15,190 Topics

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Member Avatar for thehivetyrant

I am trying to: [B]Implement an iterative Python function which returns the sum of the first n integers[/B] so far i have this: [code] i = 0 total = 0 def sum(n): while i <> n: total = total + 1; i = i + 1; return total [/code] then …

Member Avatar for scru
Member Avatar for gotm

[code=python]#!/usr/local/bin/python #Scott Landau #CS 380 #Assignment 1 Programming Portion in Python #Created - 4/6/09 #Last Edited - 4/7/09 #n is going to be equal to 4 for this queens problem. n = 4 #Assigning the empty list to initialState. initialState = [] #Making an allDirections list. allDirections = [[-1,0],[1,0],[0,-1],[0,1],[-1,-1],[-1,1],[1,-1],[1,1]] #declare …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for Rick3414

I am pulling a name, address, phone number from a text file. The items are delimited with a comma. I pull them into a variable. How can I pull them in or parse them out? I'm not sure if this is a tuple or a list or what, but when …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for mangotango

I am constructing some sort of a status bar which allows the user to update their status while in a social network. It consists of an entry field and a 'update' button beside it. What I hope to do is upon activation of the button 'update' the contents in status …

Member Avatar for sneekula
Member Avatar for aegis042404

Hi, I'm writing a small app in wxpython, on a linux box. I just want to display a graphic and play a short ogg when a gui button is clicked. Started out as a memory card game, now I just want to display the graphic and play a sound when …

Member Avatar for lllllIllIlllI
Member Avatar for amitattri1987

I'm making a small web application in python. Transferring control from one python page to another can be done by form submit or onclick button.This happens at an event. But I'm searching for a functionality in python similar to 'server.transfer' in asp which is not event dependent. Please Help.

Member Avatar for adam1122
Member Avatar for thehivetyrant

Hello there, I've a homework assignment from a while ago that asks [B]"Implement a recursive Python function which returns the sum of the first n integers"[/B] Now i just dont know exactly what it's asking and how to get started. Recursive functions, right (my thoughts so far is it'll look …

Member Avatar for thehivetyrant
Member Avatar for srk619

need help on this question: Write a lexer to read in decimal numbers. If your input is the following string: “12345.9876” what do you have to do to each character in the string to generate your float? How are the numbers before the decimal point different to the numbers after …

Member Avatar for srk619
Member Avatar for gotm

[code=python]#!/usr/local/bin/python #Scott Landau #CS 380 #Assignment 1 Programming Portion in Python #Created - 4/6/09 #Last Edited - 4/7/09 #n is going to be equal to 4 for this queens problem. n = 4 #Assigning the empty list to initialState. initialState = [] #Making an allDirections list. allDirections = [[-1,0],[1,0],[0,-1],[0,1],[-1,-1],[-1,1],[1,-1],[1,1]] #declare …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for mg0959

Hey guys, I have a python script that I need to run on a windows machine when the computer boots up but before a user logs in. It is the server side of server/client program. The program needs to be able to write and read files, as the server program …

Member Avatar for mg0959
Member Avatar for JeyC

All, I am using a python script (v2.0) to call a batch file. 1. The python script should wait until the batch file is finished. (So that rules out os.startfile, os.popen etc.) 2. For unknown reason, os.system does not work ... So I am using os.spawnv(os.P_WAIT,BatchFile, BatchFile) where Batchfile =r"E:\..... …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for Malestryx

Good evening everyone, I am once again posting a question. My school project is done. And I appreciate all the help you gave me. The following code is a working program. The only thing I have absolutely no real good idea to do is calculate the Overtime Rate with my …

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Member Avatar for Hatz2619

Sorry guys, I'm a rookie at the whole Python thing so please forgive me if the following questions are easily answered. I'm working on my final project for class and I'm just stuck. I have no clue what's going on with this program. It isn't running properly in IDLE at …

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Member Avatar for dmpop

Hello, I'm not a programmer, so please bear with me. I'm using the following script with Python 2.6 to send emails with attachments from the command line. [CODE]#!/usr/bin/python import smtplib from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart from email.MIMEBase import MIMEBase from email.MIMEText import MIMEText from email import Encoders import os import sys …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Malestryx

