15,190 Topics
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Hi I would like my python script take screenshot of my desktop every 15 mints and saving in my home dir in pic folder.but I get error? import os import sys import time import ImageGrab environ=os.environ img = ImageGrab.grab() FILES_DIR = 'pic' SAVE_PATH = os.path.join(environ['HOMEDRIVE'], environ['HOMEPATH']) LOGFILE_NAME = 'test.png' LOGFILE_PATH … | |
I am an amateur python coder and i was wondering if it is possible to put a timer into my times table game and if possible where i could put it. Here's my code for my game help would be appreciated , thanks :) import random import time print ("Hello … | |
I nead too run a python program from another code. I have the main code wher you can chose what too do and if you chose 1 you will run a surten python program and then return and if you chose 2 you will run some other program and then … | |
Hello , As mentioned in the tittle , i haver created a python small programm , that use MySQLdb , and just want to know the steps to be able to use it in an Android environnement ? | |
Dear all, i have data coming in file named time.csv and i wanted to convert the file in format conv_file format . How could i do it python | |
Greetings, first, I'm totally new to python. What I'm attempting to do is rebuild a clipped off sound wave. As I've been poking around I've come across things like "cubic spline interpolation" (that sounds like what I need -- but really is way over my head) I've come across other … | |
Dear all I have downloaded matplot lib for python2.7.2 windows using[(http://matplotlib.org/downloads.html)][Click Here](http://www.) . As per example i tried coding i found pyplot is not highlighted.i have attached test.cv file for which graph has to be plotted import csv import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure() def main(): pass if __name__ == '__main__': … | |
# calc.py - a Python calculator from tkinter import * # the main class class Calc(): def __init__(self): self.total = 0 self.current = "" self.new_num = True self.op_pending = False self.op = "" self.eq = False def num_press(self, num): self.eq = False temp = text_box.get() temp2 = str(num) if self.new_num: … | |
**this is my main file:** ExcelAppl = win32com.client.Dispatch('Excel.Application') Workbook = ExcelAppl.Workbooks.Open('excel file path') Sheet = Workbook.Worksheets.Item(1) Sheet1 = Workbook.Worksheets.Item(2) **this is the Python gui:** from Tkinter import * from tkMessageBox import * from tkColorChooser import askcolor import tkFileDialog import MainLibrary root = Tk() root.title("Chrysler Test Framework") root.geometry("800x500") def callback(): file_path … | |
Hello, This if statement is always returning true and I cannot see why. Could you guys tell me why? menu = input("Choose what you would like to do:\n\n1. Work out how far you will travel with a set time and speed\n2. Work out the speed you will need to travel … | |
Hy I would like to know what python gui framework, I can use that will be compatible cross platform and will help me create my snippet saver, that will be relational database, with categories for each language. I thought I can use kivy to create my graphical interface than use … | |
Trying use radio buttons to select which host I'm referring to since ultimately there will only be two and they are fixed addresses. This is the error: File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/lib-tk/Tkinter.py", line 1410, in call return self.func(*args) File "Untitled 2.py", line 63, in command=lambda: callback_power_off(off, host)) File "Untitled 2.py", line 28, in … | |
I'm trying to figure out a way to define my function for loaning a book within a class. This is what I have so far: class Library: # the class constructor def __init__(self, books, patrons): self.books=books self.patrons=patrons def __str__(self): s="Patron(" for patron in self.patrons: s+=str(patron) + ', ' if len(self.patron) … | |
I have made a QTableView that displays images from disk, there are two seriously agonizing problem I am facing. First of after the windows shows up making it maximize or changing size of window is very slow, and secondly I want to display images height width dependong on what can … | |
Hello, I've created a script that parses and downloads images from a website however now what I want to do is create a script that matches the files I've downloaded against common image file type signatures and then tells me how many of the files aren't those types. I'm still … | |
![]() | I installed wxPython2.8-osx-unicode-py2.7 from the wxpython website using their .dmg installer file. When I used the included uninstaller to remove wxPython it would not accept my password. I think this may be because my password contains some non-alphanumeric characters. Can anyone help? I'm running OSX 10.6.8. |
How would I be able to have a button that's command is to return it's text in the button to a variable | |
hello, I'm trying to resolve an issue that is requested to create a game with the same kind of Flow Free. Where I have to create a NxN matrix, which must be greater than or equal to 2 and less than or equal to 7. The size is selected by … | |
How do I display images in QListView of size of standard thumbnail size like 250 x 200 , and file nametext should wrap to next line , right now the images displayed are very small and are not positioned under each other in proper row column order. import sys import … | |
I am trying yo create symbolic link on my mac, but when i try to run i get error saying original item searchMethod cannot be found `$ ln -s '/usr/bin/env python ~/Development/python/searchMethod/python/searchMethod.py' searchMethod` | |
Hey all, I have the following code that is working fine; basically it finds all files on my desktop and then prints the specific ones that I am looking of. I save all files to my desktop and the files contain the clients name so I figure once a week … | |
I have a company scanner but very often people forget to remove scanned (confidencial documents) I want to create a script which will once day check a "/home/scanner" folder and if there are any files it moves them to my /home/Administrator folder. I dont really dont know how to start. … | |
how can i produce my buttons using while loop and a list if stirng # python 2.x #from Tkinter import * #from tkFont import Font # python 3.x from tkinter import * from tkinter.font import Font def button(frame, text, command=None): ft = Font(family=('Verdana'), size=14) return Button(frame, text=text, font=ft, width=3, command=command) … | |
hello sir, i have a xml file like <book> <title>abc</title> ........ <details> <name>abc</name> ..... <author>shakespere</author> <year>1980</year> </details> <details> <name>xyz</name> ..... <author>anand</author> <year>1995</year> </details> </book> i need to print the values of author,year if details.name == title here is my code DomTree = xml.dom.minidom.parse(file) book = DomTree.documentElement for t in domain.getElementsByTagName("title"): … | |
Why is this not working, no errors? photo exists in correct position... gui doesnt alwyas show up, image doesnt. Using python 3 from tkinter import * from random import * import time mainGUI = Tk() width2= 319 height2 = 240 widthOfScreen = mainGUI.winfo_screenwidth() #Get the width of the screen heightOfScreen … | |
hello there im doing this homework assignment and we are making 'facebook' like system now... to sum up, when i press a certain link next to that link has to be printed - liked or sth... the problem is i dont know how to detect when i press the link … | |
I wish to create a loop which adds images across a screen with random positions: photo1 = PhotoImage(file=address) #Assign image to PhotoImage XValue = randint(0,widthOfScreen-width2) #width2 = image width YValue = randint(0,heightOfScreen-height2) #width2 = image height Label(mainGUI, background = "white", image = photo1, borderwidth = 0).place(x=XValue, y = YValue) the … | |
def main(): p =input("Enter your sentence: ") words = p.split() wordCount = len(words) print ("The word count is:", wordCount) main() I get the read out: Enter your sentence: Hello world Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:/Python27/idk.py", line 11, in <module> main() File "C:/Python27/idk.py", line 3, in main p =input("Enter … | |
how do i backspace from last number and also clear th? last equation and add a quit button????????? from tkinter import * from tkinter.font import Font def button(frame, text, command=None): ft = Font(family=('Verdana'), size=14) return Button(frame, text=text, font=ft, width=3, command=command) def frame(frame, side=LEFT, bg="black"): f = Frame(frame, background=bg, padx=5, pady=5) … | |
Please help me, I want to make a quiz in python (And a game, if I get the time), can someone help me? I saw the topic projects for beginners, but it was a .dat file (which I opened using notepad 2), I don't know how to use a dat … |
The End.