15,185 Topics
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| I hope people don't mind seeing references to other forums here. I'm a regular at [URL="http://www.python-forum.org"]www.python-forum.org[/URL] but lately I've been having problems with the site. Last week, I couldn't post anything for two days, but that seems to be resolved. Now, I can't even log in. I get a "406" … |
Hi there, I have a data set ([url]http://app.lms.unimelb.edu.au/bbcswebdav/courses/600151_2008_1/datasets/entertainment/moviestats_large.csv)[/url], and i was just wondering the best way of tackling the question stated below: Which director is the most productive? I an new to python and wondering if anyone could help me out a little on this problem. I have considered trying … | |
i have a script which will do a specific task for a file in a folder,now i would like to do the same task for the all files in that folder(25 files).how can i do that? Thanks in advance. | |
Hi All, We have been using http_class in urllib2.py ,_http.py and calling its various methods like h = http_class(host) # will parse host:port h.set_debuglevel(self._debuglevel) h.request(req.get_method(), req.get_selector(), req.data, headers) h.getresponse() I am searching this class in the python directory but I could'nt find any.. DO we need to download this separate … | |
here is what i have to do: [url]http://www.sendspace.com/file/og252q[/url] this is what i have so far. [url]http://ayman86.pastebin.org/34381[/url] its pretty much the code in the pdf file with defined functions of quick sort, bubble sort and better bubble sort im not sure how i implement "size of array increment, and number of … | |
Hello, I have a project to make a text comparer. I've downloaded almost 90000 texts from a site, parsed them and stored the texts in a file(150MB). So now, a new text is in another file and should be compared with the others, and return a result of 20 most … | |
Hey guys, I'm trying to get a socket to work, but this code doesn't seem to fire. [code] #!/usr/bin/python import sys import os import socket serverHost = 'localhost' # servername is localhost serverPort = 2000 # use arbitrary port > 1024 mySocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # create a TCP socket … | |
Hi i was wondering the best way to time how long a function/program takes i cant work out how to do it. I tried fiddling with the time module yet i keep doing the wrong things. | |
[CODE] #!/usr/bin/python #SQL Table/Column Fuzz #How to use this tool: #In this script you can test Tables, Columns or #Both. # #For your site argument set TABLE,COLUMN or both for #which ever you want to test. #Example: #./d3.py www.site.com/shop.php?id=-1+union+all+select+1,COLUMN,3+from+TABLE-- # #Add the errors you receive to the ERRORS array. # … | |
[code] # This is meant to draw Start and Stop buttons and a label # The Start button should start a loop in which the label # is configured to change colour and text. # At each pass through the loop the variable self.stop is checked: # if True the … | |
Hi all, I need to open a https site ,I have http proxy for that site..I want write a program in python which can open an https site via http proxy using certificates which I exported from browser to my local system. Can anyone help me in this regard?? | |
Hi My question is: i made a program that counts up and up continuously in the background but i want it to print what number it is up to when you press a certain button such as ENTER. I have tried using raw_inputs() but all that happens is it keeps … | |
I have a list for exemple: a = [ 9,6,5,4,1,0,0,7,6] . By this function I want to delete all element which content zero and delete all element which content duplicate. But it doesn’t do exact what I want. [CODE]def rensa(a,b): j=0 for i in a: if a[j]<= 0: del a[j] … | |
Python's system of deciding for you what type to give all your variables is nice and all, but is there a way to force it to give a variable a certain data type? For instance, if you give it the following: [code=Python]n = 2 m = 3 print n/m[/code] It'll … | |
Hi everyone, Would someone please tell me how to hide the command prompt window while my Tk/Tkinter program runs, I'm kinda new to windows programming, but i'm doing all right. (except the command prompt window keeps sticking its tung at me) Thanks for any help, I appreciate it. | |
Hi all, I would need your expertise/advice on the problem I encounter right now when I tried to parse in the contents of .csv file. Here is the scenario: 1) I have csv file with the possible entries as follow: ProjCat,RefNum,ProjTitle,MemberName,ProjDeadline,ProjGrade --> Header I,0001,"Medical Research in XXX Field,2007","Gary,Susan",20.05.07,80 R,0023,Grid Computing … | |
This was a comment from ee_programmer in reference to one of the Python code snippets. [code=python]""" I was expecting the first class instance to only have one dictionary entry {'person0': 0} rather than two dictionary entries. Similar expectation with second class instance. How do I create and assign value to … | |
what are the differences between these two type of commands: 1- >>> import socket 2- >>> from socket import * i mean when you get the object list from the first command it gives different object from when you get objects from the second command. so does it mean these … | |
Hi, I'm a starter of python programming and i've stuck on a problem. i imported a csv library into the consule and i tried to print out a particular column. but i don't want to print out the heading (which is the first row) of the column. this is what … | |
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Hi! how can i run a python script in a link such as([url][/url] do i nid?i have ubuntu7.10 and installed apache2.pls help.tnx!! | |
hi guys!! im having a hard time editing the main configuration file httpd.conf.im planning to use it for a project with api using python and im trying to run it in our office ip address.([url][/url] you pls help me.what are the right codes for it?im really having a hard time … | |
Hi everyone, I'm trying to find the points that satisfy the equation y^2=(x^3)+ (4*x) + 4 (mod 5) from the book i know im suppose to get x=0 y=2 x=0 y=3 x=2 y=0 x=4 y=2 x=4 y=3 so far i haven't been luck in getting anything any help is appericated … | |
Hi, Assume that I have a target directory, which I am using as a location to store my python scripts.What I need to do is to listen to that directory and when a python script is placed in that directory, I need to execute it at that time.Can anyone give … | |
Hey guys again, well i got another question. When ever i have an if statement asking for input and i try to use an elif statement and run the code, it say's 'elif' is an syntax error. Is it an indention problem or something else? Thanks [CODE]print "1) Play" if … | |
Could someone please help. I would like to sort a multidimensional array. But to sort it out by one key which appears in all array for example. [code] total=[[serial,'john'],[[serial,'james']] [/code] all the records i have all in arrays they contain a "serial" i would like sort by serial. I have … | |
Recently I downloaded Ubuntu v8.04 (Hardy Heron), and was delighted to find Python pre-installed. However, that pleasant surprise was soon dampened by the fact that IDLE would not run, and so I am left without a decent program for coding in Python. gedit works, but lacks pretty much everything except … | |
My script works perfectly now!!! :) This is my first script too!! The problem is that this code sucks. I hate to bash my own code, but it is really inefficient and I am sure that there is a better way to perform the brute force. Here is the code, … | |
Hey guys....I've been doing Python for probably more than 4 months and i have gotten to the point saying to myself "What should i make?" and "How would i do that?" i just don't know where to go know and what to do. I am capable in many things in … | |
The End.