Good afternoon, I am currently working on a payroll program for school. I have a question. Here is my code. [ICODE] #Mainline def employee(): global eName global pRate global hWork def Lowest(hoursList): PAYList.sort() lowestPay = hoursList[0] return lowestPay def Highest(hoursList): hoursList.sort() highestPay=hoursList[len(hoursList)-1] return highestPay def Average(hoursList): total=0 for hour in …

Member Avatar for Malestryx
Member Avatar for Malestryx

Good evening, I am having difficulties figuring how to get my calculations working. Basically, I want my hours to actually be what is typed in under each question, but they are all ones. I could use some help [ICODE] def Employee(): global eName global pRate global hWork def Low(hoursList): hoursList.sort() …

Member Avatar for leegeorg07
Member Avatar for gabec94

Hi I am trying to write a function [I]password_input(prompt, password)[/I] that will repeatedly ask for a password using the given prompt until the given password is entered. I have testing code, but I am completely lost upon how to do it and where to begin. This is the testing code: …

Member Avatar for Flameass
Member Avatar for miller4bears6

[B]hey yall[/B] I've been working on this python program for a while and I need some help please. This program consists of classes and functions to make a basic maze. I'm not using Tkinter or any gui's. Just a printout where python does all the calculating. I have three files, …

Member Avatar for jlm699
Member Avatar for murnshaw

Sorry for the noobish question, but I'm trying to write a function that accepts strings as inputs. Here's what I've got: def backwards(x): word = "x" index = 1 while index < len(word)+1: letter = word[-index] print letter index = index + 1 Whenever I call the function, such as …

Member Avatar for Arrorn
Member Avatar for toadzky

I am writing a ping app for my networking class. I have the ping part of the code working perfectly, my issue is in shutting down my "ping" server. If I run it with while True, not even ctrl-C will shut it down till the next ping request. I can …

Member Avatar for vidaj
Member Avatar for currupipi

Hello everyone! :) I would like to read a xml file in order to return the content as a HTML response. I wonder if i need to parse the XML file or i can read the file as if it were an txt file. I am interested in this second …

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Member Avatar for srk619

can some help me with my film databse code which is below, i need to know how can i allow a single film to be displayed by index and how can i allow a film to be removed by index anyone have any ideas [ICODE][/ICODE] #A list of entries 2 …

Member Avatar for srk619
Member Avatar for srk619

hey im finding this question quite hard to do can anyone help out. Implement an iterative Python function to generate numbers in the Fibonacci sequence: fib(0) = 1 fib(1) = 1 fib(n) = fib(n − 1) + fib(n − 2)

Member Avatar for srk619
Member Avatar for dhvl2712

I wrote a simple .py program for [code="python"] def main(): print ("Hello World") [/code] That's it. I saved it as hello.py But when i try to run it I get this error: [code="python"] >>> hello.py Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#0>", line 1, in <module> hello.py NameError: name 'hello' …

Member Avatar for leegeorg07
Member Avatar for smcp

So I'm basically completely screwed at the moment. I'm enrolled in a higher level course at my school (an Artificial Intelligence class) despite the fact that I'm new to my major (computer science) and have very little programming experience (just C++, that's all). I was just wondering, has anyone around …

Member Avatar for adam1122
Member Avatar for tomtetlaw

this is my code: [code=python] #!/usr/bin/env python #==========================================# # Copyright Tom Tetlaw & Shadwick (c) 2009 # #==========================================# import pickle as pk from formatting import * from gclasses import * from gfuncs import * from items import * from objs import * class Actor(object): def __init__(self, name, age, race, profession): …

Member Avatar for BlueNN

I'm trying to get my little user-input program to recognize that words aren't numbers. Without any logic parameters the program just crashes when you put in anything but a number, I'm attempting to allow the user to try again and put in a number using a while loop, but I …

Member Avatar for adam1122
Member Avatar for MaQleod

I'm fairly new to python and object oriented programming in general, so I'm having a little trouble figuring out why this doesn't work this is the error I'm getting for the code below: Error: 'str' object has no attribute 'insert' [CODE]filetolist = FileReadToList("test.txt") print filetolist[0] def FileCountLines(s_filename): f = open(s_filename) …

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Member Avatar for BlueNN

I've just started in Python and I'm still feeling my way around, I tried to create a quick program to display "Welcome to Python!" without the quotes. The entirety of the code is this: [code]print('Welcome to Python!')[/code] However, when I double-click on the .py file Python opens up for less …

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The End.