15,190 Topics

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Member Avatar for scru

Several things have led me to writing this post However, late last week I did some poking around in the Windows C API from ctypes (not using pywin32) for a project I was finishing up, and I [I]loved it[/I]! Since then I've been playing around with ctypes and Windows function …

Member Avatar for lllllIllIlllI
Member Avatar for memphis1234

I have to write a program which generates a pascal's triangle. The user inputs the height of the triangle and it supposed to generate one. This is what I have so far and I don't know how you would keep adding rows after the second one. I'm so lost :( …

Member Avatar for yilmazhuseyin
Member Avatar for strobon

hi...can somebody give me a little help here. i get error message : 'file' object is not callable its a program that call shell script (shell script run "fusion.deb"). here`s the code: test.py [CODE]#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import os try: import pygtk pygtk.require("2.0") except: pass try: import gtk import gtk.glade …

Member Avatar for strobon
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

I have Dictionary that I update time after time and the dictionary result get inserted to the wxListCtrl in report mode. The problem comes when I insert new data. It seems that the unicode character (u') is also get inserted as part of data. Is there any way to strip …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for apollo1492

i need to be able to have python spit out a date like this (mm/dd/yyyy) even if the user doesnt add the "/" to there input. here is what i got so far. import string date = raw_input(enter your date:") print date[0:2]+'/',date[2:4]+'/',date[4:8] the output is mm/ dd/ yyyy. how would …

Member Avatar for yilmazhuseyin
Member Avatar for RRamya
Member Avatar for RRamya
Member Avatar for besktrap

hey everyone. i am writing a program in python w/ Tkinter and ran into a problem with padding. So, i have a Label object named DataPool_Text. when I run it (side=TOP), it goes to the top middle of the screen. I know how to use padx, but what would I …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for thehivetyrant

I have been asked the following: create inputs for a half-adder using python and the outputs i expect. I was hoping someone could just have a look at this for me and see if i've got the right idea. This will work from a copy and paste straight off the …

Member Avatar for BearofNH
Member Avatar for drew7py

I am trying to create an array of integers from a list of strings to do some calculations, but all I can get is an array of strings or an error. Does numpy have any functions to do this? any help at all would be much appreciated. infile: 23 CL …

Member Avatar for Ene Uran
Member Avatar for drew7py

I need to add a column to a list of strings and then print it back to a new text file without [] or "". I tried this below but it is not the result I wanted. infile looks like this: 23 CL 006 2004 DBA8ORPU 41 8Y S0111P 2 …

Member Avatar for Ene Uran
Member Avatar for smtareq

Hello everyone, Can someone kindly explain me what is the basic difference between python statements and expressions? I'm too much confused about them and cannot upgrade my knowledge about Python until I get a full grasp on them because they are everywhere! Some explanation with example may help me a …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for planetPlosion

I am trying to make a 8 x 8 grid of boxes to manipulate for a matching game. I started with wxPython since I have no experience with pygame. I have it laid out with: [code] WINDOW_WIDTH = 1200 WINDOW_HEIGHT = 1200 class MainFrame(wx.Frame): def __init__(self): wx.Frame.__init__(self, None, title = …

Member Avatar for planetPlosion
Member Avatar for artemis_f

I am a complete beginner to python (I have only used it for a statistics class in the past). I want to develop a program that is kind of like [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FreeMind"]FreeMind[/URL] - it will allow the user to create Ishikawa diagrams for a particular purpose. So essentially I want the …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for mruane

I ask the user in my program to enter up to four types of income, with 0 filling the unused income slots. Then, the program is supposed to add up the incomes. It goes like this: user defines values for incomes 1, 2, 3 and 4. Program adds together the …

Member Avatar for gbrokaw
Member Avatar for haydenal

I have a start date and an end date and I'd like to know how many months that occurrence fell in. For example if my start date was 2009, 01, 31 and the end date was 2009, 02, 01 I'd like to calculate that the occurrence fell in 2 different …

Member Avatar for oldSoftDev
Member Avatar for LinkMaster03

Using curses, how can I echo and capture input at the current cursor position? I have moved the cursor using scr.move(y,x) and turned on echoing. I can type into it and have it displayed. How can I capture this data as a string after the user presses enter?

