15,192 Topics

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Member Avatar for zls11610

i want to define a dictionary in python script i come from china . start to learn python only a week ago e-mail: [email]zls11610@onestx.com[/email]

Member Avatar for praveen_web
Member Avatar for SUBHABRATAIISC

If I write a code like: def addstring(n): a1=raw_input("PRINT THE FIRST STRING:") a2=raw_input("PRINT THE SECOND STRING:") a3=" " a4=a1+a3+a2 print "THE TWO STRINGS YOU PRINTED ARE ADDED AS" print a4 Now, if I design one HTML form where strings can be submitted but if I put one ADD button how …

Member Avatar for SUBHABRATAIISC
Member Avatar for tondeuse34

Is there a function out their in python that you will declare a target i.e. a text box on another open window, and it would print text to that screen? Thanks

Member Avatar for tondeuse34
Member Avatar for froboi

So i've been attempting to program a home bar tending program that takes materials that you have in your home and compiles a list of drinks that you can possibly make. The problem I'm having is that i have no clue how to make the search function and the compiling …

Member Avatar for jrcagle
Member Avatar for callie_360

Hi! :) I want to read each line in my file, and determine if each occuring page tag is included in the validPages array...I've gotten everything except when I retrieve a line with a page tag (readLines()), I can't use that line as a string to compare with my array...even …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for Azurea

I've got an issue with lists right now. I've got 2 lists, Checker1 and Checker2, which check for the Ko rule in my game of Go. However, Checker2 should always be checking the board one turn behind Checker1, which checks the board every turn. That way, the Ko rule can …

Member Avatar for Azurea
Member Avatar for SUBHABRATAIISC

If we write a code like: a=['city','village','town','capital'] a1=len(a) a2=range(a1) for x in a2: a3=a[x] print a3 In this code if we want to store the value of a3 it would store last value always. But in any way can we store all the values?

Member Avatar for Ene Uran
Member Avatar for Tyrfing

Hello, I am trying to install scipy on Ubuntu 8.0.4LTS, and am having some serious issues. I have succesfully downloaded and installed scipy, but when I try and "import scipy" in a program I am returned: ImportError Traceback (most recent call last) /home/tim/Desktop/scipy-0.6.0/<ipython console> in <module>() /home/tim/Desktop/scipy-0.6.0/scipy/__init__.py in <module>() 52 …

Member Avatar for Tyrfing
Member Avatar for happimani

Dear all, Iam installing Python 2.4 version in silent mode msiexec\i "python.msi' \qn but after finishing this i got one error in WIN32.exe installation i enclosed that screenshot in this post,am i correct in my process what are the Actuall steps to implement silent mode installation,,,any idea.............. regards Narain

Member Avatar for jrcagle
Member Avatar for gotm

i am completely stumped at how to create this program. can anyone help out? here are the guidelines. Introduction Perhaps in no other sport does statistics play as major a role as in the game of Baseball. In fact, certain numbers, such as 56 (length of Joe DiMaggio's hitting streak), …

Member Avatar for jrcagle
Member Avatar for urmybaby

As basis for the assignment, we use a CSV file named country.csv in which information about countries is recorded. This file is posted on the assignment Web page1. The first line in the file is the header line and describes the content of each column. The first value in a …

Member Avatar for kdoiron
Member Avatar for tondeuse34

Hey guys, I've started using Tkinter now and I've came across a problem...Here in the code below i just want a drop box style menu to appear and when i click that option, theres more options. When i click for example their would be a box called Addition, you would …

Member Avatar for Capt.Micro
Member Avatar for Mackjan

Hi How can I stop a loop, this function sort my list as I wish but I want to stop it when it done the task. I have a list x = [4,4,2] and during 15 attempt I want to sort it like that x = [1,2,3,4], if the function …

Member Avatar for Mackjan
Member Avatar for jmroach

I am trying to add entries to a dictionary with the following loop: [CODE=python] for p in pressures: q70in.resetKeyword( "expansionRatio", p ) q70in.writeInput( prefix + tempInput ) commands.getstatusoutput( runq70 ) q70out = q70.Q70Output( prefix + outputFile ) results[p] = {} #results[p]['Performance'] = q70out.performance results[p]['Conditions'] = q70out.conditions print q70out print results …

Member Avatar for jmroach
Member Avatar for wonkychair

Hi all, I'm pretty new here and I'm also pretty new to Python. I'm planning this application that would scan a plugins directory on startup and add one tab for each plugin to the main wx.Frame. Now, I got this simple plugin example working, that printed a line from the …

Member Avatar for sam_only96

Hi All ! Glad to become a part of DaniWab IT Discussion. This is Samar a beginner to Python programming . I am from Bangalore India. Having a lot of Questions and a huge ambition i am here with you.I am too friendly , too open minded and cool my …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for tondeuse34

Hey guys, is it possible to simulate a mouse click using x and y co-ordinates. And also could you have user input of a certain co-ordinate and it would click that specified co-ordinate? thanks.

