15,190 Topics

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Member Avatar for wtzolt

I need help with something I'm working on. I'm new to python so bare with me. I have a string being randomly generated in such format (example): [CODE]F' B D D2 A2 C'[/CODE] [I]6 Letters from A to F with ether a number " 2 " or " ' " …

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Member Avatar for nimmyliji

Hi, I want to parse a date and change the format using python. Date has the format like 'Mon Feb 15 2010' and i want to change the format into '15/02/2010'. Any one can help me. Thanks in advance. Nimmy

Member Avatar for nimmyliji
Member Avatar for vsagarmb

Hi Guys, I am trying to pass a c structure from C to Python. Write the recieved structure at Python to a file, read back the structure from the file at Python and send it back to C. I am passing the structure as an array of bytes and write …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for sindhujavenkat
Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for nimmyliji

Hi, How can i check whether the GPRS connection is active or not using python? Is it possible to check it? Thanks in advance. nimmyliji

Member Avatar for kfancy

Hi all. Please edit/add/help me make this blackjack program work. Thank you. class Card: def __init__(self, suit, rank): self.rank = rank self.suit = suit if self.rank == 1: self.rank = "Ace" self.value = 11 elif self.rank == 11: self.rank = "Jack" self.value = 10 elif self.rank == 12: self.rank = …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for surfershort

Hi everyone. I am in the process of building a surfing conditions forecast site for the UK, and at the moment im really struggling with GRads software to produce a swell chart from GRIB files for the UK - (North West Atlantic). I have discovered that there is a different …

Member Avatar for bharatk

I have opened an image using the PhotoImage method of ImageTk How do I close the image. This is the scenario is I am using it in. I have 2 buttons, one each to open an image from disk & image from url. When I open either of them the …

Member Avatar for bharatk
Member Avatar for Hawkeye Python

I've read the documentation, but I still can't creat my own packages. How should the __init__.py look like? Cause i've tried to let it blank and some stuff like [CODE] my_package/ __init.py__ sub_pack/ __init.py__ test.py [/CODE] but it pointed syntax error If I don't write anything on it, no error …

Member Avatar for Ene Uran
Member Avatar for kfancy

import random class Card: def __init__(self, suit, rank): self.rank = rank self.suit = suit if self.rank == 1: self.rank = "Ace" self.value = 11 elif self.rank == 11: self.rank = "Jack" self.value = 10 elif self.rank == 12: self.rank = "Queen" self.value = 10 elif self.rank == 13: self.rank = …

Member Avatar for redyugi
Member Avatar for txwooley

How would I execute a command and have it's output returned as a list or string? For example (in Linux): [CODE]os.system("iwconfig")[/CODE] prints a list of wireless devices to stdout. How can I make Python see those results as a list or string so I can search for certain devices (like …

Member Avatar for txwooley
Member Avatar for kfancy

We're making blackjack and when we ask hit or stay, how do we make sure that the player gives us a valid response by typing either 'hit' or 'stay'? Thanks!

Member Avatar for jcao219
Member Avatar for rehber344

hi this is the corotuıne example writen in def [CODE]namelst=['Charles Darwin (1809-82)', "Darwin's principal works, The Origin of Species (1859)", 'and The Descent of Man (1871) marked a new epoch in our', 'understanding of our world and ourselves. His ideas', "were shaped by the Beagle's voyage around the world in", …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for rehber344

#it suppose to pıng but ıt ıs not workıng #do u know the reason why #thanks [CODE]from subprocess import call, STDOUT import time class pinger(object): def __init__(self, ip=""): self.ip=ip self.succes=False self.timer=time.sleep(0.0) self.cnt=0 def wait(self): print "we are waiting. %s" % self.timer return self.timer def getwaiter(self): return self.wait def ping(self, i):#at …

Member Avatar for snippsat
Member Avatar for AnnetteM

Has anyone used this code to calculate quantiles? The code defines the function 'quantile'. If one runs the code and names the script file 'quanitle.py' and puts it in the same directory as another code file calling the function, why is the function not accessed???? Here's the copy-and-paste script for …

Member Avatar for AnnetteM
Member Avatar for rlogan1

Hi, does any of you have any idea why the self.status variable is not rewritten? When I run the script below, although it connects to the ip and port mentioned, and receives a message, the self.status is still "down" the otuput is : down it should be: 'message …

