gives the answer: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 i need to give the answer. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * …

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Member Avatar for strobon

hello everybody...have trouble with pygtk and glade. iam working on a simple form with purpose to explain simple ubuntu command like (gnome-terminal,nautilus,gedit) to newbie user. Might be easier if i attached the form... [ATTACH]9758[/ATTACH] the cellrenderertext is working properly (when i click every row it should explain the description in …

Member Avatar for harrykokil

how can i create 50 apples at different positions on screen without having to each time call the constructor 50 times? [icode] import Tkinter as tk from Tkinter import * import time class Apple(object): def __init__(self, a,b,c,d): self.rect = canvas.create_oval(a,b,c,d) root=tk.Tk() canvas = tk.Canvas(root, width=300, height=300, bg="#FFFFFF") canvas.pack() for x …

Member Avatar for lllllIllIlllI
Member Avatar for demeryjo

Hey, so for a project of mine we are asked to draw a face using instances of classes. I'm not very familiar with classes and I was wondering if anyone could explain to me why my code wont even open the turtle window. I'm also slightly confused as to how …

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Member Avatar for rampalli.sarma

Dear friends, Greetings I am copying the code which is giving only one error. Please help. I have attached the file also.. cross.py [code] import subprocess, sys, socket, time, struct, random from traciControl import initTraCI, simStep, close, getVehNoOfIndLoop, setPhase PORT = 8813 NSGREEN = ["0101", "0101", "0000"] NSYELLOW = ["0000", …

Member Avatar for artemis_f

Hi I am beginning to learn wxPython a little with the "wxPython in Action" book but I haven't managed to figure out this one thing I really want to do and am hoping someone can help me. I want to do something like create an Ellipse to which I can …

Member Avatar for artemis_f
Member Avatar for skhan23

All questions involve this portion of a program: [CODE] if (y>x and y<z)or(y<x and y>z): print("You have entered Condition 1") elif not(x!=y and y!=z): print ("You have entered Condition 2") else: print ("You have entered Condition 3")[/CODE] 1. If x = 10 and y = 10, what is the value …

Member Avatar for adam1122
Member Avatar for leegeorg07

this relates to _nestors problem but im trying to expand it on my own i have this code: [code=python] logfile = open("logfile.txt", "r").readlines() KEYWORDS = ['test', 'text'] counterline = [] counter = 0 for line in logfile: for word in line.split(): counter+=1 if word in KEYWORDS: counterline.append(counter) print word print …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for lowbot

Is there a way to script a broadcast packet send? Im doing some network traffic and would love to be able to see if my broadcasts are getting through. Or alternatives if python isnt the best/easiest way to do this. XPSP2 if it matters. Thanks.

Member Avatar for mafarooqi

Hi everyone, I have been working with Matlab but now I have to develop a couple of programs in Python. So I am new to Python. Could anyone tell me the python equivalent of [B]eval [/B]command of Matlab. Actually I have to open a set of say 100 files to …

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Member Avatar for MartinIT2type

Hello again! I've started a game project for fun, and I used the knowledge I gained a few days ago from a thread I posted. Now I've taken that tried to take that (taking a text Entry out of a GUI and using it outside the class) and apply it …

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Member Avatar for tech12

This is a project I'm working on for a class. I'm pretty new to CS and python...and I found that I am totally lost. I'm suppose to write a program to convert Roman numerals to arabic numbers. It is also suppose to handle invalid input. Here is what I have …

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The End.