Member Avatar for tondeuse34
Member Avatar for alasseon

Hello, All: My first post... I've looked high and low for the ability to write a Chinese language text string in a program. For example: myString = "你好" So that if you say: print myString on the console you will see: 你好 But I have yet to be successful. First …

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Member Avatar for Altarium

I've got a small bit of code I need to convert to C#. However my experience with C# is very very limited and a simple python program like the one I'm trying to convert is beyond my experience in C#. If anyone knows of any converters or is willing to …

Member Avatar for Typhon
Member Avatar for sam_only96

Hi All ! "Do win32all work well in Vista box can anyone show me how to start and stop a service in vista ,i have working code for window xp and 2k"

Member Avatar for sneekula
Member Avatar for afi88

Hi. I have a problem with a physics assignment I have to finish by tonight. They have already given me a python code, but I have to find the period T of Jupiter through interpolation. (It doesnt have to be interpolation, but my teacher recommended it.) This is the program: …

Member Avatar for sneekula
Member Avatar for lllllIllIlllI

Hi I was making a program that tried to open firefox like this: [code] exec file('C:\\Program Files\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe') [/code] but i get an error [icode] exec file('C:\\Program Files\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe') File "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe", line 1 SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\x90' in file C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe on line 1, but no encoding …

Member Avatar for lllllIllIlllI
Member Avatar for jrcagle

So I have this nifty wxPython widget -- a Cartesian Coordinate plane with scrolling ability. Three issues: (1) On scrolling outwards, I set it to resize itself, which seemed like a reasonable plan. But the resizing is very choppy. Is there any way to capture the last wx.SIZE event instead …

Member Avatar for ssDimensionss

Hi i have a CSV file that looks something like this: Name ASX_Code Date SharePrice ACACIA RESOURCES AAA 19990630 1.75 ACACIA RESOURCES AAA 19980630 1.72 ABSOLUTE RETURN FUND UNIT AAB 20040625 0.9 ABSOLUTE RETURN FUND UNIT AAB 20030630 0.85 AUSTRALIAN AGRICULT. AAC 20070629 2.95 AUSTRALIAN AGRICULT. AAC 20060630 1.935 AUSTRALIAN …

Member Avatar for bvdet
Member Avatar for tefflox

I am designing a small, commercial website that requires an administration page where the owner can upload photos and update the inventory table. It was coming along just fine until I found out, by brute force, that Dreamhost does not allow a PHP script to execute the Image Magick commands …

Member Avatar for jrcagle
Member Avatar for Shadow14l

Whenever I open a page with urllib or urllib2 (file = urllib.urlopen(urllinkhere)) and when I print it, I get this: [IMG]http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o229/Shadow14l/boxes1.gif[/IMG] See all the square boxes? Unknown characters or something... Well they are and represent the returns (new lines). If I saved this to a text file, all the boxes …

Member Avatar for Shadow14l
Member Avatar for FreezeBlink

There's a function that repeatedly shows up in languages, usually with more or less the following form (Python syntax): [code=Python]var1 = raw_input("Input a number between one and three.") choose var1: case "1": print "You inputted one." case "2": print "You inputted two." case "3": print "You inputted three."[/code] Or something …

Member Avatar for kdoiron
Member Avatar for deepakedward

I have been trying to install Pymmlib for viewing and manipulating mmcif files for my Bio informatics project but i can seem to get it installed it shows that a lot of dependencies are missing can anyone please tell me how i can successfully make this work also where do …

Member Avatar for harakiri1976

Hi Guys! I am trying to make a simple and very basic Database in Python. Something, like a small agenda with contacts. I make a dictionary within the script and I was trying to update that info with new Input data. The problem is that I am not sure I …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for tkpython

Hi just wonderin if anyone can help with my GUI, I got this far, but want to have an image on the background of the main app, and also the buttons. Ive read through vegaseat's script which he helped someone on here, but somehow I can implement his code into …

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The End.