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Member Avatar for Kruptein

I really don't see what is wrong =(. First I download via curl a file, then I want to compare it to a local file there are 15 lines in dwnext.ded and there are 14 lines in extlib.ded I want to store in append those lines that have a string …

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Member Avatar for atqamar

Hello, I have an Excel file with 40,000 rows of data. I would like to create a program in which reads the first column of the 40,000 lines and allows me to choose which row to edit. After selecting the row to edit, I'd like a form to come up …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for Purnima12

[CODE]print ('Why hello there!') print ('\n') print ('It seems I have been given the ability to process more complex commands...') print ('\n') yourname1 = input('Would you mind telling me your name?') print ('\n') print ('\n') print ('Thank you,', yourname1,',' 'who is that friend of yours?') print ('\n') print ('\n') yourname2 …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Is this possible? Any tutorial if possible? I want to make a program to do mass conversion of my Icons without loosing resolution

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for sindhujavenkat

I have created a mainWindow with menubar and toolbar. When I click a tool in a toolbar, function should return a layout. how can I write a function?

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for jtbcswiss

I perform the following search using regular expression in Python on about 3000 html documents in .txt format and obtain about 600 cases where the following program returns 1 (finds the chain): [CODE]def risk_committee_search1(str): ## get the re object co = re.compile(r""" (?P<nam>:.{300} RISK\W+ (\w+\W+){0,5}? COMMITTEE .{300} | .{300} COMMITTEE\W+ …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for Hawkeye Python

I'm new at Python coding and in DaniWeb. Really nice forum :icon_cheesygrin: Need some help w/ the following code: the content of saldo.txt is the following [CODE]1000[/CODE] The code I was talkin' about: [CODE] # [...] f = open('C:/saldo.txt') print f saldo = f.readline() f.close() if saldo <= 100: a …

Member Avatar for snippsat
Member Avatar for donnyv

Hi, I want to read the data from a worksheet in an excel workbook, write it to a new worksheet and save that as a dbf or csv file (one worksheet)...basically extracting worksheets from a workbook and saving them individually, renaming them as the title of the worksheet with the …

Member Avatar for J-M DESMETTRE
Member Avatar for Hawkeye Python

Incomplete dice game function, dunno why does'nt works... If you're not using windows, change the dir. "C:/" [CODE] def bet(Bet): try: f = open('C:/money.txt') print f money = f.readline() f.close() print ('You have', money, 'Dollars. Wanna play dice(y/n)?') v = raw_input() if v == 'y': # here i'm printing those …

Member Avatar for The_Kernel
Member Avatar for Stubaan

Hi folks Can anyone explain to me why this is not working please? I am trying to delete the first 52 lines of a text file, then skip deleting the next line, then deleting the next 100 lines, then skipping the next line and repeating the process until the file …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for Hawkeye Python

Well, I'm a begginer in Python coding, and at DaniWeb. My problem is: I can't open any files! I tried: [CODE] >>> f = open('C:\teste.txt', 'w') Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#2>", line 1, in <module> f = open('C:\teste.txt', 'w') IOError: [Errno 22] invalid mode ('w') or filename: 'C:\teste.txt'[/CODE] …

Member Avatar for Hawkeye Python
Member Avatar for vermont

Please I am having challenges to write a code with notepad and then run it with IDLE 2.6 particularly when importing modules like turtle. Here is an example: here is python code : [code=python] # Programme pour dessiner une série de triangles équilatéraux de différentes couleurs en différent endroit. from …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for persianprez

I'm trying to make the code able to post in here [url]http://spreadsheets.google.com/embeddedform?formkey=dEtSUVAtQVAtUVN1WDFPU3BEbm9yNkE6MA[/url] I've been successful in getting to read from the spreadsheet. With this code if you're wondering: [CODE] import urllib opener = urllib.FancyURLopener({}) f = opener.open("urlhere") print f.read() [/CODE]

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Member Avatar for vamsicoolman

please help me how to check the validity of the json object if suppose the example of the JSON is as ({type:'AAU', msgid:1265033798233, sel:0, gadinfo:[{ adid:316,adprt:40.0,dur:10,ef:'2009/06/03 10:00:00',et:'2012/06/03 12:00:00',imgfurl:'vaccumcleaner_h.jpg' }]}) SO I want a script in python which would give me the validity of the object as the output by taking …

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The End.