Member Avatar for LinkMaster03
Member Avatar for Bidamin

Hi, I am trying to write a script that takes in a user inputed Excel file and adds/deletes/edits a row and re-saves it. Because xlrd and xlwt dont work together I am forced to combine them together and copy the xlrd workbook to an xlwt workbook. I am using python …

Member Avatar for slate
Member Avatar for Alien15x

am i correct in assuming that when a computer behind a router with port forwarding opens a port (port 1337, when i run my server), that the router automatically notices and sets itself up to send all port 1337 traffic to that computer? i've got two simple applications, a client …

Member Avatar for Freaky_Chris
Member Avatar for lllllIllIlllI

Well this is probably a really stupid question but i was doing pygame tutorial and i dont know what a vector is and they keep talking about them, there were special vector classes and things like that, im rather confused, so if someone could teach me what a vector is …

Member Avatar for Ene Uran
Member Avatar for Ghostenshell

Having trouble with the final loop in this craps program. Any suggestions. Problem starts on line 28. Was thinking about breaking the whole thing into functions but I don't exactly know where to call them at. When I do call them I get accessed before argument errors or something to …

Member Avatar for oldSoftDev
Member Avatar for MaxManus

Hey, I got an array with float values from 0 - 120. How can I find the first element over 100 and which element it is?

Member Avatar for scru
Member Avatar for adam291086

Why wont my cookie set in firefox [CODE]#!/usr/bin/python import Cookie print "Content-type: text/html\n" C = Cookie.SimpleCookie() C["number"] = 7 C["string"] = "seven" print C["number"].value print C["string"].value print C print "Set-Cookie: string=seven; " [/CODE]

Member Avatar for adam291086
Member Avatar for drone626

I have a simple rational number class which looks roughly like: [CODE] class Rational: def __init__(self, numerator,denominator): self.numerator= numerator self.denominator= denominator more functions... [/CODE] but when I work with really large numbers such as the following example: [CODE] >>>a= Rational(2**64, 1) >>>a [/CODE] python crashes telling me Rational instance has …

Member Avatar for drone626
Member Avatar for Ghostenshell

First I like to thank everyone that helped me with my work... Please bear with me I don't know how to explain my problem. Trying to get the random number to remain the same through out the length of the program. When the player guess the right number the player …

Member Avatar for Ghostenshell
Member Avatar for happymadman

Hi, how would I get the timer() class to change time display()'s self.time I'm new to threads and classes and have been sitting here thinking about it for the last half hour and still have know idea Thanks heaps for any help. [code=python] # Count down timer import time import …

Member Avatar for happymadman
Member Avatar for n0p

First of all I apologize for my bad english I am beginner in writing GUI apps with Glade and python, i am having problem with libglade.. well I know that glade-3 hasn't yet good implementation with gtkbuilder, so python users are saving projects in libglade format, and then we convert …

Member Avatar for chebude

I have too collect a daily rainfall data from a certain model output. The model ouput gives out each stations daily data separately which I have to collect together and further analyse. [I have tried the following, it works but my data - thousands of pcp_#.txt which makes the process …

Member Avatar for chebude
Member Avatar for leegeorg07

i looked at the python 3k print module from griboullis and i want to use it for python 2.5 without having to import it every time, i think it needs to be builtin but how can it do this, i don't mind if the old print is still there but …

Member Avatar for leegeorg07
Member Avatar for Deepak.G

hi im trying to write a python script for a telnet client. So far im able to establish a connection with a server. My problem is that i want to print (at the client) all the activities at the server end. Let me put it this way. Suppose i send …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for SoulMazer

Hi, so I just have a question that I at least think will be pretty easy. So, I am making a script that basically gives you a "vocabulary test". There is just one feature I would like to implement that I need help with. I would like to make it …

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The End.